Initial data
These are UFO reports. They "fly" over Sverdlovsk (in the vicinity of Koltsovo, South-western district, Uralmash), Alapaevsky, Nizhny Salda and other settlements. And, of course, people are keenly interested in what it is after all. For those who have not read our previous publications on this topic, I repeat that most of the observed objects are quite understandable. These are most often fireballs, remnants of spacecraft, fragments of geophysical and other rockets and probes. When entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, they burn up, sometimes creating quite bizarre optical, sound and other effects.
But some proportion of UFOs or, more broadly, anomalous phenomena(s) has not yet received scientific explanations (according to experts, up to 5 percent of the observed). Scientists who are gradually beginning to face these phenomena, seriously study them, put forward several hypotheses: the effect of self-organizing matter, parallel worlds, and so on. Of course, it's hard to believe (because you can't check) in such messages as the appearance of aliens in Voronezh, the action of unknown forces in one of the Moscow apartments, the flight of a woman from the village.Protvino (Moscow region) on a "flying saucer", meetings with humanoids in Rybinsk.
Yes, what to list remote cities, if news about aliens comes to us here. Seven humanoids from the constellation Orion allegedly systematically appear in one of the city apartments. They come into contact with the host, study the earthlings. Quite aggressive, domineering. The request (transmitted through a person who called us) to arrange a meeting with an editorial staff member or members of a newly created ufo group was rejected.
Probably, the majority, having heard about this, have the right, together with the candidate of psychological Sciences L.Gozman (Moscow), to ask: why is this obscurantism (belief in UFOs, aliens) so widespread, why are intellectuals and specialists so passive? After all, you can't check by an anonymous call whether it's an attempt at a prank, or a person has "gone crazy", that is, he needs treatment.
Let's take our time. Let's try to listen. After all, quite serious people who are critical of themselves and the world around them, who have considerable knowledge and a broad outlook, also address us with their messages. Moreover, they do not hesitate to consult a psychopathologist in case of doubt. Here is one of the stories about an incomprehensible thing that happened in one of the Sverdlovsk houses.
... At about 11 pm, a woman who was about to go to bed saw a man's face in the window (third floor, balcony).
"Something similar to an ancient sculpture, just amazing. It's like old ivory. It glows green, Socratic forehead, bare voluminous skull," she described the vision. They looked at each other for a long time, until the woman shamed the stranger in a low voice: "It's not good to look into someone else's apartment without asking."
The face trembled slightly and slowly began to move away from the window - into space. It gradually decreased to a point and disappeared.
My first thought was - the interlocutor had a dream. But she, as if guessing, said:
"I doubted myself, I thought I fell asleep. Although I remember well that I didn't sleep. But how to explain further?"
In the morning, when she came to work, she began to tell her colleagues about her unusual "dream". When suddenly one of the employees interrupted her, saying:
"Let me tell you first."
And she told me that at the same time she felt in her apartment that someone was looking at her. She looked back at the window –"an amazingly beautiful woman." Realizing that the hostess noticed her, the stranger disappeared in the same way as in the first case…
One important detail: the second narrator lives in the same house, only on the fifth floor.
Here is such a tall tale from the category "if you want to believe, you want to check." One thing I will say, they are serious people, aged, not prone to stupid jokes. Optical phenomenon, hallucination, "laser broadcasting", mirage, hypnosis or something else? It is easiest to categorically bring this case under any gradation of the listed. It is more difficult to try to seriously understand what happened.
Just a year or two ago, none of the serious scientists would even want to hear about such facts. At best, he would have snorted contemptuously: "Nonsense, old wives' tales..." But times are changing. Finally, we are beginning to realize how far behind humanity is in the study of nature. Especially alive.
That is why the most far-sighted scientists of the country are calling for bolder intrusion into the unknown. Search in all directions. For example, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.Treasurer recommends not to discard unexplained cases. Although, of course, it is difficult to give them the correct scientific justification.
Now there are more than 50 unions and associations in the world studying the UFO problem. A similar group has self-organized in Sverdlovsk. Besides her, there are individual enthusiasts in research and training centers, laboratories of the regional center. An interesting study on the problems of UFOs and psychics was sent to the editorial office by an employee of the Forestry Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S. Rempel. Its output:
"UFOs, as an objective reality, exist, as there are fireballs, auroras and other bursts of self-organization of matter and force fields around us."
There are a lot of curious things happening around us.
Recently, an incomprehensible thing happened in one of the Sverdlovsk apartments. A strange pattern suddenly appeared on the windowsill: a circle with a symbol enclosed in it, similar to a maple leaf. About three dozen rays radiated from the circle. There was a strange shading between some of them. The drawing was not washed off with hot water or even alcohol.
Numerous friends at home wondered about the origin and meaning of the strange drawing. Naturally, they sinned against mysterious aliens, poltergeists, and cosmic and other radiation. They argued for more than a week, until one of the women caught the eye of an ordinary hot water bottle, which a young mother usually put under her daughter's legs. The only miracle turned out to be that the drawing tightly "moved" from the heating pad to the paint, you can't etch it.
What I liked most about this story was that the owners of the "miracle" were looking for a realistic explanation of what happened until the last minute.
From time to time, emotional stories about various mysterious cases swirl around each of us. If you want to consult– call the editorial office.
I really don't want us to lose sight of anything unusual, extraordinary. Abnormal phenomena should be studied and systematized.
It is unreasonable not to study, not to strive, if possible, to read pages from the book of nature.
The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.
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