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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1623577654
Added Sun, 13/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.12.2006 22:00
Кросби, TX
United States

The witness left his cousin's house to feed the horse (about 20 minutes away). The sky was clear, with perhaps a few higher clouds in the sky, but the stars were still visible. The barn is located behind the lot at the end of a dirt road, about a mile from the main road of the lot, opposite the pipeline. The road is barely enough for 2 cars to pass each other in certain places. It had recently rained heavily and there were a lot of potholes in the road. 

The highest speed he could drive on the road was only about 10 mph. About halfway up (toward the barn), he had the odd feeling that he was being watched. Since it was dark, he was with his 6-year-old son, and the barn is in a secluded place, he hurried to feed the horse. 

He couldn't take more than 10 minutes to fill his tank with water and give him grain and hay. He locked the gate and headed back down the road to the main street. On the turn, he noticed 2 red dots on the trees about 5.5 or 6 feet (1.6-1.8 m) off the ground. His first thought was that it was a possum perched on a tree branch. He kept his eyes on them because he couldn't understand why his eyes were so red. 

They were bright, bright red, and shining. As he got closer, he realized that they were tear-shaped and too big to be a possum. The closer he got, the more he could see the silhouette of the creature. Thinking that there was a person standing there, he tried to see if he could recognize the person wondering why he or she was standing there. 

The body was very thin, dark gray or black in color, with a very small belly. He had no clothes on. His hands seemed to have no fingers, although he had an appendage that looked like a thumb. The more he looked at his face, trying to make out any features, the less he could see. The face, although I could see the body perfectly, was very blurry and continued to blur the more he tried to see. 

The only movement he noticed was the movement of the face / head as he passed by. He didn't make a sound. As he rounded the next corner, he stopped the car and put it in reverse, intending to step back to take another look at what he saw. Then he looked at the clock display on the dashboard, and it showed 12: 30. He was supposed to return no later than 22:35 or 22:40. He started the car and drove away. 

The next evening he went to feed his horse, but it would not go near the witness. He went to the back of the stall, but the horse wouldn't come near him. For the next 2 months, the horse behaved the same way towards the witness.

Original news

Date: December 16 2006
Location: Crosby, Texas
Time: 2200
Summary: The witness had left his cousin’s house headed to feed his horse (approximately a 20 minute drive). The skies were clear with possibly a few higher clouds in the sky, but you could still see the stars. The barn is in the back of a subdivision at the end of a dirt road about a mile off the main road of the subdivision, backing up against a pipeline. The road is barely wide enough for 2 cars to pass one another in certain places. It had rained heavily recently and the road was full of potholes. The fastest that he was able to travel on the road was only at about 10mph. About halfway down the road (headed towards the barn) he started getting a strange feeling that he was being watched. Being how it was dark, he was alone, (with his 6-year old son) and the barn is in an isolated area, he hurried to get the horse fed. He couldn’t have taken more than 10 minutes to fill his water bucked and give him his grain and hay. He locked the gate and headed back down the road towards the main street. As a he came around a curve he noticed 2 red dots about 5 ½ or 6 feet from the ground in the trees. His first thought was that it was an opossum sitting on a limb of a tree. He kept his eyes on them because he couldn’t figure out why its eyes were so red. They were bright, bright red, and had a glow to them. As he got closer he realized they were teardrop shaped and way too big to be an opossum. The closer he got he could see a silhouette of a being. Thinking that it was a person standing there, he tried to see if he could recognize the person wondering why he or she was standing there. The body was very skinny, very dark gray or black in color with a very small pot belly. It wore no clothing. Its hands didn’t seem to have any fingers although it had a thumb-like appendage. The harder he stared at its face trying to make out any facial features, the less he could see. The face, although I could see the body perfectly, was very cloudy and continued to blur the harder he tried to see anything. The only movement he observed was the movement of the face/head as he passed it. It made no sound. As he rounded the next corner he stopped the car and put it in reverse, intending on backing up to take another look at what he had seen. He then looked at the display clock on the dash and it read 1230am. It should have been reading no later than 1035pm or 1040pm. He put his car on drive and left. The next evening he went to feed his horse and he wouldn’t have anything to do with the witness. He went to very back of the stall and would not come near him when he put out the feed. For the next 2 months the horse acted in the same manner towards the witness.
Source: NUFORC also in UFOs Northwest


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS), Wallops Island, Virginia (USA) Vehicle: Minotaur-1 Payload: TacSat 2 GeneSat 1


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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