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UFO. United States

ID #1612385495
Added Wed, 03/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.09.1989 00:00
Лейквуд Тауншип, NJ
United States

I was walking my dog at night, in the late fall of 1989, and I noticed a dim light and movement overhead, but there was no sound.

The light was rapidly approaching from the east and hovered silently overhead for a few seconds . I looked at it, noted its shape, and decided it was time to go inside, since I couldn't identify anything familiar about it.

As soon as I picked up my dog (little sheltie) and started moving towards the house, the object stopped hovering and quickly moved in a north-westerly direction. I quickly lost sight of him as he flew away. He was gone before I even entered the house.

There was no sound, no breeze, no other distinguishing features, just the reflected light on it (although it mostly seemed dark, with the edges illuminated). It had a smooth, fast approach over some trees, probably 300'-500' overhead, perpendicular to the flight paths commonly used by commercial aircraft overhead.

We lived about 60 miles south of the Newark (New Jersey) airport, and the planes weren't that low back then, and usually the planes for the nearby Air Force base flew overhead. It wasn't like either the one or the other. The Air Force planes are loud and unmistakable. This one was much smaller than one of them, and again, completely silent, and the shape was unlike anything I'd seen before.

I was there alone with the dog. I told my husband about it after it happened, and joked that my dog and I had almost died from alien abduction.

I never reported it (there was no internet back then).

Original news

Date:  September 30 1989
Location:  Lakewood Township, New Jersey
Time: 00:00:00 
Summary:  I was out walking my dog at night, late fall, in 1989. i noticed a dull light and movement overhead, but no sound. the light approached quickly from the east, hovered overhead, silently, for a matter of seconds . i looked at it, and noted its shape, and decided it was time to get inside, as i was unable to identify it as anything familiar. as soon as picked up my dog (a small sheltie) and started to move towards the house, the object stopped hovering and moved rapidly in a northwesterly direction. i quickly lost sight of it as it flew away. it was gone before i got in the door. there was no sound, no breeze, no other distinguishing feature to it, just the reflected light on it (though it mostly appeared dark, with its edges lit up). it had a smooth, quick approach over some trees, probably 300′-500′ overhead, perpendicular to flight paths usually taken by commercial planes overhead. we lived about 60 miles south of the newark (nj) airport, and planes are not that low then, and commonly had planes for the nearby air force base flying overhead. this was like neither of those things. the air force planes are loud and unmistakeable for what they are. this was much smaller than one of those, and again, totally silent, and the shape was not like anything i’d seen before. not a helicopter or plane. there were no other planes visible to me at the time, no traffic on the road in my development. i was out there alone with the dog. i told my husband about it after it occurred, and joked that the dog and i had a near miss from being abducted by aliens. i never reported it (no internet then), and who would i have called??
Source:  MUFON


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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