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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1615302488
Added Tue, 09/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1995 16:00
Puerto Rico

Madeleine Tolentino was at home with her mother when she noticed that someone drove up ahead and went to the window to see who it was. She saw a neighbor standing on the passenger side of his car, talking to the woman inside. 

Suddenly, the man froze with a scared expression on his face as he started backing away from something. Then Madeleine saw that he was looking at a creature walking towards him on the sidewalk. The creature stopped right in front of her window, its progress was blocked by a man's car parked on the sidewalk. The creature was no more than six feet (1.8 m) away.

He was described as being 3 to 4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) tall, covered with coarse dark brown-black hair, without clothes. She didn't notice the genitals. His hands, which he held close to his body, were long and thin, ending in three long claws. He had something like a long crest of feathers or spikes on his back. On his skin, he also had several bare round purple spots that looked as if they were burn marks. His jaw was prominent, with a slit for his mouth and two holes for his nose, small ears and large slanted eyes, gray without whites. The eyes were moist or gelatinous. When he turned his head, it seemed that he was making slow sharp mechanical movements. The upper part of the body was thin, and the lower part was thick and strong. 

The terrified neighbor jumped into his car and drove away in a panic. Madeline then screamed for her mother. Then the creature ran across the street, its legs moving so fast that they didn't seem to touch the ground. He then headed towards the nearest small grass field.

 Madeleine's mother, Isabel Maldonado, and a mechanic from a nearby store followed the creature into the field. They could see that the spikes on its back resembled those of a prehistoric lizard, and when it opened its mouth, it extended four fangs. The mechanic rushed at the creature, trying to catch it (!). But the creature lunged and, having reached a six-foot (1.8 m) fence, jumped over like a kangaroo and rushed away.


In the midst of an epidemic of strange deaths of small livestock in Puerto Rico in 1995, Madeline Tolentino and her friends encountered a mysterious beast. Eyewitnesses described it as a creature about four feet tall with a large head, lipless mouth, fangs and huge red eyes. The hind legs of the beast were bent like a kangaroo, the front legs were short, but with impressive claws, and on the back there were wings with webbed wings like a bat.

This case was the first officially documented evidence of a chupacabra. But before that, similar events had already taken place in the city of Moka, which were attributed to a mysterious vampire. However, after it was established that a strange creature was responsible for the deaths, he was given the name "el chupacabras" - "sucking goat's blood".

Over time, reports of Chupacabra began to arrive from all over Mexico, then from Central and South America, and even from the southern regions of the United States. Along with the increased number of bloodless animals, the fear of this strange creature grew among the village population.

New witnesses added new details to the already known image of the creature. Some spoke of a strip of feathers running down the beast's back, others claimed that it had a forked tongue. However, the only calming circumstance was that the Chupacabra preferred small cattle. No reports of the creature attacking humans have been recorded.

Several bodies that were brought to the study by scientists also added to the mystery of this phenomenon. Some of them belonged to gray foxes with scabies, and others to mutated coyotes. One of the creatures, brought from Coleman, Texas, looked like a mixture of a bald dog, a rat and a kangaroo. However, this body mysteriously disappeared from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.

There are many assumptions about the origin of the chupacabra. Some consider him an alien creature accidentally lost on our planet, others believe that this is the result of genetic experiments that escaped from secret government laboratories.

Despite the fact that the Chupacabra remains a mystery, its legend continues to live and arouse people's interest. Many researchers and fans of paranormal phenomena continue to try to unravel the mystery of this mystical creature.

Original news

Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: 2nd week of August 1995
Time: 1600
Madeline Tolentino was at her home with her mother when she noticed someone had driven up in front and so she went to the window to see who it was. She saw a neighbor standing by the passenger side of his car speaking to a woman inside. Suddenly the man stiffened, a startled look on his face as he started backing away from something. Madeline then saw he was staring at a creature, which was walking down the sidewalk towards him. The creature stopped right in front of her window, its progress blocked by the man’s car, which was parked on the sidewalk. The creature was no more than 6 feet away. It was described as 3 to 4 feet tall, covered in a coarse dark brown-black hair, wearing no clothing. She did not notice genitalia. Its arms, which it kept pulled up close to its body, were long and thin, ending in three long claws. It had what appeared to be a long comb of feathers or spikes down its back. It also had several bare circular patches on its skin, which were purple in color and looked as if they were burn marks. Its jaw was prominent, it had a slit for a mouth and two holes for a nose, small ears, and large slanted eyes, which were gray in color, lacking the whites. The eyes were moist or gelatin like. When it moved its head, it seemed to be in slow jerky mechanical motions. The upper body was thin and its lower body was thick and strong. The startled neighbor jumped into his car and took off in a panic. Madeline then screamed for her mother. The creature then ran across the street, its feet moving so fast that it appeared they did not touch the ground. It then headed to a nearby small field of grass. Madeline’s mother, Isabel Maldonado, and a mechanic from a nearby shop followed the creature to the field. They could see that the spikes on its back resembled those of a prehistoric lizard, and when it opened its mouth it hand four fangs. The mechanic lunged at the creature in an attempt to capture it (!). But the creature bolted and when it reached a 6-foot fence, it jumped over like a kangaroo and scurried away.
Source: Chat Deetken, Jorge Martin


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