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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. United States

ID #1614603563
Added Mon, 01/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
19.12.1990 23:30
Вестчестер, NY
United States

December 19, 1990. Westchester, New York.

In the evening, my friend came to my house. I was still living with my parents, having just graduated from college last May.

In my parents ' house, there are two additional buildings, in addition to the main house. One of them we call a "barn", although it is only an apartment with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room and a terrace above the garage for one car. The building stands alone and is not attached to anything. This building is about 100 yards from the main house across the lawn.

On the second floor above this garage, between the "barn" and the main house, there is a swimming pool and a house with two garages and an entertainment room. The property supports nature conservation, which probably amounts to thousands of acres.

The plot is 5 acres in size, and there is a neighbor on either side of it, but they are not visible due to the long distance and the trees. The building faces the main road and is parallel to it. I'm doing this property description because it's important to the story.

The night of December 19, 1990 turned into a stormy, stormy night with sleet. For this reason, I asked my parents if I could leave my girlfriend in the "barn" with me, because it would be very dangerous to take her home. My parents thought it was a good idea, and that's exactly what happened.

At 23: 30, the girl and I stopped watching TV in the main house and decided to go down to the barn to go to bed. As a quick note; I want to note that my girlfriend was not wearing jewelry, and under the heavy jacket was only a white T-shirt. I know it's crazy for winter, but what I can say is what it was like.

Besides, we didn't have any alcohol at all. I really shouldn't have said that, because I don't do any drugs.

So we go outside and walk across the lawn to the barn in the wet snow. The shed has a sophisticated security system with motion sensors, low temperature alarms, smoke detectors, door contacts, window contacts, etc. It was monitored at the time, but we don't worry about monitoring it now, as the building is now almost unused.

I disabled the security system when we entered, but for some strange reason, I didn't put it back on guard once we were inside. My girlfriend came up the stairs in front of me and about halfway up the stairs she suddenly turned to me, having no other conversation, and just said:

"Would it be great if we got abducted by aliens tonight?

I looked at her with complete disbelief, like, where did this even come from?

I said:

"No, and shut up."

Literally, these were my words. You have to understand that "aliens" were not part of any conversation we had that day, that week, that month, ever! It wasn't part of what we saw on TV, nothing! Where this comment comes from, I have no idea! It was probably the farthest thing we could think of!

Hell, I was a 22-year-old guy who was going to spend a stormy winter night alone with his 19-year-old girlfriend, I wasn't thinking about aliens!

I think most people might miss such a detail from a story like this because it sounds so silly, but I want to tell you exactly what I remember. I invest in real estate to make a living, run several of my own companies, I got a college degree, grew up in a good family, and I don't seek publicity or monetary rewards for what I tell you. In fact, if I could be more anonymous, I would have done it. Unfortunately, what I'm telling you has absolutely happened.

So, let's go upstairs and go to bed. It's just a single bed with a window at the head, so it was cramped, but I didn't mind.

We left the main house no later than 23: 30 or 23: 35. The walk across the lawn and up to the barn followed by a bed rest took no more than 10 minutes. We actually rushed down the lawn to the barn because of the cold and sleet.

We had been in bed for no more than 10-15 minutes when the room was lit up with a blue-white light. Just as fast as if someone were using a flash on a camera. The only difference was the bluish light, not just the white light. It briefly lit up the entire room as if it were daytime. It was very bright.

But after a second or two, everything went back to darkness. It was very fast. I turned to my girlfriend, who was lying on her stomach and looking out the window, and asked:

"What was that?»

"It was weird." She said in a very puzzled voice, " A white ball of light just passed by the window."

I didn't see it because I was just lying on my back and looking into the room, and she was kind of looking at the window behind the bed, because she was lying on her stomach. Our heads were mostly at the window, and our feet pointed into the room.

She went on to say that a ball of white light the size of a basketball flew past the window. I asked her if she was sure it wasn't a car headlight from the road or something? She said no! We both looked out the window and tried to figure out what it was.

I think we were saying some things as if it couldn't have been from the road, where the road was and we were so far away from it, etc.Plus, why this never happened before, if it was a car and some must have passed by, other than what could have created this light. We quickly realized that something very strange had just happened.

