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UFO. United States

ID #1632260138
Added Wed, 22/09/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Су-Сент-Мари, MI
United States

Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, November 24, 1953, page 1

SAULT STE. MARIE, Michigan (AP) - Snow and poor visibility today prevented planes from searching for a U.S. Air Force F89 jet fighter that has been missing over the bleak waters of Lake Superior since Monday evening.

The missing plane with two high-ranking Air Force officers on board mysteriously disappeared at 7: 55 pm after taking off an hour earlier from Kinross Air Force Base south of here.

Kinross officials said the plane was equipped with two rubber rafts, and every officer on board was wearing a Mae West life jacket. The men were not identified.

Four DC3S from the RVVS Trenton and Centralia bases arrived today to participate in the search. It was expected that the weather would clear up significantly this afternoon, and the search would begin.

According to Kinross representatives, the plane took off at 18: 22 (EST) with about two hours of fuel in the tanks. It was last seen on the radio about 60 miles northeast of the Kevinau Peninsula. This could put the plane somewhere near the inaccessible shores of a stormy lake.

A Coast Guard boat was hurriedly dispatched to the area on Monday evening. Air-sea rescue units have been alerted. State police have joined conservation officers in a large-scale hunt along the coastline.

The Coast Guard post in Houghton and the St. Ignace State Police post reported this morning that the leaflets were still missing.

It is reported that the plane had float equipment, and officials said that it could float with the current in Lake Superior. They said they had received two reports that the plane had fallen into the water.

Planes from Selfridge Field near Detroit joined the search.

Original news

Toronto, Ontario, GLOBE AND MAIL, 24 November 1953, page 1

Snow Hampers Hunt for Jet

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (AP) - Snow and low visibility today hampered planes searching for a United States F89 air force jet fighter missing over the bleak waters of Lake Superior since Monday night.

The missing plane with two high-ranking air force officers aboard mysteriously disappeared at 7.55 p.m. after taking off an hour earlier from Kinross air force base south of here.

Kinross officials said the plane was equipped with two rubber rafts and each officer aboard wore a Mae West life jacket. The men were not identified.


Four DC3s from Trenton and Centralia RCAF bases arrived today to take part in the search. It was expected the weather would clear considerably this afternoon so that the search can get into top gear.

The jet took off at 6:22 p.m. (EST) with about two hours of fuel in the tanks, Kinross spokesmen said. It was last noted by radio some 60 miles northeast of the Keweenau peninsula. This would have put the plane somewhere off the forbidding shores of the stormy lake.

A coast guard cutter was hurriedly dispatched to the area Monday night. Air-sea rescue units were alerted. And state police were joined by conservation officers in the widespread hunt along the shoreline.


The coast guard station at Houghton and the St. Ignace state police post reported early today that the fliers were still missing.

The plane was reported to be carrying floatation gear and officials said it might be adrift in Lake Superior. They said they have received two reports that a plane was down in the water.

Planes from the Selfridge field near Detroit joined the search.




List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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