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The Alien. United States

ID #1623423421
Added Fri, 11/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Накогдочес, TX
United States

David Salomen (60 years old) was riding his bike in a secluded forest north of this location and stopped to rest when he suddenly saw a figure standing about 12 feet (3.6 m) away. The figure was short, lithe, whitish in color, with large dark eyes. The figure said:

"Can I contact you?» 

The terrified witness prayed in agony. But he could still hear a voice in the area of his frontal lobe, saying:

"Say yes." 

And he said yes. 

He could clearly hear the voice behind his left ear, in the area of the brain that is responsible for speech and verbal logic. Then the small figure began to tell him many things about the pyramids and the Sphinx, about the ancient Nephilim giants, about 50 earth races more devout than the monks, about a flying miniature planet that creates the gravity of the planet Earth at the bottom and its atmosphere and flies at 12, 000 miles per second without subjecting the inhabitants to overload, failed experiments with chimera, moth man, Bigfoot, Champ, Nessie, etc.

This will be the first of several "sit-down" meetings of Salomen with this entity. His little mouth never moved. His wrinkled face reminded me of a Pekingese witness. His nose was almost nonexistent, and his huge eyes were like two black almonds tilted upward at an angle of forty-five degrees. The large veins of his prominent bald head were clearly visible. The entity identified itself as "Magnuss" and told the witness:

"I use your own vocabulary, built into your mind, to communicate with you." 

On February 3, 2006, Magnus dictated to the witness 38 pages of information that he wanted to pass on to " Abo " or the people. At one point, he asked Magnus about Atlantis, but his answer was ominous and he didn't ask anymore, basically the entity said that it was too much information and it would be unwise for a witness to know about it. 

He also asked about the implants, and was told that each piece of metal is attached to nerve endings that transmit location data and biological data to an" object " similar to a mainframe, where everyone they tag is stored. No manual manipulation is required. The data is constantly transmitted to the cell of each hijacker in the mainframe. If one of the implants is surgically removed, the cell becomes inactive, and the alien observer receives a warning. 

The witness is obviously a biblical scholar and has found many parallels in the Bible about alien interference. In fact, Magnus had told him that they had been watching the Earth for thousands of years.

Original news

Date:  early January 2006
Location: Near Nacogdoches, Texas
Time: night
Summary: David Salomen, 60’s, was riding his dirt bike in a secluded forest north of the location and had stopped to rest when suddenly he saw a figure standing about 12 feet away from him. The figure was short, willowy whitish in color, with large dark eyes. The figure said, “May I connect with you?” Terrified the witness prayed in agony. But he could still hear the voice in the area of his frontal lobe, that said, “Say yes.” And he said “yes”. He could plainly hear a voice behind his left ear, in the region of the brain that handles speech and verbal logic. The short figure then began to tell him many things, about the pyramids, and the sphinx, of ancient Nephilim giants, of 50 terrestrial races more devout than monks, of a flying miniature planet that sets up the gravity of planet Earth on the bottom and its atmosphere and flies at 12,000 miles per second without subjecting its occupants to G-force, of chimera experiments gone awry, of Mothman, Bigfoot, Champ, Nessy, etc. It will be the first of several “sit-downs” Salomen would have with this entity. His small mouth never moved. His pushed-in furrowed face reminded the witness of a Pekinese. His nose was nearly non-existent and his enormous eyes were like two black almonds that slanted upwards at a forty-five degree angle. The large veins of his bulbous bald head were clearly visible. The entity called itself “Magnuss” and told the witness, “I am using your own lexicon embedded in your mind to communicate with you”. On February 3 2006, Magnuss would dictate to the witness 38 pages of information he wished for him to pass on to “Abo” or humans. At one point he asked Magnuss about Atlantis but his answer was ominous and he enquired no further, basically the entity said that it was too much information and it wouldn’t be “wise” for the witness to know about it. He also asked about implants and was told that each piece of metal is attached to nerve endings, which transmit location and biological data to an “object” not unlike a mainframe, where all whom they tag are kept. There is no hand on manipulation required. The data is continually transmitted to each abductee’s cell in the mainframe. If one of the implants is surgically removed, a cell becomes dormant and the monitor alien is alerted. The witness is apparently a biblical scholar and found many parallels in the bible of alien intervention. In fact he was told by Magnuss that they have been monitoring the earth for thousands of years. A lot of the information was indeed compared to religious dogma and according to the alien there is a definite connection.
Source: Direct from jasus@cox-internet.com


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