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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1632832946
Added Tue, 28/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Эверест, KS
United States

Kansas City, Missouri, STAR, July 12, 1947, p.

Flying ships of the 1880s.

The problem of a flying saucer or a meteor disk reminds me that back in the 1880s we had a myth about a flying ship. People in all parts of the country reported seeing the lights of supposed flying ships in the sky at night. They were not visible during the day. Newspapers published articles on the front page as real incidents.

I remember one article in The Star in which a flying ship landed on a pasture near Mount Everest (Kansas), and it was noticed that people in strange clothes, presumably from the planet Mars, selected and killed a beautiful meat animal, loading their prey on board the ship. ship and takeoff.


Original news

Kansas City, Missouri, STAR, 12 July 1947, page

Flying Ships of 1880s.

To the Star: The flying saucer, or meteor disk, problem reminds me that back in the 1880s we had the flying ship myth. Persons in all parts of the country reported seeing the lights of supposed flying ships appearing in the sky at night. They never were visible during the day. Newspapers carried articles on the front page as true incidents.

I remember one article in The Star, wherein a flying ship landed in a pasture near Everest, Kas., and strangely garbed men, supposedly from the planet Mars, were seen to select and slaughter a fine beef animal, load their kill on board the ship and take off.

1457 East Sixty-sixth terrace.

"Sky Disks" Are in His Eyes.

Manhattan, Kas. - To The Star: After reading the accounts of the "mystery disks," I went outside the house and looked at the sky. There I saw, or seemed to see, many of the same disks streaking across the sky. I called my parents out to see the same things.

Then my father, who is a doctor, said the things we saw were nothing but red blood cells mirrored against the back of the eye. He said red blood cells were circular in shape and one side was slightly hollow. This is the same description as that of the "mystery disks."

Could this be the answer to the national mystery?



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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