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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1633171605
Added Sat, 02/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Маунт-Паломар, CA
United States

For more than 70 years, UFO researchers have been tormented by the mystery of who this Dolores and her companions really were. If the names they mentioned were real, then why has no one discovered the slightest trace of their existence over all these years?

Currently the planet Venus is covered with thick clouds with a surface temperature of over +450°C - this is enough to melt zinc, lead and most organic materials.

It is believed that Venus is the hottest place in the Solar System, with the exception of the Sun itself.

However, research suggests that it could once have been inhabited. Could intelligent beings have lived on it then? Maybe they left their planet because of some cataclysm and found a new home somewhere else? For example, on Earth.

The case of Dolores Barrios is a classic example of a rare and strange story about Venusians living on Earth, who hide among us, masquerading as ordinary people.

In August 1954, the most "intriguing" ufo gathering in history was organized in the town of Mount Palomar, California. The main organizers of this event were such popular in those years ufologists-contactors as George Adamski, Truman Beturum and Daniel Fry. All three had their own stories of contact with UFOs and aliens, which were hotly discussed in the press.

The event was attended by thousands of people, including contactees, FBI agents and UFO witnesses.

On the first day of the congress, each of the contactees shared their experience. George Adamski was known for his stories about contacts with Venusian humanoids from the planet Venus. In his speech at the congress, he said that Venusians look almost like people.

According to him, aliens from Venus have penetrated deeply into our society and live in big cities. He even showed a painted image of a Venusian humanoid, very similar to typical Scandinavian-type people with blond hair, but not with such pale skin.

At the end of the first day of the congress, a strange girl was noticed among those present, who very quickly became the center of everyone's attention. She looked suspiciously like the portrait of the Venusian shown by Adamski—she had blonde hair and large dark staring eyes. And there was something very unusual about the structure of her skull.

She was accompanied by two men who also had an atypical appearance — they were tall, blond and very thin.

Someone approached the girl and asked her a direct question without much difficulty:

"Are you Venusians?".

The girl, not at all bothered by this strange question, answered "No" with a smile.

"Why are you here?" the interlocutor continued to insist nervously.

"Because we are interested in this topic," the girl answered frankly.

"Do you believe in flying saucers?" the man continued to ask, getting more and more nervous.  

The young woman, keeping surprisingly calm, simply replied "Yes."

Then the man asked her a new question: "Do you believe that aliens come to us from Venus, as he said (Adamski?)".

The girl's response was as firm and decisive as it was alarming: "Yes, they come from Venus."

Then a journalist named Joao Martins, who came to the congress from Brazil, approached the unusual trio and interviewed three strangers. During the conversation, he learned that the woman's name was Dolores Barrios, and she was a fashion designer from New York. The two men were her friends Donald Moran and Bill Jackmart, musicians living in Manhattan Beach, California.

Despite the names and professions given to him, Martins was also suspicious of Dolores, since her unusual appearance really attracted everyone's attention. He also asked them if he could take a picture of them, but they refused and it was noticeable that they were annoyed that they were persistently called Venusians.

On the next day of the congress, Martins still came to the trio again and took several photos of them, which suddenly scared them very much. It was reported that after photographing the girl and her two companions quickly left somewhere in the direction of the forest and no one else saw them.

And soon after that, in the same area, people saw a UFO taking off from the forest. Unfortunately, his photo was not taken.

In October 1954, the whole story of the congress, the alleged "Venusians" and their strange escape was published by Martins in the Brazilian weekly magazine "O Cruzeiro". At the same time, it turned out that for some reason Martins was the only one who photographed these three strange people at the congress, although many of those who came to the congress had cameras.

By the way, Adamski himself did not like this story, he felt that this trio deliberately came to his event to "pretend to be Venusians" and harm his reputation.

And for more than 70 years, UFO researchers have been tormented by the mystery of who this Dolores and her companions really were. If the names and professions they mentioned were real, then why has no one discovered the slightest trace of their existence over all these years? Neither in New York, nor in California, nor in any other US state.  Thousands of people have tried to solve this mystery over the years, but have not found anything.


