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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Werewolf. United States

ID #1623941285
Added Thu, 17/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.11.2011 23:05
Троя, PA
United States

The man and his girlfriend were driving along Mud Creek Road, heading west towards Highway 14 near Troy. As they continued down the dark road, their attention was drawn to the left side of the roadway. The man who was the driver noticed some movement and told his friend about it. 

The woman first thought that a naked man was crawling along the side of the road. The driver slowed down, turned the truck in the middle of the road and turned the headlights on the object.

The driver stopped about 30 to 40 feet (9 to 12 m) away. They soon realized that it was not a man, but a creature that was crawling very low to the ground. As they watched, the creature took up a squatting position with its back completely straight, something resembling a kangaroo stance.

The creature's arms were held tightly against its body. What looked like long claws resembling those of an eagle were clearly visible. The claws were approximately 8-10 inches (20.32-25.4 cm) long. One claw was shorter than the other three. The creature had a muscular body. The beast's head was too large and shaped like a wolf's. On the top of its head were two pointed ears, similar to those of a bat, about 4-6 inches (10.16-15.27 cm) long. 

The entire creature, according to the man, was covered with " dull wrinkled dark black skin." The man described seeing large fangs in his mouth. The creature's eyes were the size of a silver dollar and were shiny black. The man stated that although his high-beam beams were aimed at the creature, his eyes did not reflect at all. 

The man said that during the 12-second encounter, he examined the body and for some reason thought that the creature must have wings, but they were not visible. In a sitting position, the creature appeared to be about five feet (1.5 m) tall. At this point, the creature was in the left lane of the road about 1-2 feet on the sidewalk.

The pair watched in amazement as the creature began to stretch its body. The man said that at this point, the animal began to stand up on its hind legs, while falling on its front paws. The driver said that in this position, the creature looked about 6-7 feet (1.8-2.1 m) tall. Then the animal fell on all four legs. Witnesses noted that the creature's front paws were now two feet (0.6 m) away from the centerline of the highway, while its hind legs remained one to two feet away from the edge of the road. Then the creature turned its head to the right and looked at the car. 

The driver said he was looking straight at them with a terrible expression on his face, "like he was in a panic." The witness saw him take a deep breath. He had the feeling that the creature didn't realize it was being watched, and when it realized what it was... it was like being caught doing something. 

As soon as he realized that he was being watched, he leaned back slightly, and then reached forward with his claws. Then the creature made a huge leap, crossed a seven-foot-high embankment, and disappeared from sight into the forest area. The man estimated a long jump of about 40 feet (12 m). As it leaped, it was perfectly straight and held its front claws forward. The legs during the jump "were only slightly larger than a broom or the size of a walking crane and were very long." Then, just a second after the creature disappeared from view, something else strange happened. A large bird, possibly an owl, suddenly darted through the passenger-side window, narrowly missing the glass, then took off and did not return. It happened so fast that they weren't sure if it was an owl or not. Witnesses indicated that the creature was changing shape. 

The driver said:

"His uniform didn't look like he was squatting." 

The woman said that it "took on a different form."

She thought it was a dark brown color, and looked like a werewolf with short hair on her back. She estimated that when he jumped into the woods, she thought he was about 9 feet tall. The woman said reluctantly:

"I think it's a man turned into a werewolf." 

The man went online after the experience to try to find out what he saw, and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle without wings. The man commented:

"I'll never forget what we saw that night."

Original news

Location: Near Troy, Pennsylvania
Date: November 20 2011                                           Time: 23:05
A man and his girlfriend were driving onto Mud Creek Road traveling west towards Highway 14 near Troy. As they continued down the dark road, their attention was drawn to the left side of the roadway. The man, who was the driver, saw some movement and mentioned it to his friend. The woman initially thought that a naked man was crawling on the side of the road. The driver decreased his speed, swerved his truck in the middle of the road and directed the high beams of his headlights towards the subject.
The driver stopped about 30-40 ft away. They soon realized that this was not a person, but instead a creature that was crawling very low to the ground. As they watched, the creature moved into a squatting position with its back completely straight, somewhat like the stance of a kangaroo.
The arms of the creature were held tightly to its body. What looked like long claws that resembled the talons of an eagle were easily visible. The claws were estimated to be about 8-10 inches in length. One claw was shorter than the other three. The creature had a muscular body. The head of the beast appeared to be oversized and shaped like that of a wolf. A the top of its head were two pointed bat-like ears that looked to be about 4-6 inches long. The entire creature, according to the man, was covered with “dull wrinkly dark black skin”. The man described seeing large canine-like teeth in its mouth. The eyes of the creature were about the size of a silver dollar and were shiny black. The man stated that even though he had his high beams directed at the creature, they eyes did not reflect at all. The man said he looked over the body during the 12 second encounter, and for some reason thought the creature should have wings, but none were apparent. In the squatted position, the creature seemed to be about five feet tall. At this point, the creature was in the left lane of the road and about 1-2 feet onto the pavement.
As the couple watched in amazement, the creature began to stretch its body. The man said that at this point the animal started to stand up on its back legs while also falling over onto its front feet. The driver said that in this position, the creature seemed to be about 6-7 feet tall. The animal then fell over on all four legs. The witnesses observed that the front claws of the creature were now two feet across the center line of the highway, while the back feet remain one-two feet from the edge of the road. The creature then turned its head to the right and looked towards the vehicle. The driver said that it looked directly at them, with a horrific expression, “like it was panicked”. The witness saw it take a deep breath. He had the feeling that the creature didn’t realize that it was being observed and when it realized it was- –it was like it was caught doing something. Once it realized it was being observed, it leaned back slightly and then reached forward with its claws. The creature then took one tremendous leap and cleared a seven foot embankment and moved out of sight into a wooded area. The man estimated the leap was about 40 feet long. As it was in the process of leaping, it was perfectly straight and held its front claws forward. The legs as it was leaping, “were only slightly larger than broomsticks or about the size of a walking crane and were very long”. Then just a second after the creature was gone from sight something else odd occurred. A large bird, possibly an owl, suddenly rushed at the passenger side window, almost hitting the glass, then took off and did not return. It happened so fast they were unsure if it was an owl or not. The witnesses indicated that this creature appeared to be changing form. The driver said, “Its shape was nothing like when it was squatted”. The woman stated that it “shaped into another form.”

She thought it was a dark brown color, and looked like a werewolf with little back hair. She estimated that when it was leaping into the woods, she thought it stood about 9 feet tall. The woman reluctantly said, “I think it was a man changing into a werewolf”. The man after the experience went onto the internet to try to figure out what he saw, and told the investigator that the closest way he could describe the creature would be a gargoyle with no wings. The man commented, “I will never forget what we saw that night”.

Source: Stan Gordon, www.stangordon.info/wp


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Jiuquan Space Center, Inner Mongolia (China) Vehicle: CZ-2D (2) Payload: SY 4 CX 1-03


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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