ID | #1632307486 |
Added | Wed, 22/09/2021 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | The Globe and Mail
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, March 4, 1993, page A15
ALABAMA / The list of suspects ranges from aliens in UFOs to Satanists or government agents who swooped on helicopters to kill
The case of mutilated cows raises questions
Who kills cows in Sandy Mountain? Some people suspect aliens in UFOs. Some say that they are Satanists. Or it's government agents flying helicopters to kill. Or getting into high-voltage lines. Or they are cow killers, unclean and simple.
Whoever it is, it's chaos with udders up here. As Ted Oliphant said:
"Strange things are happening there."
And the hoof, too. Since October 26, animals - almost all cows - have been mutilated in several small rural settlements on this mountain in northeast Alabama. Almost all were killed in the same way, using precise, bloodless, almost high-tech surgical incisions, during which various parts of the animals were removed: tongues, teeth, eyes, ears, hearts, excretory and sexual organs.
And when the animals are on pastures, there are no traces left. There are no tire tracks. No sign of him. There's no blood either.
The mystery is reinforced by two factors: helicopters and UFOs. According to Mr. Oliphant, 95 percent of the cases are related to reports of sightings of helicopters, often with red, green and white or blue and white lights. Last month, Jean Cole, the wife of Albertville Chief Detective Tommy Cole, saw a helicopter in their backyard. She saw that four men in business suits were sitting in it. When she noticed them, the helicopter flew away. The next day, Det. Cole found a mutilated black Angus, his genitals and rectum were removed.
"I have seen many animals killed by predators, and there is always blood," he said. "I've never seen anything like it. I do not know what it was. I have been engaged in animal husbandry for 35 years. I have had many, many dead cows and bulls, but not one of them."
In addition, Fife is the "UFO capital of Alabama", as declared by the Alabama State Senate in 1989 after several UFO sightings in the same year. Mr. Oliphant, 33, once a director who made a documentary about UFOs, moved here two and a half years ago to study this phenomenon. A year later, he became a police officer to better understand the population and the consequences of life in the UFO capital of Alabama.
Earlier this month, a calf belonging to Margaret Pope was mutilated. At first, she suspected coyotes. But not with the calf's udder removed.
"It's like someone cut it off-a straight cut, not like an animal," Mrs. Pope said. There was an incision on the left shoulder and a circular incision on the left side of the jaw. There were no teeth."
"There was no sign of a struggle," Mrs. Pope said. "No blood, nothing. Just lay there, with the parts cut out. I think it's a UFO, because there are a lot of lights in the sky, there is no excitement on the ground. And the cuts were too precise. But you just look, who are you saying [aliens]? I don't want to be laughed at. We're not weird. And it's not fun."
Who is to blame? Is it just cattle interference? Another theory: government agents flying at night in low-level helicopters kill animals and extract their organs to study the effects (testing for cancer and other diseases) on livestock living near power lines.
"Predators don't do that," Mr. Oliphant said. "And if it was a Satanic cult, they would have used knives, and there would have been blood. They would do it in secret, and not with the help of high technologies. Everyone wants me to tell them that this is a Satanic cult, because this is the heart of the Bible Belt, and they need a simple explanation so that they can deal with it. They don't want to look at the scientific facts. The evidence does not lead to this. We have several groups dealing with this. We have unexplained events, high technologies, cauterization of wounds. And we have something that I can "
So the people on the Sandy Mountain are waiting and watching. Carefully watch for close collisions of representatives of the herd.
Original news
Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 4 March 1993, page A15
ALABAMA / List of suspects ranges from aliens in UFOs to satanists or government agents swooping down in helicopters for the kill
Case of the mutilated cows raises questions, udder chaos
Cox News Service
SAND MOUNTAIN, Ala. - Who's killing the cows of Sand Mountain? Some suspect aliens in UFOs. Some say satanists. Or else it's government agents swooping down in helicopters for the kill. Or exposure to high-power lines. Or it's cow murderers, impure and simple.
Whoever, it's udder chaos up here. As Ted Oliphant said: "There's strange things afoot."
Ahoof, too. Since October, 26 animals - nearly all cows - have been mutilated in several small, rural communities on this mountain in northeastern Alabama. Nearly all have been killed in the same manner, with precise, bloodless, almost high-tech surgical incisions that removed various animal parts: tongues, teeth, eyes, ears, hearts and excretory and sexual organs.
And when the animals are found in pastures, there are no footprints. No tire tracks. No trails. No blood, either.
The mystery is enhanced by two factors: helicopters and UFOs. According to Mr. Oliphant, 95 per cent of the cases have involved reports of helicopter sightings, often with red, green and white lights or blue and white ones. Last month, Jean Cole, the wife of Albertville Chief Detective Tommy Cole, saw a copter in their back yard. She saw four men in business suits sitting in it. When she spied them, the copter flew off. The next day, Det. Cole found a Black Angus mutilated, its sexual organs and rectum removed.
"I've seen many animals killed by predators, and there's always blood around," he said. "I've never seen anything like it. I don't know what it was. I've been in the livestock business 35 years. I've had many, many dead cows and bulls, but none like that."
Furthermore, Fyffe is the "UFO Capital of Alabama," as proclaimed by the Alabama state Senate in 1989 after several UFO sightings that year. Mr. Oliphant, 33, once a filmmaker who made a documentary on UFOs, moved here 2½ years ago to study the phenomenon. A year later, he became a policeman to better understand the populace and the effects of life in the UFO Capital of Alabama.
A calf belonging to Margaret Pope was mutilated earlier this month. At first she suspected coyotes. But not with the calf's udders removed. "Like somebody had sliced it off - a straight cut, not like an animal," Mrs. Pope said. There was an incision on the left shoulder and a circular cut on the left side of the jaw. The teeth were gone."
"There was no sign of a struggle," Mrs. Pope said. "No blood, nothing. Just laying there, with its parts cut out. I think it's UFOs, because of lots of lights in the sky, no disturbance on the ground. And the cuts were too precise. But you just watch who you say [aliens] to. I don't want to be made fun of. We're not weird. And this isn't fun."
Who's responsible? Is it merely bovine intervention? Another theory: Government agents, flying in low-level helicopters at night, are killing animals and removing their organs to study the effects (testing for cancer and other diseases) on livestock living near high-power lines.
"Predators don't do this," Mr. Oliphant said. "And if it was a satanic cult they'd use knives and there'd be blood. They'd do it in secrecy and not with high technology. Everybody wants me to tell 'em it's a satanic cult, because this is the heart of the Bible Belt and they want an easy explanation so they can be done with it. They don't want to look at the scientific facts. The evidence doesn't lead to that. We've got more than one group doing this. We've got the unexplained events, with high technology, cauterization of wounds. And we've got something I can't release right now."
So the folks on Sand Mountain wait and watch. Watch carefully for close encounters of the herd kind.
Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.
Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.
The main signs of this injury:
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
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