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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. United States

ID #1616695137
Added Thu, 25/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Кингман, AZ
United States

John Wright was asleep in his second-floor bedroom when he heard several loud bangs from across the street. 

Since the coyotes and the local youth liked to go into the unfinished houses at night, John decided that this was a common problem of one type or another. He immediately grabbed his magnetic flashlight and aimed the beam at the spot. 

As he stared at the front of the houses, a pair of red glowing eyes looking directly at him startled him. Assuming it was a coyote, John put on his clothes, armed himself with a 30-06 rifle, and began to investigate. 

As he approached the house, he heard a strange mechanical spinning sound, almost like some kind of servomechanism, only much louder than he had ever heard before. He walked up to the house and aimed his rifle at the house, when a large mechanical robot flew out of it. 

The creature was roughly human in size and proportion, but had a large domed head and waving mechanical arms whose joints seemed to be servomechanisms. 

Startled, John fired at the machination, but didn't think he'd hit it. He didn't wait to find out either; he ran to his house and locked the door. John reloaded his rifle, broke his shotgun and pistol, and barricaded himself in his office. 10 minutes later, he heard a car pull up. 

It was the local sheriff who had come to investigate John's shooting. John explained the encounter to the sheriff, who then went with John to the house. Something was indeed rummaging through the empty house.

Original news

Location. Near Kingman, Arizona
Date: July 1996
Time: late night
John Wright was asleep in his second story bedroom when he heard a number of loud crashing sounds from a lot across the street. Because coyotes and the local youth both liked to enter the unfinished houses at night, John assumed it to be common trouble of one type or another. He immediately grabbed his mag light and narrowed a beam over at the location. As he panned over the front of the houses, a pair of red glowing eyes looking directly at him startled him. Assuming it was a coyote John threw his clothes on and armed himself with a 30-06 deer rifle and proceeded to investigate. As he approached the house, he heard a strange mechanical whirling sound, almost like a servomechanism of some kind, only much louder than he had ever heard before. He approached the house and leveled his rifle at the house when a large mechanical robot of some kind came barreling out. The thing was roughly human in size and proportion, but had a large, domed head and flailing mechanical arms, the joints of which appeared to be servomechanisms. Startled, John fired his gun at the machination but didn’t think he hit it. He did not wait around to find out either; he ran to his house and locked the door. John reloaded his rifle, broke out his shotgun and pistol, and barricaded himself in his study. 10 minutes later he heard a car drive up. It was the local sheriff, who came to investigate the shot John had fired. John explained the encounter to a shocked sheriff, who then went with John over to the house. Something had indeed rummaged through the empty house. Construction material was strewn about everywhere and someone or something had drilled many equally sized holes in the wooded planks used to construct the roof.
Source: Encounters On-Line


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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