I think we must have only talked about it for 2 or maybe 3 minutes, when what happened to me next was best described as a panic attack. I've never had this before or since, but what happened to me then was pure horror. From what my friend told me, and what I remember, I kind of sat up and pressed myself against the wall in bed, and my breathing became rapid.

I remember being so scared, and she could hear it in my voice when I told her back then that " we have to get out of here!» I repeated this several times, and she began to get angry and upset because I was asking me what was wrong.

I said I wanted to take her home right away, and we had to get out of there. I didn't have specific things I was afraid of, I didn't know what I was really afraid of, I just knew I didn't want to be there anymore.

I managed to convince her about another one or so to let me take her home. I said I was going to go outside and see if it was still snowing wet, and if it wasn't, I was going to take her home. I don't know why I wanted to go outside, but I did. In retrospect, it seems silly. I remember going down the stairs, going outside and looking up.

The sleet had subsided, and when I went outside, I felt very calm. There was nothing in the sky outside, and I thought to myself what a fool I had been to be afraid. It was a quiet winter night, and I was terrified, so I was ready to stay there.

It was amazing, though, when I look back, it was an immediate release of fear that I didn't have 30 seconds ago. I was so scared when I was upstairs that I actually looked out the window, thinking I could jump through it and everything would be fine, because we were only on the second floor. And now I felt good. Very strange.

So, I remember my girlfriend yelling at me from the top floor, and I thought, okay, okay, I just went outside for two seconds, I'm going to get up! So I go inside and put the security system on guard, which I haven't done before.

I go upstairs and explain to my girlfriend that it's okay, I feel good, and I'm really sorry that I upset her with all this. I said we could stay there, and I felt good. She said," Okay, " and we both went back to bed.

We turned off the lights, and I closed my eyes for literally no more than 15 seconds, when my girlfriend liked to sit in bed, screaming, literally screaming, crying, while shaking hands in front of her, saying:

"They touch! They touch me!»

At the same time that she does, I fall off the bed, startled to the core, saying:

"We're getting out of here!» 

While simultaneously turning on the light next to the bed. I got out of bed with the lights on and ran into the living room to turn off the security system in about 2 seconds.

I think I managed to get through the living room, remove the security, and get back to the bedroom in record time. When I got back to bed, I saw my girlfriend's eyes roll up, she passes out, and she falls on her side, and I have to catch her to keep her from falling off the bed. I immediately support her, and she is in a semi-conscious state, she clenches and makes a movement with the fingers of one hand, touching her other wrist, saying:

"They are the white pens to touch me."

She said it over and over, but she just came out of it, like in a kind of daze, not fully realizing.

I managed to pull on my pants and shoes, helping her do the same, even though she wasn't all there. I helped her down the stairs, and I had to help her up the lawn to the main house. We got to the main house, and all the while I was assuring her that everything was fine, but she was crying and crying and asking me:

"What happened?» 

I said I didn't know, but we're fine.

We got to the main house, I turned off the security system, and we went inside. As I was walking my girlfriend into our living room, I noticed that my cat had gone outside. It was very strange, because his mother always picked him up at night, especially in winter and in a thunderstorm like that night.

And as I pass by the window, where I see him and my girlfriend hanging on to me for physical support, still sobbing, I notice something very strange about the cat. The cat is on all fours, the top of his head pressed against the pillar that stands on our porch.

So I walk my girlfriend to the couch in the living room and tell her I need to get a cat. I sit her down, and, sobbing, she lifts her right wrist (as far as I can remember) to me and tells me to look at the wrist.

I was looking at her wrist, and the best way I could describe it was as if someone was fighting hard against the rope while holding it back, leaving a trail.

It was around her wrist. Remember, she didn't have any jewelry that night, not even rings, as far as I can remember. There was this strange red band around her entire wrist that was blistering, and it was more pronounced on the side of the wrist that was closer to the little finger than to the thumb. This burn lasted for a whole week after this event, and everyone saw it. Family, friends, etc.

During the entire exchange on the living room couch, she kept moving her fingers around her wrist with a burn, as if someone was tapping their fingers in turn over and over again as she cried and said "they" had touched her. with your white fingers. It was unreal!

So I was stunned and kept telling her that I didn't know what had happened, but whatever it was, it was over and we were fine. I told her I needed to skip the cat and left her on the couch. The entire conversation on the couch that I just recounted lasted about a minute before I said I needed to get a cat.

