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UFO. United States

ID #1625139444
Added Thu, 01/07/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.2010 18:30
Кэпитал и Палмер
Милуоки, WI
United States

The discovery occurred in February 2010 at approximately 18: 30 on a side street in an industrial area, a few blocks from the intersection of Capital and Palmer Streets in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

My friend was at a meeting with a local community organization, and I decided to stay in the car to make some work-related phone calls. I had just finished talking on the phone when I decided to get out of the car to smoke a cigarette. I was leaning against the door on the driver's side of the car, facing south,and smoking. 

I noticed a movement to my right and looked in that direction. An object with a length of 4 to 5.5 feet (1.2-1.6 m), oriented perpendicular to the ground as follows: | hovered at a height of about 15 feet (4.5 m) above the ground. The object was moving from west to east at a speed of about 6-8 miles per hour with a very gentle slope of the guide, about 1 degree. 

At first I thought it might be a kite detached from a rope, with how smoothly and quietly it glided until it passed under some power lines, and a few feet later it rose vertically about 5 feet (1.5 m) to leave the top. the building he was heading for. 

Then it moved parallel to the top of the building for about 300 feet (90 m), until my view of the object was blocked by another taller building to my left. The object had an imperfect cylindrical shape with small protrusions in some places. When I realized it wasn't a wayward kite, I thought about the reports of flying humanoids. 

However, the protrusions did not seem to correspond to what was described in these reports - in addition, there was a short metallic flash when the light from the lamppost reflected off the object - this also does not correspond to the description of flying humanoids. Except for a brief metallic flash, the object was completely black. 

The closest object path to me was about 120 feet, and I could observe the object for about 2 minutes, so I had enough opportunities to try to identify the object, and for the life of me, I can't think of anything else besides this. the object could be. Even after I went home and did a Google image search for the UAV, nothing I had ever seen could match the description of this object. 

At first, I reacted to this object out of pure curiosity, until I dropped my friend off at his house.

Original news

Date: February 2010
Location: Capital and Palmer in Milwaukee, WI.
Time: 6:30 PM
Summary: The sighting occurred in February 2010 at about 6:30 PM on a side street in an industrial neighborhood, a few blocks from the intersection of Capital and Palmer in Milwaukee, WI. A friend was in a meeting with a local community organization and I decided to stay in the car to make some work related phone calls. I had just finished up with the phone calls when I decided to step out of the car for a cigarette. I leaned up against the driver-side door of the car facing the South as I smoked. I noticed movement some movement to my right, and looked in that direction. An object anywhere from 4 to 5.5 feet long oriented perpendicular to the ground like so: | was floating about 15 feet off the ground. The object was moving from the West to the East at about 6 – 8 miles per hour with a very shallow guide slope, about 1 degree. At first I thought that the object might be a kite cut loose from its string with how smoothly and quietly it was gliding along, until it passed underneath some power lines and a few feet later it ascended vertically by about 5 feet to clear the top of a building that it was headed for. It then moved parallel to the top of the building for about 300 feet until my view of the object became obstructed by another taller building to my left. The object was an imperfect cylindrical shape with a few small protrusions here and there. When I realized that the object was not a wayward kite, I thought about reports of flying humanoids. However, the protrusions didn’t seem to fit with what was described in those accounts – additionally there was a brief metallic flash as light from a lamp post reflected off of the object – this does not seem to fit with the description of flying humanoids either. Other than the brief metallic flash the object was entirely black. The closest the object’s path took it to me was about 120 feet and I was able to observe the object for about 2 minutes, so I had ample opportunity to try to identify the object and for the life of me I cannot think of anything that this object could have been. Even after going home and doing a Google image search for UAVs nothing I have ever seen can match up with the description of this object. My reaction to this object was initially one of pure curiosity until after I had dropped my friend off at his place, then I became extremely nervous and scared.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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