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UFO. United States

ID #1612430202
Added Thu, 04/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Титусвилл, FL
United States

October 24, 1989-a sailor reports a UFO sighting that he observed while serving in the Navy. Published: 16: 00, 11.08.2011

I was assigned to the USS Memphis (SSN-698 ), Homport-Titusville, Florida (Cape Canaveral.)

Our mission was special assignments, which meant we were protecting the space program. We went out to sea and patrolled while the shuttle was on the pad.

On October 24 and 25, 1989, my ship patrolled about 150 miles of the Florida coast. We were moving at an altitude of about 500 feet when the submarine started having problems with the electronics.

The ship was out of action, our tanks were out of control, we were losing navigation, and the communication area was completely lost.

We went all out and tried to figure out what was going on. The controls in the reactor area began to fail. This posed a serious risk to our safety, so the captain ordered us to shut down the reactor, surface, and switch to the diesel engines.

When the ship surfaced, I went to the guard station. The ship was still experiencing problems with electronics, but mechanical devices such as diesel engines, cooking stoves, and turbines were fine.

It was raining, and the whole sky was red like a red neon sign.

I saw a large inverted V-shaped UFO on the port side. The senior officer told me to stand firm, and he will talk to the captain. A minute later, the captain appeared on the tower and asked how far it was to the ship.

The laser rangefinder determined that the nearest point was 200 meters away, and the farthest point was 1000 meters from the port. The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship, but at an angle of about 45 feet.

This huge vessel was more than half a mile across. The UFO made a semicircle around our ship and then passed through the stern, causing our electronic systems to go crazy.

We had permanent damage to the communications and sonar room. As the ship passed over the stern, I saw the rain stop under its red glow.

The water seemed to rise almost upward as the UFO flew silently over it. When the UFO finished moving along the stern, it stopped - the sky turned bright red, and it just flew away at a huge speed in 15 seconds.

When the UFO left, our boat returned to normal, except for the radio and sonar. We quickly checked the system, and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get to work.

The captain ushered the two petty officers, the petty officer and myself, into the mess. He told us not to spread any rumors until we talked to the commander of the submarine Fleet-Atlantic.

We reached the port about 7 hours later, where I was taken "into custody".

Two servicemen and I agreed that we had witnessed a real UFO. I was the one who shot it with a laser rangefinder, so I was the only one who had its exact dimensions. I took pictures of this ship while it was floating, and I got a reliable reading, not a spotty one like on the wreck.

We had been waiting for about three hours when an Air Force officer arrived and gave us a version of an exploding weather satellite.

The Navy then moved almost all of the crew members to new assignments.

This included the captain, the senior officer, and the entire crew. They broke up, which almost never happens unless one of them gets promoted or gets a new team, neither of which happened.

The military just split the team for 4 years. I watched a program tonight that gave me the courage to share it.

Original news

October 24, 1989 – A sailor reports about the UFO sighting he had while in the Navy. “I was assigned to USS Memphis (SSN-698), Homeport – Titusville, FL. (Cape Canaveral.)

Our mission was Special Assignments which meant we protected the Space Program. We would go to sea and patrol while the shuttle was on the pad.

On October 24 and 25, 1989, my ship was on patrol about 150 miles of the Florida coast. We were cruising at about 500 feet when the submarine started experiencing electronics problems.

The ship was malfunctioning, our tanks were blowing out of control, we were losing navigation ability and the communications area was totally lost.

We went to all stop and tried to access what was happening. The controls in the reactor area started to malfunction. This presented a serious danger to our safety, so the captain ordered us to shut down the reactor, surface, and go to diesel motors.

When the ship surfaced I went to my watch station. The ship was still experiencing electronic difficulties but mechanical devices such as diesel engines, cook stoves, and turbines were fine.

It was raining and the entire sky was red like a red neon sign.

I saw a large inverted V-shaped UFO off the port side. The executive officer told me to stand fast and he would speak to the captain. In a minute, the captain appeared on the tower and asked me for a distance to the craft.

The laser range finder determined the closest point was 200 meters, and the farthest point was 1,000 meters off the port. The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship but at about a 45′ angle.

