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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1622559551
Added Tue, 01/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Аривака, AZ
United States

The witness was looking for deer on horseback in the mountains Cerro-Colorado.about 1.5 miles from his camp, and as dusk approached, he found a dead snow sheep lamb. Looks like he was killed within the hour. 

There was a bloody hole in his throat, just above his chest. It turned out that the predator ate the heart and drank the blood, nothing more. There was some blood on the ground. 

The witness looked around and caught the trail of a three-possibly four-toed animal with each finger as long as a human finger with a claw or nail at the end of each one. He had never seen a track like this in all the years he had spent in the wild. 

He followed the tracks and, looking down, about 50 feet (15 m) below him, saw a "thing" coming down the hill. The witness followed him, and after a while apparently sensed that the horse was there, and turned to face it. he saw the witness and then moved faster down the hill, but couldn't get away from the horse. 

His stride was about 1.5 feet (0.4 m) when walking upright, and 5-8 feet (1.5-2.4 m) when moving on three or four limbs, and perhaps 12-20 feet (3.6-6 m) when performing a fun jump. He had a funny gait, almost a jump rope, but there were small jumps, and sometimes jumps. He only looked back at the witness three times.

Finally, he descended to a steep rocky area with cracks, crevices, and holes between boulders. He disappeared into the rocks. A witness described the creature as a cross between a black lagoon creature and a rhesus monkey. 

It moved on two, three, and four legs/arms. When standing, it reached 3.5-4 feet (1-1. 2 m) in height and weighed about 50-60 pounds (15-18 m). It had large lemur eyes, brown skin, possibly thin fur, a large bald or bare head, enlarged buttocks, and thick hind limbs. It had several spiked protrusions on its back that seemed flexible and moved while running. It had claws, or long gray nails, on at least three fingers on the left front and back. It had more of a muzzle than a nose. The witness didn't see any teeth. 

He smelled like "dead meat," but not rotten meat, no doubt because he had just been fed.

The next morning, the witness was surprised to find a dead lamb, apparently untouched by any of the local predators.

Original news

Date: September 2003
Location: Near Arivaca, Arizona
Time: sundown
Summary: The witness was scouting for deer on horseback in the Cerro Colorado Mountains about 1.5 miles from his camp and as twilight approached he found a dead bighorn sheep lamb. It looked like it had been killed within the hour. It had a gory looking bloody hole in its throat, just above the chest area. It appeared that the predator had eaten the heart and drank the blood, nothing else. There was some blood on the ground. The witness looked around and picked up the trail of a three—possibly four-toed animal with each toe about the length of a human finger with a claw or nail on the end of each one. He had never seen a track such as this one in all the years he had spent in the wild. He followed the tracks to a draw and looking down he saw a “thing” about 50 feet below him headed down hill. The witness followed it and after a while it apparently sensed the horse was there and turned around to face it, it saw the witness and then moved more rapidly down hill, but it couldn’t outrun the horse. Its stride was about 1.5 ft walking upright and 5-8 ft when moving on three or four limbs and possibly 12-20 ft when making a funny sort of hop. It had a funny gait, almost a lope, but little jumps and sometimes bounds were involved. It only looked back at the witness three times. It finally got down to a steep rocky area full of cracks, crevasses and holes between the boulders. It disappeared into the rocks. The witness described the creature as a cross between the creature of the black lagoon and a rhesus monkey. It moved on two, three and four legs/arms. It stood about 3.5-4 ft tall when standing and weighed maybe about 50-60 lbs. It had large lemur like eyes, brown skin, possibly fine fur, a large bald or hairless head, enlarged buttocks and thick hind limbs. It had some spike-like protrusions along its back that appeared flexible and moved as it ran. It had claws or long gray nails on at least three of the digits on the left front and rear. It had more of a snout than a nose. The witness did not see any teeth. It had a “dead meat” smell, but not rotten meat, no doubt because it just fed. The next morning the witness was surprised to find the dead lamb still there, apparently not touched by any of the area’s predators.
Source: Paranormal about.com October 2003 stories


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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