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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1623406892
Added Fri, 11/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.07.2005 22:30
Бетесда, TN
United States

Sandy Nichols was traveling west on the Bethesda-Arno Road in the Middle Tennessee area about 25 miles south of the Davidson County Line in Nashville. Its speed was 40 miles per hour on a fairly typical country road, which was limited mainly to farmland. There were no other cars on the road, and his headlights were on full blast. 

At the spot where it was spotted, there are three houses located a few hundred yards from the road, on a fairly steep slope on the north side of the road. While the south side of the road was bordered by a fairly steep slope with a dense hedge of twisted bushes and trees about 20 feet (6 m) from the road. He first noticed the creature as it rounded a bend and immediately continued on a short road with a slight rise. His estimated distance from the creature was 300 feet (90 m), and he immediately began to slow the car down. 

The creature was standing a foot or two (0.3-0.6 m) away from the road on the south side. Behind the creature was the back side of a 7.5-foot-high road sign. The top of the creature's head was several inches higher than the mark, though its feet were on the ground. This would make the creature almost eight feet (2.4 m) tall. The head of the creature had a human shape, but also had a peculiar triangular appearance. The head seemed too big for the rest of the body. The neck was normal and attached to the narrow shoulders. Her breasts seemed normal, though narrower than she'd imagined. The creature's legs were long and thin, almost skinny, especially in the thigh area that reached to the knees. Both hands were long and thin and connected to the hands with long, thin fingers, four or five, he couldn't be sure. The creature's face was shrouded in shadow. He couldn't make out the features. The creature's arms were outstretched, and there were dark webs attached to the wrists of both hands, which extended down and attached to the knees, and were also attached to the torso of the body directly in the armpits and reached to the knees. The band was strong in structure, with a slight taper that reached to the middle of the knees, and then continued to taper, as indicated above, to the knees. From the shoulders to the legs, except for the arms and webbing, the creature's color was a bright, reflective red. 

The duration of the observation was brightly lit for 7 to 8 seconds and at one point no more than 7 feet (2.1 m) from the open window of his car as he drove past the creature. Not once did the creature move or make any hostile gestures toward the witness. 

Nichols managed to stop the car about 100 yards (90 m) from the creature. He immediately turned the car around in the middle of the road in the hope of seeing the creature again, but it was in vain.

Original news

Date:  July 20 2005
Location:  Near Bethesda, Tennessee
Time:  2230
Summary:  Sandy Nichols was traveling west on the Bethesda-Arno road in the Middle Tennessee area about 25miles south of the Davidson county line of Nashville. His speed was 40 mph on the fairly typical country road, which was bordered mainly by farm land. There were no other vehicles on the road and his headlights were on full brightness. At the exact spot of his sighting there are three homes set back several hundred yards off the road on a fairly steep grade on the north side of the road. While the south side of the road was bordered by a fairly steep slope with a thick hedge row of mangled brush and trees about 20ft from the road. He first noticed a creature as he rounded a curve and continued onto a short straight away with a slight rise in elevation. His estimated distance from the creature was 300 ft and he immediately began to slow the car. The creature was standing a foot or two off the side of the road on the south side. Behind the creature there was the back side of a 71/2 foot tall road sign. The top of the creature’s head was several inches above the sign, though his feet were on the ground. This would have put the creature nearly eight feet tall. The creature’s body was covering about 1/5 of the sing. The head of the creature was human in shape but with a peculiar triangular appearance as well. The head seemed a bit to large for the rest of the body. The neck was normal in appearance and attached to narrow shoulders. The chest appeared normal, though narrower than one would have imagined. The legs of the creature were long and slender, almost skinny, especially the thigh area extending down to the knees. Both arms were long and thin and connected to hands with long, slender fingers, four or five, he could not be sure. The face of the creature was shrouded in a shadow like appearance. He could discern no facial features. The creature’s arms were outstretched, and attached to the wrist of both arms was dark webbing that extended downward and attached at the knees, and also was attached to the torso of the body directly at the underarm and extending downward to the knees. The webbing was solid in structure, with a slight tapering that came to a point mid way to the knees, and then continued to taper as above to the knees. From the shoulders down to the feet with the exception of the arms and webbing, the color of the creature was bright, reflective red. The duration of the sighting was a brightly lit 7 to 8 seconds and at one point not more than 7 ft from the open window of his car as he passed the creature. Never once did the creature move or make any type of hostile gesture toward the witness. Nichols managed to bring the car to a full stop some 100 yards from the creature. He immediately turned the car around in the middle of the road in the hopes of seeing the creature again, but it was for naught.
Source:   Sandy Nichols www.alienresearchgroup.com


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