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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624872609
Added Mon, 28/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.01.2008 15:00
Сиэтл, WA
United States

The husband and wife were falling asleep on the sofa bed in their living room when the husband woke up and looked at the VCR, which showed 1441. There was a strange buzzing sound and a strange light pattern on the ceiling above them. Then he heard a rustling in the kitchen behind his head and was very scared. 

Just as he was about to investigate, three separate figures with huge heads and small bodies "slid" into the room. The room was dark, but he could clearly see that they were not people. The light from the street penetrates enough for him to see the face. The creatures were dressed in dark, tight jumpsuits that emphasized their skinny bodies. 

They were also wearing some kind of masks, and he could see how big their huge black eyes were, surrounded by patches of light skin in the eye slits of the masks. Their belts were about level with the bed, so he assumed they were about 4 feet tall. The witness was sure that he was not asleep. 

He was terrified and tried to scream, but could not even move. One of the creatures was standing at the foot of the bed, and the other two were on his side. His wife continued to sleep. The creatures made strange noises, as if they were breathing through fans; he could also hear mechanical sounds. Almost immediately, he was lifted into the air a foot or two (0.3-0.6 m) from the bed, as if by magic. He could still feel the skin of his wife's shoulder under his hand and the blanket on them, as well as the open space and the cool air below. 

He could feel the movement around him, and the room seemed to waver and distort spatially. He tried to kick them, but he couldn't move, so he tried to lean from side to side in the air. 

He mentally called out to God and Jesus Christ to save him, and immediately he was back on the bed, and the creatures and the strange glow disappeared. The witness is convinced that divine intervention saved him from the creatures.

Original news

Date: January 3 2008
Location: Seattle, Washington
Time: 1500
Summary: A husband and wife had been falling asleep on the sofa bed in their living room when the husband woke up and looked at the VCR which read 1441. There was an odd buzzing noise and a strange light pattern on the ceiling above them. He then heard scuffling sounds in the kitchen behind his head and became intensely afraid. Just as he was about to investigate, three distinct figures with huge heads and small bodies “glided” into the room. The room was dark but he could plainly see that they were not human. There is a light from the street that comes in enough to where he was able to make out a face. The creatures were wearing dark coveralls that were tight and showed off their skinny bodies. They also wore masks of some kind and he could see as far as faces was their huge black eyes surrounded by patches of light skin in the eye slits of the masks. Their beltlines were about level with the bed so he guessed they were about 4’ tall. The witness was convinced that he was not asleep or dreaming. He was immediately terrified out of his mind and tried to scream but could not even move. One of the creatures stood at the foot of the bed and the other two were on his side. His wife remained sleeping. The creatures were making strange noises as if breathing through ventilators; he could also hear mechanical sounds. Almost immediately he was lifted into the air a foot or two from the bed, as if by magic. He could still feel the skin of his wife’s shoulder under his hand and the blanket on top of them as well as open space and cool air below. He sensed movement all around and the room seemed to wobble and spatially distort. He attempted to kick at them but could not move, so he tried to lean from side to side in the air. He called out mentally for God and Jesus Christ to save him and instantly he was back on the bed and the beings and the strange glow were gone. The witness is convinced that divine intervention saved him from the creatures.
Source:  NUFORC


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