Is Venus a habitable planet? Currently, it is covered with thick clouds, and the surface temperature in sunlight exceeds 864 degrees Fahrenheit. However, according to the study, it could once have been habitable.

Seven years after the Roswell incident, a group of UFO researchers claimed that aliens from Venus had arrived on Earth to find out what people knew about them. The case of Dolores Barrios is a classic example that is often associated with the theory of aliens from Venus.

In August 1954, the most intriguing UFO convention took place in Mount Palomar, California, at an altitude of more than 6,000 feet, opposite the Skyline Lodge Hotel. The main organizers of this convention were George Adamski, Truman Beturum and Daniel Fry.

All three had their own experience of UFO sightings, which served as a great incentive for the development of NLOLOGY. Thousands of people attended the event, including alien contactees, FBI agents and UFO witnesses.

During the first day of the convention, each of the contactees shared their experiences. George Adamski is known for his contact with aliens from Venus. He explained that the Venusians looked like humans. According to him, they have infiltrated our society and live in big cities.

He even showed a drawing of a humanoid Venusian, very similar to blond Caucasian people with a standard height and body structure, but not with such pale skin as the Scandinavians.

At the end of the first day, the audience was alarmed and confused by the presence of three pale-skinned people, among whom was a beautiful woman accompanied by two men.

The woman had blonde hair and intense black eyes. She had an excessive cranial formation and a strange bone mark on her forehead. One of the men was wearing glasses.

Rumors spread around the hall that they could be aliens from Venus, as they resembled the match Adamski had mentioned earlier. One of the people who seemed inquisitive asked the trio if they were from Venus. The woman smiled and answered him "no".

They had a little conversation with strangers. The trio said they came there out of curiosity, as they believe in flying saucers and in the story Adamski told about the Venusians.

A Brazilian journalist named Juan Martins, who came to the congress, interviewed three strangers. After conducting research, he found out that the woman's name was Dolores Barrios and she was a fashion designer from New York. The two men are Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart, musicians living in Manhattan Beach, California.

Martins had suspicions about Dolores, as she looked exactly like the woman in the picture shown by Adamski. He even asked them if he could take a picture of them, but they refused and were annoyed at being called Venusians.

On the next day of the convention, Martins photographed the trio. This scared them, so they ran into the woods, and soon after a UFO was spotted in the area, which took off. Unfortunately, no photos were taken.

The case was later published in O Cruzeiro, a Brazilian weekly magazine in October 1954, and the story was told by Martins. He was the only person covering the incident. On the other hand, Adamski did not like the whole scenario, because he believed that people calling themselves venusists wanted to harm his reputation.

Adamski claimed to have met a Venusian named Orton, who came to Earth to convey the message that people must live in peace, otherwise they will destroy themselves. A similar message was shown in the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stopped. Therefore, many have suggested that Adamski could have invented his own story.

In addition, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, he showed several photographs of UFOs, which later turned out to be a hoax. Huge disputes were also conducted around the photographs of the UFO of Juan Martins.

One day, Martins and his friend Ed Keffel photographed a blue-gray flying round object during an interview with a married couple in Rio de Janeiro in 1952. This incident is known as the Barra da Tijuca UFO incident. Many officials recognized the photos as authentic.

With regard to Dolores Barrios, there is always a dispute whether she was really an alien from Venus or not.

Original news

During a UFO Conference, seven years after the Roswell UFO Crash Incident, researchers claimed a group of aliens from Venus arrived to learn what we knew about them.

The audience noticed the presence of a beautiful woman in the company of two men. She had intense eyes, excessive cranial formation, and a strange bone mark on the forehead.

Their features resembled the description presented hours before by one of the Speaker, as the type of aliens that came from Venus and walked among us.

The rumor in the crowd spread that they were “Venusians” in disguise.

Later they found out her name was Dolores Barrios, a fashion designer from New York, and her friends were Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart, musicians living in California.

