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UFO. United States

ID #1632750798
Added Mon, 27/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Голливуд, CA
United States

New York, New York, TIMES, July 7, 1950, page 14.

LOS ANGELES, July 6. (AP) - William Grant, 26, a former Marine Corps aerial photographer, reported today that he saw a brightly lit round object in the sky last midnight.

He estimated that the object was 50 feet in circumference, and when it was first seen, it was at an altitude of about 1000 feet above its head. According to him, his speed at first was about 100 miles per hour, then increased to 500 miles per hour, after which it disappeared behind the hills of Hollywood.

"It was about 45 seconds," Mr Grant said. "It didn't leave any exhaust traces and didn't make any sounds."

His story was confirmed by a friend, 35-year-old Gilbert Magill, president of a concern that conducts research using helicopters. Mr. Grant, who lives in Glendale, was visiting a friend in Hollywood. He said he was standing in the courtyard when he saw the object.


WASHINGTON, July 6 (UP). Today, the Air Force was faced with a new twist to the mystery of two years ago flying saucers-saucers launched from airplanes - but the answer was the same.

Officials said that John Keller, a farmer from Dovagiac, Michigan, must have been mistaken when he said he saw a US Air Force C-54 plane launching a flying saucer over his hay field last week.

They said he probably saw part of the hood come off one of the large four-engine vehicles.

Original news

New York, New York, TIMES, 7 July 1950, page 14


LOS ANGELES, July 6 (AP) - William Grant, 26 years old, a former Marine Corps aerial photographer, today reported seeing a brilliantly lighted circular object in the sky last midnight.

He estimated the object was 50 feet in circumference and when first seen was about 1,000 feet overhead. Its speed at first was about 100 miles an hour, then increased to about 500 miles an hour before disappearing behind the Hollywood hills, he said.

"It was in sight about 45 seconds," Mr. Grant said. "It left no exhaust trail and made no sound."

His story was confirmed by a friend, Gilbert Magill, 35, president of a concern conducting research with helicopters. Mr. Grant, who lives in Glendale, was visiting the home of a friend in Hollywood. He said he was standing in the patio when he saw the object.


WASHINGTON, July 6 (UP) - The Air Force was confronted today with a new twist to the two-year-old flying saucer mystery - saucers launched from planes - but its answer was the same.

Officials said John Keller, a farmer of Dowagiac, Mich., must have been mistaken when he said he saw an Air Force C-54 launch a flying saucer over his hayfield last week.

What he probably saw, they said, was a piece of cowling that came loose from one of the big four-engine transports.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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