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The Alien. United States

ID #1617109450
Added Tue, 30/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лос-Анджелес, CA
United States

Philip H. Krapf woke up in the middle of the night to find himself surrounded by a glowing beam of light, and then unwittingly found himself aboard an alien spaceship. In a matter of seconds, he was standing in front of the strangest creatures he had ever seen, although not so different from the images of alien creatures that others gave. 

They were just over five feet (1.5 m) tall, with dark, narrow eyes, almost imperceptible noses, no visible body hair, and a skin tone ranging from grayish-white to slightly tanned. They wore satin robes of various muted colors. They spoke to Krapf in English, though their thin lips did not move. Throughout the experience, the witness felt peaceful and fully alert. 

These aliens called themselves "Green", and claimed that they came from a planet about 14 million light-years from Earth (the name of their planet seems to translate into English as "green", which, according to the witness, means something similar to"garden planet"). 

They said they had recruited hundreds of people to serve as links for the upcoming summit conference between the two species. Krapf spent most of his waking hours on the ship, being instructed by the Verdants in Russian orientation classes. During his stay, he had a personal guide and chaperone named Gina. 

Another key figure among the Verdants he contacted used the name "Gus". These names were adopted in his favor, because he could not address them by their real names in their native language. During the introductory classes, he learned that the Verdants had been space explorers for millions of years. Apparently, they belonged to a handful of other highly evolved species that formed the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. 

There are currently 27,000 species or members in the group's files. The Verdants RBP said that they had colonized a large number of previously uninhabited planets making them more habitable or more hospitable.

Original news

Location. Near Los Angeles, California
Date: June 1997
Time: night
Phillip H Krapf awoke in the middle of the night and found himself encased in a luminous shaft of light, then involuntarily beamed aboard an alien spacecraft. Within a matter of seconds, he was standing before the strangest creatures he had ever seen, though not so different from depictions of alien beings that others have given. They were just over five feet tall, with dark, narrow eyes, nearly imperceptible noses, no visible body hair, and skin tones from grayish white to slightly tan. They were wearing satiny robes of varying muted colors. They spoke to Krapf in English even though their thin lips didn’t move. During the whole experience the witness felt at peace and fully alert. These aliens called themselves “The Verdants”, and claimed they come from a planet some 14 million light-years from Earth (the name of their planet apparently translates into “Verdant” in English, which the witness interpreted to mean something akin to “garden planet). They said that they had been recruiting hundreds of humans to serve as liaisons for an impending summit conference between representatives of the two species. Krapf spent most of his waking hours on the ship being briefed by the Verdants n orientation sessions. During his stay, he had a personal tour guide and attendant who went by the name of Gina. The other key figure among the Verdants with whom he had contact was using the name “Gus”. These names were adopted for his benefit because he was incapable of addressing them by their real names in their native tongue. He learned in the orientation sessions that the Verdants have been space explorers for millions of years. Apparently they belonged to a handful of other advanced species to form the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. Currently the group has a total of 27,000 species or members in their files. The Verdants lso said that they had colonized a great number of formerly uninhabited planets making them more habitable or more hospitable.

Source: Phillip H Krapf, The Challenge of Contact


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