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Parallel world. Ukraine

ID #1613849037
Added Sat, 20/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A local resident and metro worker, Nikolai Ivanovich Pronoza (who participated in previous meetings), was again abducted from his apartment by Nordic aliens and transported aboard a disc-shaped spaceship using a beam of light, as was done earlier.

He found himself in a white circular room, sitting on a chair. The only alien present was the same Nordic blonde alien he had met before. Soon, the UFO landed, and the alien woman invited the witness to come outside. They landed in a mountain area, reminiscent of the Carpathian mountains of Western Ukraine.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, Pronase saw the typical human manor house about 200 metres from the landing site. In the center was a two-story house, simple but elegant, with a wide wooden balcony on the front and an outdoor wooden staircase. Not far from the house, Nikolai saw a well and a corral with horses and cows. Somewhere in the distance, the sound of a mountain river could be heard. The alien Nordic woman invited Nikolai to relax and warm up and opened the massive door of the "farm house".

Inside, the witness found himself in a large room, lit by a large television screen, and saw a human woman watching television, holding a child on her lap. An ordinary cat sat on a cot in the corner of the room. Except for the cat, no one paid any attention to them. After a few minutes, they quietly left. Strangely “the” owners " of the house did not notice either Nikolai or the Nordic alien woman.

Now Nikolai saw a strange large dark building that turned out to be an alien spaceship of a shape he had never seen before. According to the alien woman, it was a "banana" in shape. Nikolai then escorted her inside the ship. Inside was a long corridor with oval windows arranged like squares on a chessboard. The windows had yellowish narrow metal blinds. The whole piece was smooth, its inner perimeter outlined by a pearly floor. The floor was shiny, reflecting light like glass, covered with a resilient wooden carpet with tiny yellow balls on top of the fine fibers. At both ends of the corridor were two identical control rooms, similar to locomotive cabins, with control panels.

The humanoid man came out of the control room. He had ashen hair, was tall, and wore a silver jumpsuit with a white collar. He went up to Nikolai and greeted him with a slight bow. Suddenly, something like thunder flashed behind the alien, and a strange “girl " appeared in front of Nikolai. She pointed a finger at him, then looked questioningly at the Nordic alien.

Suddenly, Nikolai felt dizzy, quickly dizzy, he fell to his knees and lost consciousness.

Apparently, the Nordic alien woman then waved her hand over Nikolai several times, apparently reviving him, and he quickly came to his senses. After that, the alien woman continued to move her hands, explaining to Nikolai the meaning of each movement, so that Pronoza could get his healing ability.

Original news

Location. Kiev, Ukraine
Date: August 1990
Time: night
Local resident and subway worker Nikolay Ivanovich Pronoza (involved in previous encounters) was again abducted from his apartment by Nordic aliens and transported on board a disk-shaped spacecraft using a beam of light, the same way it was done previously. He found himself in a white circular room and sitting on a chair. The only alien present was the same Nordic blond alien woman he had met before. Soon the UFO landed and the alien woman invited the witness to come outside. They had landed in some mountainous area resembling the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Pronoza saw a typical human farmstead about 200 meters from the landing place. A 2 story house stood in its center; it appeared simple but elegant, with a wide wooden balcony on the façade and an outer wooden stairway. Not far from the house Nikolay saw a well and a pen with horses and cows. Somewhere in the distance he could hear the sound of a mountainous river. The alien Nordic female invited Nikolay to rest and warm himself and opened the massive door of the “farmhouse”. Inside the witness found himself in a large room lighted by a large television screen, he saw an apparent human female watching television holding a child in her lap. A normal appearing cat sat on a cot in the corner of the room. Besides the cat, no one paid any attention to them. After a few minutes they went out unnoticed. Strangely the “owners” of the house had not noticed Nikolay or the Nordic alien woman. Now Nikolay saw a strange large dark building, which turned out to be an alien spacecraft of the shape he had never seen before. According to the alien female it was “banana” in shape. Nikolay then accompanied her inside the craft. Inside there was a long corridor with oval windows positioned in the form of squares on a chessboard. The windows had yellowish narrow metallic blinds. The one-piece was smooth, its inner perimeter contoured by a pearl-shaped floor. The floor was shiny, reflective, like glass, covered by a resilient wooden carpet with diminutive yellow spheres on top of thin fibers. At both ends of the corridor were two similar control rooms, like cabins of a locomotive, with control panels. A male humanoid exited the control room. He had ashen hair, tall and was wearing a silver colored overall with a white collar. He approached Nikolay and greeted him with a small bow. Suddenly something like thunder flashed behind the alien’s back, and a strange “girl” appeared in front of Nikolay. She pointed her finger at him and then questionably looked at the Nordic alien woman. Suddenly Nikolay felt giddy and dizzy, quickly becoming dizzy, he fell to his knees and then lost consciousness. Apparently the Nordic alien woman then waved her hand over Nikolay several times apparently reviving him and he quickly recuperated. After that, the alien woman continued to move her hands, explaining to Nikolay the meaning of every move, in this manner Pronoza was able to obtain his healing ability.

Source: L. Arkhangelskaya in “Depot” Kiev # 8 December 1990


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