I go into the other room and the cat is strangely still leaning against the outside pillar, its head touching the pillar (so weird), just like I saw it a minute or two ago. I knocked on the window and called his name. He didn't move, like he was frozen or something.

Then I turned the corner to the kitchen door to let him in, and tapped on the glass of that door again. Still nothing, so I opened the door and called his name. Nothing. Also, you should understand that the cat had a basket outside, and it always curled up IF it was outside.

On nights like this, he never went outside, but since he was, at least he should have been in this basket. It was very strange. Then I actually went out on the porch and stood over him, and it was just like in the movies, like he was in some kind of trance, or suspended animation, or something like that. I stood over the damn cat and called his name, but there was no answer! It was only when I grabbed him and shook him that he came to his senses, and it was as if he had no idea where he was and was very angry. He scratched my leg and ran inside.

He flew off to some part of the house, and I didn't see him again until the next day. He died six months later, if I remember correctly. Anyway, it hasn't been that long since then, if I'm not up to date in about 6 months. It was remarkable to me that he fell ill after that night, not long after, and then he died about a few months after that.

Then I went back to the living room, where I had left my girlfriend, and she was only half-conscious. Still crying. Muttering to himself. But she was a little calmer, better than before.

Please know that the time frame we are dealing with is such that my assessment of events would place the moment I returned to this living room, a maximum of 10 minutes after we left the barn and walked across the lawn to the house. . I got a cat after a short conversation on the couch with my girlfriend.

So I look at the clock on the VCR on the TV, and it says 4: 30, as far as I can remember! I asked my girlfriend to look at it and I said it couldn't be! She kind of acknowledged what I was saying, but then again, she was on the sidelines.

If you asked me what time it was, I would say no later than 12:30, the absolute maximum is 1:00, if all my time estimates were wrong. If I was wrong 5 or 10 minutes here and there, even still, it couldn't be later than 1: 00 am! It couldn't! It was so disturbing!

At that point, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom badly, and I felt this burning sensation on the left side of my neck. Like a sunburn. So, I left my girlfriend on the couch, since she wasn't sleeping anyway and had sort of fallen asleep by then, and I went up the stairs to the bathroom. The bathroom is next to my mother's bedroom in the hallway. I went into the bathroom and after I peed, I kind of turned around and looked in the mirror to try to see what was on my neck.

I couldn't see well because what was ever wrong was so far around my neck where my shoulder meets my neck on the left side that I had to pull the skin a little to see where it hurt. I saw this maroon stamp that was a quarter or maybe half a dollar in size. It was a very strange burgundy color, and it felt on the skin, not on it, like a burn.

I went downstairs to show my girlfriend and I tried to wake her up to see this thing and I only half woke her up to see it and then she fell asleep again. I kept looking at my watch and was so puzzled by what had happened.

My neck was burning badly, so I went up the stairs to take another look, while my girlfriend was just useless on the couch. I couldn't stop her from falling asleep.

When I went upstairs again, my mother woke up and called me, because it was strange that I was there at the hour when I should have been in the barn.

I went into her room, she confirmed what time it was, the VCR downstairs was working, and then I told her the whole story 3 times in a row. Then she looked at me strangely, as if she didn't believe a word of it. She said: "Let me take a look at your neck" is completely skeptical.

I went to her bed and pulled off her shirt to show her where it hurt and where I saw the marks. As I spoke, I saw her face change, and an expression of intense surprise and concern appeared on her face. I said :


... Then she gasped and said hesitantly:

"You have a perfect red triangle around your neck!»

I tried to get her to take a picture of it, but for some reason she was against it. Very much so. She continued to gasp for breath, put a hand to his mouth and spoke:

"Let me see it again." 

It was really unnerving.

My mom fell asleep again, and then I went back down the stairs after talking to my mom for about 10 minutes, and I thought that at least I would write everything about that night that I could remember on a piece of paper.

So I found a yellow notebook in the room next to the living room and wrote down all the details of that night that I could remember. I remember it took about one full page. They were just notes, line by line, including the time. I was on the couch next to my sleeping girlfriend when I did this, and I think I finished around 5: 00 a.m. or a little later, and I put it on the coffee table that was right in front of me and next to the couch. It was a whole notebook and pen, not a single sheet of paper.

