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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1612004684
Added Sat, 30/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Александрия, VA
United States

Valiant Thor arrived on planet Earth on March 15, 1957. Police officers patrolling the area were the first to find him. First, they saw an alien ship that slowly landed in a field near the city of Alexandria, Virginia. Then a tall man stepped out. He stopped in anticipation of the approach of the police, reports UfoSpace.net with a link to ufoobserver.

The alien asked law enforcement officials to arrange a meeting with US President Dwight Eisenhower. The police immediately contacted their superior, who relayed the stranger's request to the Pentagon.

Soon, agents of the national security Service arrived at the landing site of the alien ship. They took the man to the Pentagon. He introduced himself as Valiant Thor. That day, the alien made fun of the entire Pentagon security system. He easily bypassed it, using only telekinesis. Thor used telepathy to communicate with the commander of the US Navy. He was then introduced to Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson.

In the Pentagon, Valiant said that he flew to the planet Earth from Venus on the ship "Victor-1". At home, he is a member of the"Council-12". Representatives of other worlds often turn to him for help. It helps to find solutions to their problems. Therefore, Thor is sometimes sent to different parts of the Universe, but his main task is to maintain order in the Milky Way.

He came to Earth in order to deal with the problem of increasing the stocks of nuclear weapons, which in the event of war can lead to a catastrophe of universal scale. The Pentagon staff tried to find out more information about alien civilizations from Thor in various ways, but they could not achieve their goal.

They tried to inject Valiant with a special substance that was supposed to bring him to the surface. But during the injection, the needle broke. After that, Thor got very angry. He said that if someone else decided to approach him with such experiments, he would regret it very much.

Thor handed the president a recording of the High Council leaders ' address. They offered earthlings access to new technologies and help in spiritual development in exchange for stopping the production of nuclear weapons. The president could not persuade the generals in charge of defense to stop developing new weapons.

A group of aliens from Venus

Then the head of state granted the Torah a special status for a period of 3 years. During this time, he could meet and communicate with various high-ranking individuals to prevent a nuclear war. Valiant was also involved in several secret projects, one of which was the construction of underground military bases, including "Zone-51".

Thor was about 180 cm tall and about 85 kg in weight. His skin was tanned, and his brown hair was slightly curled. His eyes were brown. There were no prints on the alien's fingers or palms. Thor had no navel. Valiant said he was 490 years old. He was fluent in 100 languages. His IQ level was 1200 points, which is hundreds of times higher than the average person's level of intelligence. He had the ability to appear and disappear at will. Thor could take apart the structure of his body at the molecular level and assemble it elsewhere. Outwardly, the alien was not much different from humans, except that he had six fingers on his hands. He also had a huge but light heart, and instead of blood — copper oxide.

The existence of the Torus is confirmed by footage shown in 1995 by UFO researcher Phil Schneider. He claimed to have personally met a visitor from Venus who worked for the US government. Photos of the alien Schneider showed in his lectures to look more convincing. He was even called the "UFO witness". But, in fact, very few people believed in Phil's words.

The picture he presented was dated 1943, and the Pentagon only found out about Valiant Thor in 1957. In addition, it showed a white-haired man who does not look like Thor from the footage that was leaked to the media in 1958. But Phil assured his audience that he was well acquainted with many of the government's secret projects. He said that the US authorities signed the "Grenada Agreement"with the aliens in 1954.

He also knew that the government had a special device that could cause an earthquake, and that alien beings were about to invade Earth. Schneider claimed that he was one of those who managed to survive the shootout with the aliens.

A year after the information was made public, the scientist was found dead in his own apartment. The official cause of death is suicide. But according to some sources, traces of torture were found on Phil's body. Before the scientist's death, 11 of his friends died under the same mysterious circumstances. Therefore, many UFO researchers are sure that Schneider and his comrades were eliminated by the American special services, because they knew too much and openly talked about it.

