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Ghost. United States

ID #1612605825
Added Sat, 06/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
кладбище Пайн-Хилл
Холлис, NH
United States

26-year-old Tyler Karanasios took the pictures during a visit to the cemetery, pine hill in Hollis, new Hampshire.

The burial ground is also known as the Blood Cemetery, after Abel Blood, who was rumored to be a killer with occult connections and whose ghost is said to haunt his grave.

Looking for something creepy, Tyler decided to visit the cemetery with a friend - and he soon discovered the reason for the place's haunting reputation. 26-year-old Karanasios said:

"When we arrived, it was probably around midnight. Some places were cold, and some were warm. It was strange.

I think a lot of it was the adrenaline, but maybe I felt the presence of mind. I noticed the figure at some point when I turned around. He was moving fast and scared me. Then I told my friend that we should take a flash photo before leaving.

When we got home, we realized what we had taken by looking at our photos."

In one of Tyler's photos, fog is visible between two rows of tombstones.

But when the image becomes brighter, the fog takes the form of a man in a long cloak or shroud.

Karanasios, a medical officer, believes that this may be the Ghost of one of the family members, Abel's blood.

He said:

"There is a tombstone of Abel Blood in the photo. This is the smaller broken one in the shape of a triangle in the photo. The rest of the Blood family, including a small child, are buried here. I believe the ghost may have been Elizabeth Blood. I think it's because the spirit in the painting looks like a woman and stands behind her grave."

When Tyler shared the photos online, viewers speculated that maybe it was just the outline of another tombstone.

But another photo taken in the afternoon during a previous visit shows that there is no tombstone.

Karanasios said that he understands the skepticism, but he is fully convinced that it was a Ghost.

He added:

"I really can't explain this photo in a natural way. The area where this drawing is displayed is no longer displayed anywhere else. It's probably only in this picture, otherwise it's just another patch of grass."

Original news

A GHOSTLY figure has been spotted standing over a grave at a cemetery dubbed “the most haunted in New England”.

Haunting pictures seem to show the shape of a person wearing a long cloak.

Tyler Karanasios, 26, took the images during a visit to Pine Hill Cemetery in Hollis, New Hampshire.

The burial ground is also known as Blood Cemetery, after Abel Blood, who is rumored to have been a murderer with occult connections and whose ghost is said to haunt his grave.

Looking for something spooky, Tyler decided to visit the cemetery with a friend – and it wasn’t long before he discovered the reason for the site’s haunted reputation.

Mr Karanasios, 26, said: “When we arrived, it was probably close to midnight. Some spots were cold and some were warm. It was strange.

“I believe a lot of it was adrenaline, but it is possible I was feeling the presence of a spirit.”

He continued: “I noticed the figure at one point when I turned around. It moved quickly and scared me.


“I then told my friend we should take flash photos before we leave.

“When we got home, we realized what we had captured after going through our photos.”

In one of Tyler’s photos, some mist is visible between two rows of headstones.

But when the image is brightened, the mist forms the shape of a person wearing a long cloak or shroud.

Mr Karanasios, a healthcare worker, believes it may be the ghost of one of Abel Blood’s family.

He said: “Abel Blood’s headstone happens to be in the photo. It is the smaller broken one in the shape of a triangle in the photo. The rest of the Blood family is buried there, including a young child.

“I believe the ghost might be Elizabeth Blood. I think this because the spirit in the picture looks like a woman and happens to be standing behind her gravestone.”

When Tyler shared the photos online, viewers suggested perhaps it was simply the outline of another headstone.

But another photo taken in the daytime during a previous visit shows no headstone is there.

Mr Karanasios said he understood the scepticism, but that he himself is totally convinced it was a ghost.

He added: “I truly cannot explain this photo naturally. The area in which this figure is shown is not visible any other time.

“It most certainly is only in this picture, otherwise it is just another space of grass.”


Las sombras de un fantasma apareció en el cementerio de Hollis, Estados Unidos. Las imágenes fueron compartidas en un grupo de Facebook y no dejan de asombrar a los usuarios.

La aparición de un fantasma en el cementerio de Hollis tiene aterrada a toda la ciudad estadounidense. Tyler Karanasios compartió algunas imágenes en un grupo de Facebook de lugareños que están incrédulos.

El sujeto acudió al cementerio durante la noche y tomó varias fotografías, encontrando en una de ellas, una mancha extraña. Ante la duda decidió compartirla en un grupo y allí confirmaron sus sospechas: se trataba de un fantasma.

La grabación fue realizada en Gales por la cazadora de fantasmas Kayleigh Love quien confirma haber visto, valga la redundancia, un fantasma en los pasillos de un hospital psiquiátrico abandonado.

Posterior al encuentro, la mujer de 27 años aseguró que el espíritu apareció en una de las habitaciones por pocos segundos. Sin embargo, fueron suficientes para que se le “revolviera el estómago”. Remarcó, además, haberse sacado el “premio gordo” al haber documentado esta aparición ya que cree que “nunca antes alguien había podido ver algo así”.

A su vez, la cazadora agregó: “Incluso cuando tuve que editar el metraje más tarde para ralentizarlo y que otros pudieran verlo bien, me hizo sentir nervioso e incómodo”.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Smoke is a stable disperse system consisting of small solid particles suspended in gases produced by the combustion of anything. Smoke particles can serve as nuclei of condensation of atmospheric moisture, resulting in fog.

The smoke resulting from the combustion of various chemical substances can be accepted for the unusual color of the fog. For photos and videos it can give interesting the kind of education that can be mistaken for ghosts.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Pareidolic illusion

A variety of visual illusions (the so-called "sensory illusions additions"); is the formation of illusory images, as a basis which are the details of the real object. Thus, the vague and obscure the visual image is perceived as something distinct and defined — for example, figures of people and animals in the clouds, the image of a man on the moon, "a hidden message", audible when you reverse the audio recordings, the shadows formed by leaves or complexes of objects in certain lighting (sometimes at a certain angle).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Studio effects for your

There are a number of programs for processing photos and video that put the final image from the list to remove phone photo or video. For the selected image you can adjust the size and location of the facility, in some programs you can change the contrast, color, transparency and other simple settings. Video and photos obtained by such programmes are often not only used for entertainment, but not rare issue for paldino survey of unexplained phenomena.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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