I lay down next to my girlfriend on the couch, and I could literally touch the notebook as I lay there, that's how close it was to me. I woke up at about 7am, about two hours later. There was no one in the house yet, I just couldn't sleep and fell asleep only at 5 am from sheer exhaustion. No notebook in front of me, no pen that I used to take notes.

I must emphasize that my mother was still in bed. My father was with him, as they slept in separate rooms, and I had an older brother on the third floor of the house, who was also still in his bed. I never found that notebook or pen, and I made sure to look it up. There was no one in the house to move it. I got up first, and my girlfriend was sleeping behind me on the couch the whole time.

She couldn't get up from the couch without waking me up. Besides, she said she didn't know anything about a notepad or a pen. In my opinion, even being so tired, I would wake up if someone came up to me and took it. It was so close to me, it was so strange. I asked everyone about it that morning when everyone got up, and everyone said they had no idea about the notebook as I described. What happened to this notebook is a complete mystery!

I told my father and brother my story that morning, and everyone saw my girlfriend's wrist. They were all a little shocked. My brother and father said they had "bad dreams" that night.

The Triangle mark on my shoulder/neck completely disappeared about 8 o'clock in the morning, when everyone started to go home. I only have my mother who saw it, and she still swears to this day that she saw it.

My girlfriend remembers me showing her something related to my neck, but when she was lying on the couch, she was so out of her mind that she couldn't even remember going into the house after it happened. To this day, she does not like to talk about this incident, it is very disturbing. Her wrist lasted about a week, and everyone saw it.

I still keep in touch with my girlfriend. She is married and has two children, but now she has terrible panic attacks. So much so that she went to several doctors about it. We both think it has something to do with that night.

This is the end of that particular incident. That's all I remember. I have a vague recollection or "thought" of some movement or sounds of movement in the barn just before the flash of light, but I am not sure about this memory completely, otherwise I am very sure.

I have had other experiences that can be described like this, one very strange and even concerning the same place only with my current girlfriend. 

It wasn't really more than two years ago, but the event I just described to you had so much in common with the article you wrote that I just had to tell you about it.

Original news

December 19th, 1990. Westchester New York.

I had my girl friend at the time over to my house in the evening. I was living with my parents still, having just graduated from college that previous May.

My parent’s house has two out buildings aside from the main house. One is what we refer to as the “barn” although this is just a two bedroom one bath apartment with a living room and deck above a one car garage. The building stands alone and is not attached to anything. This building sits approximately 100 yards from the main house down the lawn.

There is a pool and a pool house with a two car garage and an entertainment room on the second floor above that garage between the “barn” and the main house. The property backs up to a nature conservancy that is probably thousands of acres.

The property is 5 acres and there is a neighbor on either side of the property but they are not visible due to the distance involved and trees. The property fronts onto and sits parallel to a main road. I go through this description of the property because it is important to the story.

The night of December 19th 1990 turned into a bad stormy night with sleet coming down. For this reason I asked my parents if I could have my girlfriend stay down in the “barn” with me because it would be very dangerous to drive her home. My parents thought that was a good idea and that was what occurred.

At 11:30pm my girlfriend and I stopped watching TV at the main house and decided to make our way down to the barn to go to bed. As a quick note; I want to point out that my girlfriend had no jewelry on and was only wearing a white T shirt under her heavy Jacket. I know that is nuts for winter but what can I say, it is what she had on.

Also, we had not had any alcohol whatsoever. I really shouldn’t have to say it since I don’t do any drugs but none were involved at all either.

So, we walk outside and make the journey down the lawn to the barn in the sleet. The barn has an elaborate security system with motion detectors, low temperature signals, smoke detectors, door contacts, window contacts, you name it. It was monitored then but now days we do not bother to have it monitored since the building is now hardly ever used.

I disabled the security system when we walked in but for some odd reason I did not arm it again once we were inside. My girlfriend walked up the stairs in front of me and about half way up the stairs she turned to me out of the blue in a funny kind of way with no other conversation at hand and just said “wouldn’t it be neat if we got abducted by aliens tonight?”

I looked at her in utter disbelief, like where in the world did that just come from?

I said “No, and shut up.”

Literally those were my words. You must understand, “aliens” were not part of any conversation we had that day, that week, that month, never! It was not part of something we saw on TV, nothing! Where that comment came from, I have no idea! It was probably the very furthest thing from our minds!