This huge vessel was over a half-mile across. The UFO made a half-circle around our ship then passed across the stern causing our electronics systems to go crazy.

We had permanent damage in communications and the sonar room. As the craft flew over the stern, I could see the rain stop under its red glow.

The water seemed to rise almost afoot as the UFO passed over silently. When the UFO finished its swing across the stern it paused – the sky got brighter red and it simply moved off at tremendous speed inside 15 seconds.

When the UFO left, our boat returned to normal with the exception of the radio and sonar. We did a quick system check and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get underway.

The captain took two petty officers, the executive officer, and myself into the wardroom. He told us to not spread any rumors until we had a chance to talk to Commander Submarine Fleet – Atlantic.

We reached port in about 7 hours where I was taken into “protective custody.”

Two enlisted men and I agreed we had witnessed a real UFO. I was the one who shot it with a laser range finder, so I was the only one that had its exact sizes. I shot that vessel as it hovered and I got solid readings, not spotty like I would on debris.

We were in holding for about three hours when an officer from the Air Force arrived and gave us a line of bull about an exploding weather satellite.

The Navy then transferred virtually everyone on the crew to new assignments.

This included the captain, the executive officer and the entire crew. They were split up which almost never happens unless one of them gets a promotion or a new command, neither of which happened.

The military just split up a 4 year team. I was watching a program tonight that gave me the courage to share it.

Published: 4:00 PM 8/11/2011
October 24, 1989 – A sailor reports about the UFO sighting he had while in the Navy. “I was assigned to USS Memphis (SSN-698), Homeport – Titusville, FL. (Cape Canaveral.)

Our mission was Special Assignments which meant we protected the Space Program. We would go to sea and patrol while the shuttle was on the pad.

On October 24 and 25, 1989, my ship was on patrol about 150 miles of the Florida coast. We were cruising at about 500 feet when the submarine started experiencing electronics problems.

The ship was malfunctioning, our tanks were blowing out of control, we were losing navigation ability and the communications area was totally lost.

We went to all stop and tried to access what was happening. The controls in the reactor area started to malfunction. This presented a serious danger to our safety, so the captain ordered us to shut down the reactor, surface and go to diesel motors.

When the ship surfaced I went to my watch station. The ship was still experiencing electronic difficulties but the mechanical devices such as diesel engines, cook stoves, and turbines were fine.

It was raining and the entire sky was red like a red neon sign.

I saw a large inverted V-shaped UFO off the port side. The executive officer told me to stand fast and he would speak to the captain. In a minute, the captain appeared on the tower and asked me for a distance to the craft.

The laser range finder determined the closest point was 200 meters, and the farthest point was 1,000 meters off the port. The UFO was not perpendicular to our ship but at about a 45′ angle.

This huge vessel was over a half mile across. The UFO made a half circle around our ship then passed across the stern causing our electronics systems to go crazy.

We had permanent damage in communications and the sonar room. As the craft flew over the stern, I could see the rain stop under its red glow.

The water seemed to rise almost a foot as the UFO passed over silently. When the UFO finished its swing across the stern it paused – the sky got brighter red and it simply moved off at tremendous speed inside 15 seconds.

When the UFO left, our boat returned to normal with the exception of the radio and sonar. We did a quick system check and the captain ordered us to return to reactor power and get underway.

The captain took two petty officers, the executive officer, and myself into the wardroom. He told us to not spread any rumors until we had a chance to talk to Commander Submarine Fleet – Atlantic.

We reached port in about 7 hours where I was taken into “protective custody.”

Two enlisted men and myself agreed we had witnessed a real UFO. I was the one who shot it with a laser range finder, so I was the only one that had its exact sizes. I shot that vessel as it hovered and I got solid readings, not spotty like I would on debris.

We were in holding for about three hours when an officer from the Air Force arrived and gave us a line of bull about an exploding weather satellite.

The Navy then transferred virtually everyone on the crew to new assignments.

This included the captain, the executive officer and the entire crew. They were split up which almost never happens unless one of them gets a promotion or a new command, neither of which happened.

The military just split up a 4 year team. I was watching a program tonight that gave me the courage to share it.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Tsiklon-3 Payload: Meteor-3 3


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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