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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1625050826
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.09.2009 22:15
Стоу, OH
United States

The witness, who wished to remain anonymous, was driving north on Hudson Drive to work. When the witness was driving under the RT8 overpass, north of the Applebee's Hudson Drive restaurant, he noticed a solid black creature 9-10 feet (2.7-3m) high standing on the south side of the road. No discernible features of the head or face are noticed. Duration 5-10 seconds, a distance of approximately 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m) from the car. 

The witness had the feeling that the creature was watching him and was "there" only for him. There were no other vehicles or people during the observation. Right after he turned to the road, he looked in the rearview mirror, and the creature was no longer visible. He didn't see the entity go away or disappear. 

The witness was very upset and scared. He felt that he had turned pale, and his eyes began to water uncontrollably. His first thought was to turn around and return home, refusing to work. He tried to call his wife at home, but his mobile phone did not work, either from the programmed address book, or because of manual input. 

He kept getting a "call failed", which had never happened before. The impact on the mobile phone continued until the entrance to the I-271 highway, about 8-10 miles up the road. With the exception of uncontrolled lacrimation of the eyes, no other physiological or physical effects were observed in the witness. 

The next day on the way home, as he was approaching the RT8 overpass, this time driving over the bridge he had passed under the day before, as he was approaching the bridge area, his eyes started to tear uncontrollably again as he drove over the bridge. His eyes continued to water until he passed over the bridge, then his eyes began to clear again.

Original news

Location. Stow, Ohio
Date: September 14 2009
Time: 2215
The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, was driving to work, northbound on Hudson Drive. As the witness drove under the RT8 overpass bridge, just north of the Hudson Drive Applebee’s Restaurant, he sighted a 9-10’ tall solid black entity standing on the southbound side of the road. No discernible head or facial features noticed. Duration 5-10 seconds, distance approximately 15-20’ from his vehicle. The witness had the feeling that the entity was watching him and was “there” for him only. No other vehicles/persons present during sighting. Immediately after turning his head back to the road, he looked in rearview mirror, and the entity was no longer visible. He did not see entity depart or disappear. The witness became extremely upset and scared. He felt that he paled, and his eyes began to water uncontrollably. His first thought was to turn around and ago home, calling off of work. He tried to call his wife at home, but his cellphone would not work, either from the programmed address book, or manual input calling. He kept getting “call failed”, which had never happened before. The cellphone continued to be affected all the way to the I-271 entrance ramp, approximately 8-10 miles up the road. Other than the uncontrollable watering of the eyes, no other physiological or physical effects were noted on the witness. The following day on his way home, as he neared the RT8 overpass, this time driving over the bridge he went under the day before, as he approached the bridge area, his eyes began to water uncontrollably once again, as he drove over the bridge his eyes continued to water, until he passed beyond the bridge, then his eyes began to clear up again.
Source: http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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