Heck, I was a 22 year old guy going to be spending a stormy winter night alone with my 19 year old girl friend, I was not thinking about aliens!

I think most people might leave such a detail out of a story like this because it sounds so nuts but I want to relate exactly what I recall. I invest in real estate for a living, run several of my companies, I am college educated, come from a good family, and I seek no publicity or monetary reward whatsoever from what I am relating to you. In fact, if I could be more anonymous I would. Unfortunately, what I am relating to you absolutely happened.

So, we go upstairs and get into bed. It is only a single bed that has a window at its head, so it was cramped but I did not mind.

We had left the main house no later that 11:30 or 11:35pm. The walk down the lawn and up into the barn and then getting into bed could have taken no longer than 10 minutes tops. We actually rushed down the lawn and into the barn because of the cold and all of the sleet.

We were in bed no more than an additional 10 or 15 minutes when the room lit up with a blue white light. Exactly as fast as if someone had used a flash bulb on a camera. The only difference was the bluish quality to the light, it was not just white light. It briefly lit the entire room like it was day. It was very bright.

But it was back to darkness in a second or two. It was very quick. I turned to my girlfriend who had been lying on her stomach looking toward the window and I said “what was that?”

“That was strange”. She said in a very puzzled voice, “a white ball of light just went by the window.”

I had not seen this because I was just on my back looking into the room and she was sort of looking at the window area behind the bed because she was on her stomach. Our heads were at the window basically and our feet were pointing into the room.

She proceeded to say that a ball of white light the size of a basketball went zipping by the window. I asked her if she was sure it was not a car headlight from the road or something? She said no way! We both looked out the window and tried to figure out what it was.

I think we said some stuff back and forth like it could not have been from the road since where the road was and we were so far back from it etc. Plus, why had that not ever happened before if it was a car and some must have gone by other than what would create that light. We quickly realized that this was something very odd that had just happened.

I think we must have been speaking about it for only 2 or maybe 3 minutes when what happened to me next was as best I can describe as a panic attack. I have never had such a thing before or since but what happened to me then was just pure terror. From what my girl friend has told me and what I remember, I sort of sat up and backed up against the wall in bed and my breath got quick.

I remember just being so panicked and she could hear it in my voice when I then told her that “we have to get out of here!” I repeated that several times and she started getting mad and frustrated with me asking me what was the matter. I said that I wanted to take her home right away and we have to get out of there. I had no specific thing I was afraid of, I did not know what in fact I was fearful of, I just knew I did not want to be there in a big way.

I was able to convince her in about another 1 or so to let me take her home. I said I was going to go outside and see if it was still sleeting out and if it was less then I was going to take her home. I do not know why I wanted to go outside but I did. In retrospect it seems foolish. I remember going down stairs and outside and looking up.

The sleet was easing up and when I got outside I felt very calm. There was nothing outside in the sky and I thought to myself what a fool I had been to be afraid. It was a quiet winter’s night and I was insane to be scared, so, I was now willing to stay there.

It was amazing though, as I look back, it was an immediate lifting of the fear I had not had 30 seconds prior. I was so afraid while upstairs that I was actually looking at the window thinking I could jump through it and be ok since we were only on the second floor. And now, I felt fine. Very odd.

So, I remember my girlfriend just yelling for me from upstairs and I was like alright, alright, I just , just stepped outside for two seconds, I’ll be right up! So, I go inside and now I arm the security system whereas I had not done so before.

I go upstairs and explain to my girlfriend that all is OK and I feel fine and I am sorry for upsetting her with all this. I said we can stay there, I felt fine to do that. She said good and we both got back in bed.

We had shut off the light and I had closed my eyes literally not more than 15 seconds when my girlfriend did like a sit up in bed screaming, literally screaming while crying, while shaking her hands in front of her saying, “they’re touching me!” “They’re touching me!”

Simultaneously, as she is doing this, I am falling out of bed startled to my core while saying “we are outta here!” While at the same time turning on the light next to the bed. I was out of bed, with the light turned on, and sprinting to the living room in order to turn off the security system in like 2 seconds flat.

I think I was able to get across the living room, punch off the security, and get back to the bedroom in world record time. As I got back to the bed I see my girlfriend’s eyes roll white and she is passing out while she slumps over to her side and I have to catch her from falling out of bed. I prop her up immediately and she is semi conscious and she is balling and is making a motion with one hand’s fingers tapping the on her other wrist saying “their white little hands are touching me.”