A journalist photographed Dolores using a flash, surprising her. The trio ran to the forest. Soon afterward, a flying saucer took off, but the witness could not capture a photo.

Nobody ever came forward, claiming they knew or recognized the people in the photos.

But are those the facts? Let’s check the original article, the main characters in this major UFO incident, and, most importantly, the era when the event took place.

The UFO Congress in Palomar

The facts described here happened in the summer of 1954, more precisely between August 7 and August 8.

In San Diego, California, the Palomar Observatory hosted these first know UFO Congresses, with essential physicists, astronomers, FBI agents, journalists, contactees, witnesses, and curious.

The main event was the panels with the three contactees, George Adamski, Daniel Fry, e Truman Bethurum about their alien encounters.

George Adamski’s presentation

George Adamski, a Polish-born American citizen witness, photographed and interacted with extraterrestrial aliens.

He claimed he met friendly Nordic-like aliens, whom he called “Space Brothers.”

These Space Brothers were from Venus and landed their flying saucer in the Colorado desert by November 20, 1952. In his contact with the Venusians, he had the opportunity to fly in their craft.

They presented him with a concerned message about the future of the people on Earth. The use of nuclear weapons and wars could put life on the planet at risk.

During Adamski’s presentation, he explained the Venusians’ intentions and morphological structure, just like human beings, with various minor aspects.

Their appearance was almost undetected, and they could live among us unnoticed. To illustrate it, Adamski presented a painting of a Venusian he called Orthon.

The image startled the audience. Among the spectators, three of them made this event unique and historical.

By the end of the first day, just a few hours after Adamski’s presentation, the audience noticed the presence of three individuals similar to those described by the contactee.

The rumor started that Venusians were among them, two men and a woman.

The woman was described with peculiar physic characteristics, protruding bone structure in the middle of the forehead, extending to the nasal form, and deep eyes with large eyelashes.

The Venusian Interview

Besides the public’s curiosity in general for flying saucers at the time, only one journalist covering the event made it public to the world.

Joao Martins, a reporter for the Brazilian weekly magazine “O Cruzeiro,” narrated the incident in 3 editions during October of 1954.

“O Cruzeiro,” at the time, was the largest magazine in circulation around South America.

Joao Martins took the opportunity to approach the group and discreetly took some photos.

But in his original article, Martins unpretentiously remarks about the enigmatic woman accompanied by two men who caused a furor while visiting the Congress, and her name was Dolores Barrios.

Who was Dolores Barrios

Upon researching, Martins discovered that she signed the guestbook as Dolores Barrios, declaring herself a fashion designer in New York.

The other two men were Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart, musicians from Manhattan Beach, California.

An attendee claimed to had talked to her:
“Are you or are you not Venusians?”.
Dolores Barrios smiled and calmly replied.
“- Why are you here?
She answered.
– Because we are interested in this subject.
– Do you believe in flying saucers?
– Yes.
– Is it true that, as Mr. Adamski says, that they come from Venus?
– Yes. They are from Venus.”

Martins asked if he could photograph them, but they refused. They were bothered and tired of being called Venusians.

According to Martins, Dolores Barrios looked very much like the painting that Adamski had shown.

For the rest of the conference, the three became isolated and didn’t talk with the other attendees.

The following day, the strange visitors were more receptive to talk and photographs at the end of the meeting.

On the other hand, Adamski did not like rumors. He thought it was a people trying to discredit him, portraiting themselves as Venusians.

Controversies behind George Adamski and Joao Martins.

During the fifties, in the middle of the Cold War, the feeling was the possibility of a Nuclear war. The fear of WWIII was real.

In 1951, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” debut in the theaters. The story involves a humanoid alien that comes to Earth to deliver a message that the human race needs to leave in peace or the planet will perish.

It was a similar message delivered by the Venusian Orthon to Adamski.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Taking into account the reputationGeorge Adamski and his Venusians, it can be assumed that the girl and her companions were foreigners or simply had an unusual appearance, but in the wake of the stories they were mistaken for aliens.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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