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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. United States

ID #1630328856
Added Mon, 30/08/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United States

A man has described a terrifying encounter that made him fear for his life when a creature allegedly threatened him in his home. The existence of the legendary Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has never been proven, but countless believers around the world have claimed to have seen him. One of these people is Travis, who claimed to have seen a bipedal hairy creature in Tennessee, USA, reports UfoSpace.net with a link to the Daily Star.

One day, late at night, when he returned home from work, he saw a huge figure jumping out of a garbage can and climbing a hill.

"It didn't take me more than two seconds to say,' Well, it's not a bear. When something is twice the size of a bear, you almost immediately recognize it, " he said, speaking on the Forest Fleur podcast. Later that night, Travis said he went out on the porch to smoke before the beast attacked his house.

He remembered:

"While I was smoking, at least three or four trees - I mean life - sized trees-collapsed on my house. It sounded like you were outside during a thunderstorm ... It was obvious that these were trees the size of a telephone pole."

So, the next evening, when Travis came home from work, he arrived prepared, parked right at the door of his house and quickly ran inside. Looking back, he suggested that it was a smart move, saying:

"If I hadn't thought ahead and actually did it, I think something really bad would have happened, and I would have added to the missing persons lists. This thing was waiting in the driveway, down which we go down to the house. This giant black figure just gets up from the bush and starts moving towards my backyard. He was at least 8 feet tall and, according to my estimates, weighed about 800 pounds, and it was just a giant black shadow. This thing could literally grab me by one end of my torso and tear me in half. I was being hunted."

Original news

A man has described a terrifying 24-hour encounter that left him fearing for his life when a "Bigfoot" creature supposedly threatened him at his home.

The legendary Bigfoot, also known as a sasquatch, has never been proven to exist but there are countless believers across the world who claimed to have seen it.

One such person is Travis, who claimed to have witness the two-legged hairy creature in Tennessee, US.

Coming home from work late one night, he explained he saw a huge figure jumping out of a bin and scrambling up a hill, pulling over “three nice trees” as it was going up the hill.

“It didn’t take more than two seconds for me to say, ‘well that ain’t no bear’. When something is twice the size of a bear you almost know it immediately,” he said, speaking on the Forest Fleur podcast.

Later on that night, Travis said he went out to his porch for a cigarette, before he was threatened again by the beast.

He remembered: “While I was out there, there were at least three or four trees - and I mean full-sized trees - coming crashing down onto the apartment building.

“It sounded like when you’re outside in a thunderstorm… It was obvious that these were telephone pole sized trees, coming down onto the building.”

So, the next evening, when Travis arrived home from work, he came prepared, parking right next to his apartment door and quickly running inside.

Looking back, he suggested this had been a smart move, saying: “Had I not thought ahead and actually done that, I think something really bad would have happened and I’d have just been a missing person statistic.

“This thing was waiting in the driveway on the path where you would walk down towards my house.

“This giant black shape just stands up out of the bush, and starts moving towards my backyard.

“It was at least 8 feet tall, and in my estimation about 800lb, and it was just a giant black shadow.

“This thing could literally just grab one end of my torso and just rip me right in half.”

Travis remembered feeling incredibly shaken by the event.

He said: “The one thing you take away from the encounter is the fear factor. People talk about the hairs standing up on the back of your necks…

“I’ve been afraid, but I’ve never felt this fear since or before that.

“I was being hunted. It wasn’t an encounter for me, it was an occasion of when I had become the hunted.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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