She was saying this over and over but she was just out of it, like in a daze of some kind, not fully conscious.

I managed to get my pants and shoes on while helping her to do the same although she was not all there. I helped her down the stairs and had to help her kind of walk up the lawn to the main house. We got to the main house and all along I was assuring her that everything was ok but she was crying and crying and asking me “what happened?” “what happened”? I was saying I don’t know but we are ok.

We got to the main house, I punched off that security system and we went inside. As I walked my girlfriend into our living room I noticed that my cat was outside. This was very odd in that my mother always got him in at night, especially in the winter and in such a storm as was that evening.

And as I walk by the window where I can see him with my girlfriend hanging on me for physical support, still sobbing, I notice something very odd about the cat. The cat is standing on all fours with the top of his head pushed up against this pillar we have on our porch.

So, I walk my girlfriend over to our living room couch and I say I have to get the cat. I sit her down and while sobbing she puts her right wrist (as I recall) up toward me and says, look at my wrist, “what happened?” “what happened?”

I looked at her wrist and the best way I could describe what it looked like was as if someone had fought hard against a rope while being restrained by it leaving a mark that was just about as wide as a watch band.

It was all the way around her wrist. Remember, she had zero jewelry on that night, not even rings as I recall. There was this strange red band around her entire wrist that had some blistering to it and it was more pronounced on the side of the wrist that was closer to the pinky finger rather than the thumb. This burn or whatever it was lasted an entire week after this event and everyone saw it. Family, friends, etc.

During this entire exchange on the couch in the living room she continually made the motion with her fingers to her wrist with the burn on it like as one would tap one’s fingers in succession over and over again while she cried and said “they” touched her with their white fingers. It was unreal!

So, I was dumbfounded and I kept telling her that I did not know what happened but whatever it was it was over and we were ok. I told her that I had to go let the cat in and I left her on the couch. The entire couch discussion I just related lasted maybe one minute or so before said I had to get the cat.

I go into the other room and the cat is strangely still propped up against the outside pillar, with the top of his head touching the pillar (so weird), just as I had seen him a minute or two ago. I tapped on the window and said his name. He would not budge, it was like he was frozen or something.

Then I moved around the corner into the kitchen to a door so I could let him in and I again tapped on the glass of that door. Still nothing, so I opened the door and called his name. Nothing. Also, you have to understand that the cat had a basket outside that he always curled up in IF he was outside.

He was never outside on nights like this but since he was, at the very least he should have been in that basket. It was very odd. Then I actually went out on the porch and stood over him and it was exactly like a movie, as if he was in some kind of trance or suspended animation or something. I stood over the darn cat and called his name and there was no response! Only when I grabbed him and shook him did he come to and it was like he was totally confused as to where he was and he was very angry. He scratched my leg and bolted inside.

He took off into some part of the house and I did not see him until the next day. He died six months later if I recall correctly. It was not too long after this anyhow if I am not spot on about the 6 months. It was notable to me that he got ill after that night, not too long after and then he died about a few months after that.

Then I went back in to the living room where I had left my girlfriend and she was semi conscious only. Still crying. Mumbling to herself. But she was a bit calmer, better, than before.

Please know that the time frames we are dealing with are such that my estimation of the events would put that moment that I got back into that living room at no more than 10 minutes max since we left the barn and walked up the lawn to the house. I got the cat in after only a brief chat on the couch with my girlfriend.

So, I look at the clock on the VCR over the TV and it says 4:30am as I recall! I had my girlfriend look at a it and I said that can’t be! She sort of acknowledged what I was saying but again, she was kind of out of it.

If you had asked me what time it was I would have said no later than 12:30am , 1am absolute max if all my time estimations were wrong. If I was wrong 5 or 10 minutes here and there, even still, it could NOT be later than 1:00 am! It couldn’t! That was so disturbing!

At that point I felt like I had to go to the bathroom bad and I felt this burning on the left side of my neck. Like a sun burn. So, I left my girlfriend on the couch since she was out of it anyway and kind of falling asleep by then and I went up stairs to the bathroom. The bathroom is near my mother’s bedroom in the hall. I got into the bathroom and after I peed I sort of turned and looked in the mirror to try and see what was up with my neck.

