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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1623497327
Added Sat, 12/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.02.2006 00:48
Гранит-Фолс, WA
United States

The witness watched a huge object descend overhead, described as a large ship in the shape of a thick disk with a large rotating dome at the top and four equally spaced smaller domes below it. It glowed with a bright white light that enveloped the entire ship. 

The witness put on sunglasses and was able to see additional details. The ship had a diameter of 6 city buses. Looking closely at the rotating dome, he saw strange runes or glyphs surrounding the upper dome, emitting a blue glow that emphasized these strange symbols. It was the same with the smaller rotating domes below, but they were separately colored purple, red, green, and yellow. 

It circled around his house, almost brushing the treetops. After about 15 minutes of flight, it hovered directly over the house. 

Intrigued, he went outside to get a better look. Then the symbols on the small domes became brighter, and the domes began to spin faster and faster. Then, suddenly, a blinding flash of light focused on the witness. Terrified, he couldn't move. 

Suddenly, a terrible scream rang out in his head. It was deafening and incredibly painful and caused the witness to fall to the ground, clutching his throbbing head as if he was about to die. Then there was a bright flash of light, and the screams stopped. 

Then the ship began a steady ascent toward the stars. At the same time, four balls the size of a car seemed to rise out of the forest and began to circle around the ship in bizarre patterns. The ship rose faster and faster into the night sky, until it was just a speck in the sky. With severe pain in his head, the witness fell asleep.

Original news

Date:  February 8 2006
Location:  Granite Falls, Washington
Time:  0048A
Summary:  The witness watched a huge object descend overhead, described as a thick large disk shaped craft with a large rotating dome on top and four equally spaced domes of a smaller sort underneath. It glowed an intense white glow that enveloped the whole ship. The witness put his sunglasses on and was able to see additional details. The craft had a diameter of 6 city buses. When he looked closely at the rotating dome he saw strange runes or glyphs encircling the top dome emitting a blue glow that outlined these odd symbols. It went the same for the smaller rotating domes underneath, yet they were colored separately purple, red, green and yellow. It circled around his house practically brushing the tree tops. After about 15minutes of circling it hovered directly over the house. Intrigued, he went outside to obtain a better view. The glyphs on the small domes then became brighter and the domes began to spin faster and faster. Then all of the sudden a dazzling blast of light focused on the witness. Terrified, he couldn’t move. Suddenly there was a horrible shrieking noise inside his head. It was deafening and incredibly painful and forced the witness to the ground clutching his throbbing head as though he was going to die. Then there was a brilliant blaze of light and the shrieking stopped. The ship then began a steady climb towards the stars. As it did, four orbs about the size of a car appeared to have risen out of the forest and began circling in bizarre patterns around the ship. The craft rose faster and faster into the night sky, until it was only a speck in the sky. Steeling feeling an intense pain in his head the witness went to sleep.
Source:  UFOs Northwest


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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