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UFO. United States

ID #1623242452
Added Wed, 09/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.12.2004 20:00
Фэрбенкс, AK
United States

Memory is fuzzy. However, I think it was around 5-8 pm after work, sometime between December 2004 and January 2005. I had just finished working at Wal Mart, and another colleague and I were warming up our cars, getting them ready to go home. 

We both noticed a cluster of white balls of light in the sky to the south of us. We talked about it for a while and came to the conclusion that it must have been a plane arriving at the airport. 

Our location is on the east side of the airport road. The airport runway is located at the western end of Airport Way. We assumed it was a plane preparing to land, coming from the east. He moved slowly. The light seemed motionless. In other words, if a person measured the distances between the lights for 15-30 minutes, I observed a phenomenon where they would remain constant in relation to each other. Thus, the cluster of lights seemed to be made of one solid structure. There was no noise. 

It was a crystal clear night with temperatures below freezing. After we identified it as a plane, I got in the car and drove home. My house was in the south, so I could watch it as I drove home. When I got to my apartment, I went inside and then went out on the balcony. The object was still in place and was not moving as fast as I would have thought a plane would arrive at the airport. I began to realize that it wasn't a plane. He was just moving too slowly to keep up. I watched it for a short period of time and then came to the conclusion that it was something ordinary that I wasn't used to. 

Having some knowledge of government, military, and research in Area 51, I thought it was none of my business, and that even if it was a UFO, it would be just another videotape of Balls of Light against the night sky. I noticed that it seemed bigger than a normal plane. However, there were too many variables to form any opinion about what it was. But there was definitely something there, whether it was an ordinary or unconventional airship or a spaceship.

Later, my colleague agreed that he thought it was a UFO and not an airship.

Original news

Date: December 20 2004
Location: Fairbanks, AK
Time: 20:00
Summary: Memory is fuzzy. However, I think it was about 5 – 8 PM after work, sometime between December 2004 to January 2005. I had just finished work at Wal~Mart and myself and another coworker were warming up our vehicles getting them ready to leave for home. We both noticed a cluster of white balls of light in the sky to the South of us. We conversed a little bit about it and concluded that it must have been an Airplane coming in to the Airport. Our location is at the East end of Airport Way. The Airport runway is at the West end of Airport Way. We assumed that it was an Airplane preparing to land coming in from the East. It was moving slowly. The Lights seemed Fixed. In other words, if a person were to measure the distances between the lights during the 15 – 30 minute period I observed the phenomenon they would have stayed at a constant in relation to each other. So the cluster of lights seemed to be from one solid structure. There was no noise. It was a crystal clear night with temperatures well below freezing. After we determined it was an Airplane I got in my car and drove home. My home was to the south so I was able to watch it as I drove home. At the time I arrived at my appartment I went inside and then went out onto the balkcony. The object was still there and had not moved as fast as I would believe an airplane would coming into the Airport. I began to realise that it was not an airplane. It was just moving to slow for it to keep itself up. I watched it for a short period of time and further concluded that it was something conventional that I was not used to. Having some understanding of Government, Military, and Area 51 Research I thought it was of no concern of mine and that even if it was a UFO it would only be another video tape of Balls of light against a Night Sky. I did notice that it seemed to be larger than a Conventional Airline Aircraft. However, there were too many variables to make any opinion of what it was. But there was definitely something there, whether it be conventional or non conventional air or space craft.Later my coworker agreed that he thought it was a UFO and not an Air Craft.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


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