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UFO. United States

ID #1622821696
Added Fri, 04/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.11.2004 03:30
Сакраменто, CA
United States

A fast light is approaching me and I shoot 2 Quicktime clips of it passing overhead while driving! As we drove home from work early on the morning of 11-25 at about 3: 30 am Pacific time, there was a slight cloud cover with a patchy fog lit up by a near-full moon. 

I was driving west on I-80, turned onto Truxel Rd, and turned south (left turn), returning on the freeway. When I straightened the wheel, I noticed a very bright, unusual-looking whitish-amber light in the sky. I estimate it was at an altitude of 400 to 500 feet. about 35 degrees up from the horizon. About a mile or so on the freeway. 

My first thought was just a helicopter flying low over the freeway. Then I looked for the usual flashing marker lights around the big light, which were unlike anything I'd seen on a helicopter before. That's when my estimates of the distance, speed, and relative size of the helicopter didn't add up. I could almost see that the light was too big for the helicopter at that distance, and it was coming fast. The light itself was no ordinary bright spot, the beam of the searchlight was directed downwards. Most likely, it was the ship itself. 

I remembered that I had a digital camera with me, and I realized that I could take a picture of it. It was in the case, and I was very excited as I fiddled with the bag, wasting precious seconds trying to simultaneously overtake a moving car and open the camera case. I slowed down to about 10 mph from the 20 mph I was at before crossing the overpass. 

By the time I pulled the camera out and rolled down the window so there was no flash reflection, it caught up with me, I stuck the camera out the window, turned it behind me and up. I immediately saw a bright light on the viewfinder screen. Holding the camera with both hands and trying to hold it still, I pressed the button, but the flash didn't work as I expected, so I just thought it was "misfiring" and pressed it again. I've never had a flash before. I must have too weak batteries to turn on the flash on my camera, I thought, and then it dawned on me that I didn't hear anything like a helicopter. That thing didn't make a sound! 

Then, when I got home, I clicked "browse" on my camera, and to my surprise, it started playing a video of what I saw and what I was trying to photograph. I accidentally shot 3 seconds of this in two very short films. It turned out that in my rush to get the image, I must have turned the mode selection button on my Kodak CX7300 one notch above "camera" to "Video"mode. 

Although the video is shaky and short, you can slow it down in Quicktime by manually dragging the playback head back and forth to see the path of light overhead relative to the tiny more stationary light sources below it. I counted a total of 22 object frames spread across two separate clips over a time period of 2.5 to 3 seconds. I actually saw it for almost 30 seconds.

Original news

Date: November 25 2004
Location: Sacramento, California
Time: 03:30
Summary: Fast light approaches me and I shoot 2 Quicktime clips of it passing overhead while driving! While driving home from work early 11-25 at approx 3:30 am PDT, it was partly cloudy with patchy fog that was illuminated by a nearly full moon. I was driving westbound on I-80 freeway and turned off at Truxel Rd and was turning south (left turn), heading back over the freeway. When I straightened out the wheel, from the direction I just came from, I noticed a very bright unusual looking whitish amber colored light up in the sky. I estimate it was maybe 400 to 500 ft up. at about 35 degrees up from the horizon. At about a distance of a mile or so yet down the freeway. My first thought was its just a helicopter flying low over the freeway. Then I looked for the usual blinking marker lights around the big light which didn’t look like anything I’ve seen on a helicopter before. That’s when things didn’t add up in my estimations of distance and speed and relative size of a chopper. I could pretty much see that the light was too large for a helicopter at that distance and it was closing fast. The light itself was not the usual bright spot light, with its search light spot ray pointing downward. More like it was the entire craft itself. I remembered I had my digital camera with me and realized I could take a picture of this thing. It was in its case and I become really excited as I fumbled with the bag losing precious seconds trying to negotiate a moving vehicle and open my camera case at the same time. I slowed down to maybe 10 mph from about the 20mph that I was up to crossing the overpass. By the time I got my camera out and rolled down my window so as to not get flash reflection, it had caught up to me, I stuck my camera out the window, turned it back behind me and up. I immediately saw the bright light in the view finder screen. Holding the camera with both hands and trying to keep it still I pressed the button but the flash didn’t go off as I expected so I just thought it ‘misfired’ and I pressed again. Neither time did I get a flash. I must have batteries too weak to fire the flash on my camera I thought and then it dawned on me that I didn’t hear anything like a helicopter. This thing made No Sound! Then when I got home I pressed “review” on my camera and to my surprise it started playing back a video of what I saw and was trying to take a picture of. I had inadvertently captured 3 seconds of it in two very short movies of it. It turns out In my haste to get a picture I must have turned the mode selector button on my Kodak CX7300 past “camera” one notch to “Video” mode. Although the video is shaky and brief you can slow it down in Quicktime by manually dragging the playback head back and forth to see the light’s path overhead relative to tiny more stationary lights below it. I counted a total 22 frames of the object spread out over two seperate clips in a timeframe of 2.5 to 3 seconds. I actually saw it for almost 30 seconds total. Note that my date on the file is correct the actual right time was never set on my camera
Source: Davenport, Peter


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