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Flying creatures. United States

ID #1624526036
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
между Венерой и Мэнсфилдом, TX
United States

The witness and her daughter were driving on FM 157 on their way to Wal-Mart when something caught her attention to her left. At first, she thought it was a garbage bag that got caught in the wind current. As she got closer, it seemed to be descending, and she thought of a man stretched out on a glider. 

Even closer and still descending, it looked like a humanoid figure with wings attached. Without once flapping his wings, he glided towards them so close to the roof of their car that it seemed as if he would land on their car. Her window was slightly lowered, and she didn't hear a sound. She suddenly felt the need to open the window and did not dare to stop the car to see what it was. 

It looked dark brown or black, something between the texture of a sock and leather, the appearance was torn and shabby. He had no feathers. As soon as she realized what she was seeing, she immediately thought of the creature from the movie "Jeepers Creepers". 

Although she couldn't see the face, it had the body of a human, and the wings were somewhat similar to the wings of a bat, but not fully open. She looked in all the rearview mirrors, but it looks like they just disappeared. She didn't say anything, and her daughter didn't say anything either, so she thought she must not have seen it. After about two more miles on the road, she asked her daughter:

"Did you see...?" 

She immediately interrupted the question and said:

"My God, yes! What the hell was that?"

Original news

Date:  fall 2007
Location:  Between Venus and Mansfield, Texas
Time:  around dusk
Summary:  The witness and her daughter were driving on the FM 157 on their way to Wal-Mart when from her left something in the sky caught her eye. At first she thought it was a trash bag that had gotten caught in a wind current. As she got nearer, it seemed to be descending and she thought of a person stretched out in a glider. Even nearer and still descending, it looked like a human-like form with wings attached. Never once flapping its wings, it glided toward them, so close to the top of their car, it seemed as though it would land on top of their car. Her window was slightly rolled down and she never heard a sound. She suddenly felt the need to roll her window up and dint dare stop the car to see what it was. It looked dark brown or black, somewhere between the texture of a toe sack and leather, kind of raggedy and worn looking. It didn’t have feathers. Once she realized what she was seeing, she immediately thought of the creature from the movie ‘Jeepers Creepers’. Although she didn’t see a face, it did have the body of a human and the wings were somewhat like that of a bat, but not fully extended. She looked in all her rear view mirrors, but it seemed to have just disappeared. She said nothing and her daughter didn’t say anything either, so she thought that she must not have seen it. About two more miles down the road she asked her daughter, “Did you see…?” She immediately cut off her question and said, “Oh my God, yes! What in the hell was that?” She basically had seen the same thing.
Source:  Your True Tales—January 2010


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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