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UFO. United States

ID #1612789885
Added Mon, 08/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Купер-Сити, FL
United States

A pair of witnesses in the form of a triangle with an arrow, with 7 lights, a strip above their head during the night launch of the space Shuttle"

Report sent by mail:

My wife and I observed a very large dark triangle (shaped like an arrowhead) flying low from east to west. It was completely silent. We counted seven (7) round white lights on the underside. The triangle was moving at high speed, surrounded by a white haze.

The lights on the underside DIDN't blink or pulse. The ship was darker than the night sky. Apparently, it was heading east-southwest from the ocean, that is, from the Fort Lauderdale area towards The Everglades .

The altitude was no more than a mile. We were both struck by the speed, shape, light, haze, and silence of this ship.

At night, it was observed from our backyard.


. Before I contacted you, I watched a special edition of Peter Jennings on television, and your Reportage Center was shown. The reason for my call was to find out if other apparatuses like the one my wife and I had observed in 1989 had been observed. I have agreed to send the surveillance forms as you suggested, and I will be grateful for a phone response as promised. After all these years, I really want to get an answer to the question of whether we were the only ones who observed this type of unidentified ship.

One evening in 1989 (the month is not remembered) my wife and I sat in our outdoor backyard patio, hoping to watch the fiery wake from the launch at Cape Kennedy, which could be freely seen since we live on the lake. For unknown reasons, we did not see the tail of the flame and returned to the house. Suddenly my wife was very happy and pointed to the eastern sky.

Approaching us from east to west from the ocean / Fort Lauderdale area, there was a strange flying machine. It was moving very fast at a low altitude and was turning southwest straight towards our house. We both observed a very large triangle or arrowhead-shaped ship surrounded by haze at an altitude of about 3/4 or a mile. When it flew over us, it didn't make a sound. It was completely silent. Round white lights, seven in number, were clearly visible on the underside, starting at the bow and evenly spaced to the rear. He disappeared from view, heading for the Everglades. I build airplane models as a hobby, and this car didn't have the shape of anything I've ever seen, including a low-profile F-117 or a B2 bomber.

My wife and I immediately told several of our friends and neighbors about the incident; however, they showed no interest. We are not associated with any official Agency, for obvious reasons. I hope this information will be useful.

Please do not disclose our identities, as my former job was in law enforcement.

Original news

Couple witness arrowhead triangle, w/ 7 lights, streak overhead during night launch of Space Shuttle.

Mailed Report: My wife and I observed a very large, dark triangle (arrowhead shaped) flying low from east to west. It was completely silent. We counted seven (7) circular white lights on the underside. The triangle craft was moving at a high rate of speed, surrounded by a white haze.

The lights on the underside were NOT flashing or pulsating. The craft was darker than the night sky. It appeared to be heading from east to southwest from the ocean, i.e. from Fort Lauderdale area towards the Everglades.

The altitude appeared to be no more than one mile. What impressed us both was the speed, shape, lights, haze, and silence of this craft.

It was observed from our rear yard at night.

((END TEXT OF WRITTEN REPORT)) ((ADDENDUM FROM LETTER, WRITTEN BY WITNESS)) ..Prior to contacting you, I watched the Peter Jennings Special on television and your Reporting Center was shown. My reason for calling was to learn if others had observed the craft similar to the one my wife and I observed in 1989. I have agreed to submit the sighting forms, as you suggested, and I would appreciate a telephone response as promised. After all these years, I really desire an answer as to the question of were we the only persons to observe this type of unidentified craft.

One evening in 1989 (month not remembered), my wife and I were sitting in our open back yard patio hoping to observe the fire trail of a launching at Cape Kennedy, which could be visible unobstructed, as we reside on a lake. For reasons unknown, we did not see the flame tail and were returning to the house. Suddenly, my wife became very excited and pointed towards the Eastern sky.

Approaching us east to west from the ocean/Fort Lauderdale area, was a strange flying vehicle. It was moving very quickly at a low altitude and turning southwest directly towards our home. We both observed a very large triangle, or arrowhead shaped craft, surrounded by a haze at approximately 3/4, or a mile, altitude. As it passed above us, it made no sound. It was completely silent. Clearly visible were circular white lights, seven in number, on the underside, beginning at the nose, and evenly spaced towards the rear. It disappeared from view, going towards the Everglades. I build model aircraft as a hobby, and this vehicle was not shaped like anything I have ever seen, including the stealth F-117, or the B2 Bomber.

My wife and I mentioned this incident to several of our friends and neighbors immediately; however, they expressed no interest. We did not contact any official agency for obvious reasons. I hope that this information will be useful.

Please keep our identities confidential, as my former work in Law enforcement raised certain hostilities.

I would appreciate a short collect telephone response. I now have great interest in determining whether my wife and I were the only persons that observed this triangle type of UFO. Thank you in advance.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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