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UFO. France

ID #1617129047
Added Tue, 30/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.07.1997 00:25
Fos sue Mer / Salon DE Provence

A huge light, most similar to those light balls at discos, chased our car. We were alone on the road, and when we stopped to check, she stopped too. It wasn't a helicopter, because there was no sound, and it flew almost 25 km, so it wasn't light coming from the ground either. There were 4 of us who came from salsa practice. 

30 km from home, and when we left the city, the girl behind saw "something in the sky", so at first we thought that there was a party going on somewhere. But since it was still there 5 minutes later, we thought it might be a car with a light on the roof or something. But when we realized that it was a forest, it couldn't be. So even I, who usually don't believe in such things, started to get nervous. 

We tried to stop the car to see if we could hear anything, but other than the birds, there were no sounds. The sky wasn't cloudy, but it wasn't cloudy either. There was some fog. But it couldn't be a helicopter: If it had been a helicopter, I would have seen it higher up. The little light didn't come from the ground either. 

Since he was "chasing" us, we stopped the car again. When we stopped the car, it stopped too. He was always there for us. When we passed a small village, we thought we had lost her, but when we passed, she joined us again by the roadside. 

We were driving from Foz-sur-Mer to Salon-de-Provence in the south of France. The singer, who was sitting in the back (the girl who saw the thing for the first time), claimed that she saw exactly the same holiday last December with two friends when they were walking in the woods. This time the light was hidden behind the car. 25 km, even when we made a few sharp turns, when we changed the road, etc. 

He was right next to us. Light: It was round, but not like a circle. It was more like little squares of light that turned smoothly first one way and then the other. The center kept changing size; it was like something pulsing - like a heart. There were smaller squares of light around the center, and they were all turned in the same direction.

It was like one of the best sci-fi movies ever! It changed its size, height, and speed. And I was sure that he followed us, because we passed the app. 3 km through the city and several sharp turns. If it was something from earth, I would have to go through a forest, a lake, and another forest. If it came from the sky, it made no sound at all and could see us even when we were driving with the lights off. When we arrived at the Salon de Provence, he stopped following us and went back to where we came from.

We were all scared, as it was clear that it was impossible to explain. Even the disbelieving driver was afraid. Persons in the car: ((4 names removed)). I write this with all the risk of being called stupid or unrealistic, but I hope it helps if other people report the same. I'm writing this at the time of my return, which is 10 minutes after the episode. ((Name removed))

Original news

Date:  July 5 1997
Location: Fos sue Mer/Salon DE Provence Between France
Time: 00:25
Summary: A huge light that most of all seemed like those light-balls in the discotheques followed our car. We were alone at the road and when we stopped to verify it stopped too. It was not a helicopter ’cause there were no sound at all and it moved almost 25 km. so it wasn’t a light coming from the ground neither. We were 4 people coming from a practice session with our salsa band. We had to drive app. 30 km to get home and when we got out of the city the girl in the back saw “something in the sky” so first we thought that there was a party going on somewhere. But as it was still there 5 minutes later we thought that it could be car moving with a light on the roof or something like that. But when we realized that it was a forest ti couldn’t be that neither. Therefore, even I, who normally does not believe in such things, started to get nervous. We tried to stop the car to see if we could hear something but no sounds were there besides some birds. The sky was not cloudy but not totally free from clouds neither. There were some kind of fog. But it could not be a helicopter; if it were a helicopter I would have been able to see it above. An det light was not coming from the ground neither. We started the car again an drove app. 10 km But as it was “following” us we stopped the car once more. When we stopped the car it stopped too. It was always right beside us. When we passed through a small village we thought that we had lost it, but when we got through it rejoined us beside the road. We were driving from Fos sur Mer to Salon de Provence in South France. The singer who was sitting in the back (the girl who first saw the thing) claimed that she had seen exactly the same ting in December last year with 2 friends as they were taking a walk in the forest. But it has only lasted for app. 10 seconds. This time the light followed the car for app. 25 km even when we took some sharp turns and when wh changed the road etc. it was right beside us.The Light:It was round but not like a circle. It was more like some small squares of light that was turning first one way and then the other in a smooth way. The center changed size all the time; it was like something pulsing – like a heart. Around of the center there were the smaller squares of light og all was turned in the same direction.It was like one of the best science fiction movies ! It changed size, high and speed. And it was sure that it followed us because we drove app. 3 km through the city and made some very sharp turns. If it had been something from the ground id would have had to pass through a forest, a lake and one more forest. If it was coming from the sky it made no sound at all and it could see us even when we drove with the lights out. When we arrived at Salon de Provence it stopped following us and returned to where we came from.We were all afraid as it was clear that this could not be explained. Even the driver who is a non-believer was afraid. The persons in the car: ((4 names deleted)). I am writing this with all the risk to called stupid og non realistic but I hope it can help if other people will report the same thing. Please do not hesitate to mail me back for further information (if there is any).I am writing this at the time of my return i.e. 10 minutes after the episode. ((Name deleted))
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-U Payload: Progress-M 35


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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