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UFO. United States

ID #1623233378
Added Wed, 09/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
12.12.2004 17:00
Санта-Кларита, CA
United States

I was walking the dogs when I noticed a bright red light. Round. The light moved slowly from west to east. At some point north of the Santa Clarita Valley, the light stopped moving east. 

As it hovered, it lost altitude and began to hover at about 2,500 feet. It moved very slowly from left to right, and then made 90-degree turns upward and gained altitude. I watched it for the better part of 30 minutes. At Costco, there were many witnesses, both customers and employees. The object did not make any sounds and had no visible means of movement. The object began to move away from me in a westerly direction at a very slight angle, again with no visible means of movement. It was rising and moving at about the same speed. Never increased the speed. 

There were times when I observed an object bouncing up and down and from side to side, as if it was being affected by turbulence. The most amazing thing as I continued to observe this is that I realized that the object had left the Earth's atmosphere when the red object started "flickering". 

I continued to watch him until he was invisible to the naked eye. I am very familiar with aviation and do not know of any aircraft that behaves in this way. 

I was helping my brother-in-law move, we took a short break, went outside, I looked up at the sky, because I heard a jet flying by.

Original news

Date: December 12 2004
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Time: 10:00
Summary: i was waiting to pick up a vehicle from a local car dealership-the dealership had long string of balloons floating up in sky for promotional uses as did dealership next to them-i was looking at both strings of balloons when i saw a group of colored balloons float away approx same location where strings of balloons were tied down.the strings of balloons were also colored-they were not the silvery shiny mylar type balloons-i was thiking to myself how high up the balloons were-usually they dont have such long strings of baloons-i estimate they were approx 400 ft in the air-approx 1 balloon every 10 feet or so on the string-i estimate there were aprrox 40-50 ballons on each string.as i watched the group of balloons that floated away go up into sky i saw i bright white light just south of the 1st string of balloons but still above string of balloons-i was looking due west and up.at first i thought it was one of those mylar ballons reflecting sunlight-i knew it wasnt that cause it didnt move -it was stationary or hovering-then i thought it maybe a helicopter-if it was ,i thought ,it sure is up high-then it moved like nothing i have seen before-it was a bright white sphere-it moved from stationary to a trajectory from sw sky towards me and down on a 45 degree angle,instantly went horizontal from s to n across western horizen then went on another 45 degree angle up and to the north and hovered again-this action went behind both strings of balloons-it hovered there north of of second string of balloons-as the sphere moved it changed colors from bright white to yellow to orange then to gold-by this time i had my binoculars out-i focused in on glowing gold sphere for aprox 1 minute-the light coming from sphere was not any type of reflection-the spere was definitley glowing gold-when i put binoculars down to look w just my eyes i lost sight of object-ive always wanted to see a ufo and i think i did-i also suspect this sighting and maybe others like it are actually advanced technology kept hidden from the public -i do think this object i saw was further west from 7th ave and bell rd in phoenix where i veiwed sighting-also it was much higher in altitude then the string of baloons-it was a beutiful sunday morning no clouds w sun still to the east of me. ahh! my first sighting!
Source: Davenport, Peter


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