Original news

In mid March of 1957 in Alexandria, Virginia, a UFO craft was witnessed by a policeman landing in a field. A tall white man emerged from the craft and approached the officer, calmly identifying himself as Valiant Thor, sent by “The High Council”. He requested that he might speak with President Eisenhower.[1]

The policeman took Thor to the Pentagon where he did eventually speak with Eisenhower, as well as the Secretary of Defense and other joint chiefs. According to Frank E. Stranges, Thor was given a three year VIP status at the Pentagon, where he conducted numerous meetings with persons of high influence in the United States government. His objective was to voice concerns of the “High Council” over the way humanity was evolving – in particular its apparent lust for nuclear weaponry.[1]

Byrd: “Val Thor landed in Alexandria (Virginia) and met with the President to discuss the world's problems and offer advice and counsel on how to deal with and eliminate them. He indicated to Mr. Eisenhower that the world was in a precarious situation and that if the world continued to proceed on a war footing - it would cause an economic imbalance throughout the world. Val Thor stayed on Earth until March 16, 1960, and then disembarked to his home planet Venus.

Harley Andrew Byrd, assigned to Project Blue Book in 1957.

He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. He also mentioned the waves of aliens who would land around the world to help with the Earth's seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help the Earth's progress. Val Thor spoke of Christ's presence in the universe and that it was heartwarming to see Christ's advanced teaching continuing. This visitation at the Pentagon marks perhaps a new era in knowledge, wisdom and understanding on our planet.”


Kniha „Cizinec v Pentagonu“, kterou napsal dr. Frank E. Stranges, popisuje velmi neobvyklý příběh mimozemšťana, který žil na Zemi v letech 1957 – 1960, a během té doby se mu podařilo kontaktovat nejvyšší představitele americké vlády. Muž, který si říkal Valiant Thor, pocházel údajně z Venuše, měřil asi 180 cm a měl hnědé vlnité vlasy a hnědé oči. Se svou lodí přistál 16. března 1957 poblíž Alexandrie ve Virginii. Záhy po jeho přistání dorazila na místo policie, pro kterou měl jedinou zprávu – požadoval osobní schůzku s tehdejším americkým prezidentem Dwightem D. Eisenhowerem.

Nakonec se dostal do Pentagonu, kde se setkal s tajemníkem ministerstva obrany a později i se samotným Eisenhowerem a dalšími vysokými představiteli americké vlády. Na misi ho prý vyslala Vysoká rada, která žádala, aby zasáhl jménem mezigalaktické komunity. Obyvatelé sousedních světů se obávali našich jaderných schopností a varovali, že by nukleární válka mohla vést ke zničení lidské rasy. Během schůzky měl Thor předat prezidentovi dokument s digitálním obsahem. Byla v něm nabídka, že pokud se Země vzdá svých jaderných zbraní, představitelé Venuše jí na oplátku poskytnou dosud neznámé technologie. Prezident měl s návrhem v principu souhlasit, ale narazil u generálů zastupujících vojensko-průmyslový komplex. Ti takovou dohodu odmítli s tím, že je třeba si zachovat obranyschopnost proti cizím mocnostem.

Valiant Thor zůstal na Zemi tři roky. Dochovaly se jeho fotografie, na kterých se účastnil nejrůznějších vrcholných schůzek, a zatím nebyl důvod jejich pravost zpochybnit. Autor knihy dr. Frank Stranges byl federální maršál, který měl v Pentagonu tajnou bezpečnostní prověrku. Jeho příběh potvrdil i admirál Richard E. Byrd, který v letech 1957 až 1963 pracoval pro ministerstvo obrany. Mimochodem, Byrd měl na starosti také projekt „Blue Book“ – tajný vojenský program, který vyšetřoval zprávy o pozorování UFO. Dokonce i členové rodiny prezidenta Eisenhowera trvali na tom, že tato neuvěřitelná historka je pravdivá.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

This story is known from the book "The Stranger at the Pentagon" (The Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank E Stranges (Author), first published: 1967).

There is a version that this person in the photos is one of the scientists recruited during Operation Paperclip (beginning in August 1945), which is why no one has refuted the alien version.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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