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UFO. United States

ID #1624265314
Added Mon, 21/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.06.2014 13:00
Канонсбург, PA
United States

I was driving north on McClelland RD in Canonsburg, PA, District 7, in Washington County, on Friday, June 6, 2014, around 1:00 p.m.

I was heading north for a doctor's appointment. As I was leaving the BP gas station near the entrance to Northbound Interstate 79, I saw a flotilla of many UFOs flying in formation in the clear blue sky. They were whitish-silver disks, three beyond the border, and about eight or nine in a row. 

The UFOs were three rows high, eight to nine ships or rather disks in a long row, flying in three straight lines, leaving chemical traces behind them. The disks looked more like cloud formations than classic flying saucer formations. 

As I drove north, UFOs circled in the sky, and it seemed as if they were following my car. Now they were circling in the air over Route 19, now I was in McMurray, Pennsylvania, now more ships were being built, keeping their organized three rows. Now it seemed as if twelve or fifteen cloud disks were flying in formation. 

I went to the chiropractor's office for an appointment. When I came out, the sky was clear. Interstate 79 and Interstate 19 are busy routes, so I know someone else must have seen what I saw. The flotilla was heading north on Route 19 toward Pittsburgh.

Original news

Date:  June 6 2014
Location:   Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Time:   around 1:00 p.m.
Summary:   I was driving north on McClelland RD in Canonsburg, PA area Seven on your map, in Washington County, Friday, June 6,2014 around 1:00 p.m. I was heading north to a doctor’s appointment. As I was leaving the BP gas station near the entrance to Interstate 79 north, I saw a flotilla of many UFO’s flying in formation in the clear blue sky. They were whitish-slightly silver discs, three abroad and approximately say eight or nine abreast. The UFO’s were three rows high, eight to nine crafts or rather discs in a long row, flying in three straight lines, leaving chem-trails behind themselves. The discs appeared more like “cloudy” formations rather than classical flying saucer formations. As I traveled north, the UFO’s looped around in the sky and it appeared as if they were following my car’s direction. They looped around the air now, above RT. 19 north, now I was in McMurray, PA now more crafts were in formation keeping their organized three rows. Now it seemed as it there were twelve to fifteen cloudy discs flying in formation. I stopped in my chiropractor’s office for my appointment. When I came out the sky was clear. Interstate 79 and Rte.19 are busy routes, so I know someone else must have seen what I saw. The flotilla was flying north up Rte.19 toward Pittsburgh.
Source:   MUFON


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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