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UFO. United States

ID #1624193456
Added Sun, 20/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.10.2014 12:16
Саммит Холтса, MO
United States

I first heard the loud roar that these vehicles use to get my attention, as soon as I heard it, I looked at the FlightRadar, and there was nothing nearby in my sky. This means that it probably wasn't commercial, but not excluding some military vessels. 

I went to the door that looks west, it was about 12: 16. There, in the western sky, above the roof line of the neighboring building and to the right of the tree at the southern end of this building, hung a ship with red flashing lights on the sides. It was maybe a mile away and a mile up, I suppose, lower than I often see them, it seemed to me ... maybe five thousand feet, I doubt more than that. 

I could see a smaller yellowish rectangle of light, just as I thought, besides two simultaneously flashing red lights, one on each side of this dim yellowish light, otherwise it was very dark and no "ship structure" was visible. 

The ship first appeared to be moving, then it just stopped, went silent, and just hovered there for at least a minute, I opened the storm hatch and got out, trying to turn on the camera, zoomed in, and started shooting (unfortunately, it turned out to be nothing unusual, lasted two minutes at most,I think ... It was weird, like he was watching me, watching this, I was trying to take four or five pictures with my Cannon Powershot, which takes probably four or five seconds to cycle for each image, since this is far from my first observation, they became regular visitors, then I stood there for maybe thirty seconds, with my eyes closed, just focusing on the meditative state and sending a telepathic message for them to visit, that they are welcome and I would like to meet ...

When I opened my eyes, it began to move towards my location, slowly, very slowly at first it seemed, just slowly approaching along the usual "flight path" that they often choose. It was moving slowly, but then it picked up speed, although I'm pretty sure it couldn't have gone above 20 to 30 miles per hour.

As I got closer, I noticed that there was NO SOUND AT ALL, if it had used a loud loud "engine" inside to get my attention, once I got outside, it was completely silent and remained so as it slowly floated towards my location and passed directly overhead, continuing to travel no more than 50 mph, but, although casually, unhurriedly, flew overhead and went in an easterly direction slightly to the northeast. 

When I got back inside, one strange thing happened: my ipad, which was broadcasting an old coast-to-coast Art Bell radio program, stopped transmitting and the program was blocked, a very strange "coincidence".

I've heard and seen these machines here many times since 2010, and every summer they come back in the fall, it was their return in 2014, just to let me know that they're back, at least that's how I took it. Every year, the activity and number of observations between October and July increase, and I look forward to seeing more observations this winter (when it will be clear and not too cold).

Original news

Date: October 22, 2014
Location: Holts Summit, Missouri
Time:  12:16am.
Summary: I first heard the loud roar these craft use to get my attention, once I heard this I looked at FlightRadar and there was nothing anywhere nearby in my skies.  This means it was likely not commercial but, not ruling out some military craft.  I proceeded to my door that looks west it was about 12:16am. There in the western sky above the building next door’s roofline and just right of the tree on the south end of that building, hung a craft with red blinking lights on either side.  It was maybe a mile off and a mile in altitude I guess, lower than often I see them, it seemed to me…maybe five thousand feet, I doubt more than this.  I could see a smaller yellowish light kind of rectangle like I thought, besides the two simultaneously blinking red lights one on each side of this dim yellowish light, otherwise it was very dark and no “craft structure” was visible.  The craft appeared to be moving at first then it just plain, stopped, went silent, and just hung there, for at least a minute, I opened the storm door and went out trying to get my camera on, zoomed in and start taking pictures (sadly none turned out this is not unusual, I have taken thousands of pics of these craft maybe one in a hundred turns out), it just hung there (long enough my camera’s metal got cold)… This lasted maybe two minutes at most, I guess…  It was strange, like it was watching me, watch it, I tried taking four or five pictures with my Cannon powershot which takes probably four or five seconds to cycle for each pic, as this is far from my first sighting, they becoming regulation visitors, I then stood there for thirty seconds maybe, eyes closed just focusing on a meditative state and sending a telepathic message for them to visit that they were welcome and I wished to meet… When I opened my eyes, it had begin moving towards my location, slow, very slowly at first it seemed, just slowly approaching on the usual “flight path”these often take.  It was moving slow but then picked up speed, it could not have been doing more than 20-30 miles per hour though, I am fairly sure. As it approached I noticed there was NO SOUND AT ALL, if it had used the high volume loud “engine” while inside to get my attention,once I walked outside it was completely silent and remained so as it slowly floated up to my location and passed directly overhead still moving at most maybe 50mph but, just a leisurely cruise as it nonchalantly, passed overhead and off eastbound slightly to the northeast.  When I returned inside there was one odd thing, my ipad which had been strEaming an old radio broadcast of Art Bell coast to coast, had ceased the streaming and the program was locked up, very strange “coincidence”. I have heard and seen these craft on many occasions here since 2010, and every summer it drops off returning in the fall, this was their 2014 return, just to let me know they’re back, at least that is how I took this. Each year the activity and number if sightings between October and July increase, I look forward to more sightings this winter (when it’s clear and not too cold, that is).

Source: My sightings history is available at twitter @tyea99.


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