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UFO. United States

ID #1624048095
Added Fri, 18/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Клейтон, MO
United States

Headed south on Highway 170 from Page Avenue as I do MF early in the morning, around 5 a.m. In the distance, I see what looks like a star / planet on the horizon near the Olive Trees. 

I always look at the sky, so when I saw what I thought was a star or a planet, I paid attention to it. As I traveled further, I could tell that it wasn't a star, but more like the light of an airplane coming in to land. I've been as fixated on this world as I can be ever since I drove the car. I could tell it was quite low and thought maybe it was a helicopter with a searchlight. 

By the time I got to the westbound exit of Highway 40, the lights were dim, but still glowing. There was one light at each corner, and there was an even brighter light in the middle of the ship, and when I drove almost under it, I saw a dimmer light at the back on the bottom, which I can only describe as a cargo / service light, and it turned out that I was actually looking at the ship. 

After it passed me and came to the north of me, I could tell it was very flat, with no jet engine noise from being so close, and it seemed to be picking up speed, but not too fast. It was heading towards Lambert, and I think I remember it turning northwest. 

I posted a UFO report on a website that morning, but I don't remember which one. I had more details like the color of the lights on the tips. I think the front part was red, the right one was green, and the left one was blue.

It was different enough that I didn't want to lose focus to prepare the camera on the phone. I doubt it could have been captured as it was so dark. Or stop to listen for a sound. I just liked to look and know that I was seeing something completely different. 

Original news

Date:  May 15 2014
Location:   Clayton, Missouri
Summary:  Headed south on hwy 170 from Page ave as I do M-F early in the morning around 5am. In the distance I see what appears to be a star/planet near the horizon at around Olive. I’m always looking at the sky so when I saw what I thought was a star or planet I payed attention to it. The further I traveled I could tell it wasn’t a star but looked more like a light of a plane coming in for a landing. I was as fixated on this light as much as I could be since I was driving. I could tell it was pretty low and thought maybe it was a helicopter with a spotlight on. By time I got close to my hwy 40 west exit, the brightness of the light was faded but still illuminated. There were a single light on each corner and a bigger brighter light in the middle of the craft and as I drove nearly underneath it I saw a dimmer light towards the rear on the bottom that I can only describe as a cargo/service light and it appeared that I was actually looking into the craft. After it has passed me and was north of me I could tell it was very flat, no jet engine noise for being that close and it seemed to pick up speed but not overly fast. It was headed towards Lambert and I think I remember it veering north west. I had submitted a ufo report on a website that morning but do not remember what site. I did have more details such as the color of the lights on the tips. Guessing I think the front was red, the right tip green and the left tip blue.
It was different enough that I didn’t want to lose focus of it to get my camera on my phone ready, I doubt with it being so dark it would have captured it or pull over to listen for sound. I purely enjoyed looking and knowing I’m seeing something very different.
Source:  MUFON


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Proton-M Briz-M (Ph.3) Payload: Ekspress-AM 4R


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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