I could not see very well because what ever was wrong was so far around the side of my neck where my shoulder meets the neck on my left side that I had to pull the skin a bit to see where it hurt. What I did see was this maroon mark the size of a quarter or possibly a half dollar. It was a very strange maroon color and it was in the skin , not on it like a burn.

I went down stairs to show my girlfriend and I tried to wake her to see this thing and I only got her half awake to see it and then she fell back asleep. I kept looking at that clock and I was so puzzled about what had happened.

My neck was burning quite a bit so I went up stairs to take another look while my girlfriend was just useless on the couch. I could not keep her awake.

When I went back up stairs my mother woke up and she called to me because it was strange that I was there at that hour when I was supposed to be in the barn.

I went into her room, she confirmed what time it was, the VCR down stairs was not wrong, and then I related this entire story to her 3 times over in immediate succession. She then looked at me strangely, as if she did not believe a word. She said, “let me see your neck” in a completely skeptical way.

I went over to her bed and I pulled my shirt aside to show her where it hurt and where I saw the marks. With that I saw her face change and she had a look of strong surprise and concern. I said “what?” “what?”…Then she gasped and said, with hesitation, “you have a perfect red triangle mark in your neck!”

I tried to get her to take a picture of it but for some reason she was against that. Very much so. She kept sort of gasping and putting her hand to her mouth and saying, “let me see that again.” It was really unnerving.

My mom went back to sleep and I then went down stairs again after talking with my mom for the 10 minutes or so and I thought at the very least I would write everything about the night I could recall down on a piece of paper.

So, I found a yellow note pad in the room next to the living room and I wrote down every detail about the night that I could recall. I remember it took up about one full page. It was just notes, line by line, times included. I was on the couch next to my sleeping girlfriend when I did this and I think I finished at about 5:00 am or a little after and I put it on the coffee table that was right in front of me and next to the couch. It was an entire note pad and the pen , not just one sheet of paper.

I lay down next to my girlfriend on the couch and I could literally touch the note pad as I lay there, that is how close it was to me. I woke up at 7:00 am or so in the morning, only about two hours later. No one in the house was up yet, I just could not sleep and only had fallen asleep at 5:00 am out of pure exhaustion. The note pad was not in front of me nor was the pen I used to make the notes.

I must stress that my mother was in her bed still. My father was in his, as they slept in separate rooms, and I had an older brother on the third floor of the house who was also still in his bed. I never found that note pad or pen and I sure looked. No one was up in the house to have moved it. I was the first one up and my girlfriend was behind me on the couch the entire time I slept.

There is no way she could have gotten off that couch without waking me. Plus, she said she knew nothing about a pad of paper or a pen. In my opinion, even being so tired I think I would have woken up if someone got that near to me and took that. It was so close to me, It was so weird. I asked everyone about it that morning when everyone did get up and everyone said they had no idea about a pad of paper like I described. It is a complete mystery what happened to that pad!

That morning I told my father and my brother my story and everyone saw my girlfriend’s wrist. They were all a bit shocked. My brother and father said they had “bad dreams” that night.

The Triangle mark on/in my shoulder/neck was completely gone by around 8 am when everyone started moving in the house. I only have my mother who saw it and she will swear to this day as to what she saw.

My girlfriend recalls me showing her something to do with my neck but she was so out of it when she was on the couch she says she could hardly remember even getting in the house after everything happened. She does not like to talk about this incident to this day, it really bothers her. Her wrist thing lasted about one week and everybody saw that.

I keep in touch with my girlfriend to this day. She is married with two kids but she has tremendous panic attacks now just about everything. So much so that she has seen several doctors about it. We both think it is related in some way to that night.

That is the end of that particular incident. That is all I remember of it. I have a vague recollection or “thought” regarding some movement or sounds of movement in the barn just before the light flash occurred but I am not sure about that memory totally, the rest I am very sure about.

I have had other events that could be characterized as of this nature, one that is very odd and even involving that same location only with my now current girlfriend. That was not even 2 years ago actually, but the event I just described to you had so many similarities to the article you wrote that I just had to relate this to you.

Thank you,

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home – Website: http://www.hbccufo.org HBCC UFO RESEARCH Newsletter At: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HBCC_UFO_Newsletter/

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada – VOJ 1ZO.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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