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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Mysterious substance. United States

ID #1623324866
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.2005 03:00
Тусон, AZ
United States

After an argument with her boyfriend and after he angrily left the house, the witness saw flashing blue lights outside her home. She then entered the living room and saw one large creature between 7 and 8 feet (2.1-2.4 m) tall and three smaller creatures about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. All of the creatures had very large heads, which she described as "rocky". The tall creature was dressed in a tracksuit and had a textured medusa-like skin. She said the creatures were similar to humanoids (two eyes, two ears, bipeds, etc.). 

At first, she was not too alarmed, because she could not believe her eyes and thought that her two older boys (19 and 21 years old) were making fun of her (her boys did not live with her). However, she soon realized that these were not "ordinary" people, as they seemed to blend in with the wall paneling and could actually pass through the walls. 

There were two other people in the house at the time. (Her daughter-in-law was sleeping on one of the sofas in the living room, and her 10-year-old son was sleeping on another sofa in the living room.) The intrusion didn't wake any of them. Several times she tried unsuccessfully to wake her daughter-in-law. 

The tall creature fired at her from a device that fired a liquid substance but solidified on contact. She wasn't hurt by it. The creatures stayed there for almost two hours, but did not take any other hostile actions. She has since been terrified by the experience and is being treated by a psychiatrist for her trauma. 

She has since been terrified by the experience and is being treated by a psychiatrist for her trauma. She tried to report the incident to University of Arizona, but her phone calls were not returned. She did not tell the psychiatrist the details of the incident. Her boyfriend is also somewhat traumatized, but can't remember any details after leaving the house that morning. She said one of the trees in the yard was damaged. She noticed it right after the accident.

Original news

Date: March 2005
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Time: 0300A
Summary: After arguing with her boyfriend and after he angrily left the house the witness saw flashing blue lights outside of her house. She then walked into the living room and saw one large creature about 7 to 8 ft tall and three smaller creatures about 5 ft tall. All of the creatures had very large heads that she described as “rocky”. The tall creature was wearing a jump type suit and had a “jellyfish” type textured skin. She said that the creatures were humanoid-like (two eyes, two ears, bipedal etc, etc). She wasn’t too alarmed at first because she couldn’t believe her eyes and thought her two older boys (aged 19 and 21) were playing a joke on her. (Her boys were not living with her.) However, she soon realized that these were not “ordinary” people as they seemed to be blending in with the wall paneling and could actually walk through walls. Two other people were in the house at the time. (Her sister in law was sleeping on one of the couches in the living room and her 10-year old son was sleeping on the other couch in the living room.) Neither was awakened by the intrusion. She attempted several times to awaken her sister-in-law to no avail. The tall creature shot at her with a device that would shoot a liquid substance, but would solidify upon contact. She was not injured by this. The creatures were there for nearly two hours, but took no other hostile action. She has since been terrified by the experience and is undergoing treatment by a psychiatrist due to the resulting trauma. She attempted to report the incident to the University of Arizona, but they wouldn’t return her phone calls. She has not told her psychiatrist details about the incident. Her boyfriend is also somewhat traumatized but does not recall any details after he left the house that morning. She said that one of the trees in the front yard had sustained some damage. She noticed this right after the incident.
Source: UFOs Northwest


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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