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UFO. United States

ID #1611157012
Added Wed, 20/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Thumb Butte / Skull Valley
Прескотт, AZ
United States

I was home for the Christmas break. It was the night of the solstice, when the moon was full and also at its closest point to the Earth (apogee?). my friend and I decided to take a walk at night on the Thumb, as it will be the brightest night in 122 years or so.

On the way back up the trail, I looked down because we had to step over a ditch on the trail, and as I watched my step, a bright red flash lit up the forest around us for miles. I quickly cocked my head and got a landmark, I could see the flash illuminating the forest at least 7-8 miles ahead of us for about 1 second. My friend saw the same thing. When we looked up (the only place where the flash could have come from!), the only thing we saw was

A) Lluna and

B) a small Cessna flying around (probably from Prescott Airport).

The Cessna couldn't have had something powerful enough to light up such a 15-mile-wide area! 

I thought:

"This is weird, damn it, where did this come from?»

And we got in my truck and drove to the Skull Valley lookout, about 4-5 miles south of the hill.

This event reminded my friend of something he and another friend had seen several months ago on consecutive Fridays. We waited for about 10 minutes until we saw the lone white light go out, and then go out for about 10 seconds. We couldn't get information on how far away, but at least 10 miles or so. 

The light would darken and then appear to the side of the first position and there would be a gradual fade / reappear. Then two lights appeared, which continued to burn and seemed to "pulse", but did not go out completely, as before. After a few seconds, the two lights moved towards each other, seemed to merge into one, and then went straight up and went out forever. My friend said that he watched 3 lights dance around and then merge into one and disappear.

We got our hands on some good maps from the Bureau of Land Management (a friend of ours worked there), and there's nothing on the direction line from Skull Valley that could point to where we saw the lights for a good 70 miles or so. no cities, no radio towers, except for a few" abandoned " mines of the US Army. 

A friend of the BLM said that he had been near these mines before and that there were new signs on the barbed wire fence that read " U.S. Army property, no trespassing. The intruders will be shot dead on the spot." No rust, no dents, no fading should have been there in the last few months. He also saw men in disguise on dirt bikes with rifles slung over their shoulders. 

I'm not one to believe most UFO stories, but that night I definitely saw an unidentified flying object (s) and ruled it out:

A) Fixed flashing towers: the lights were moved at a sufficient distance

B) Helicopters/airplanes: the light would be steady and fade much slower than the strobe lights / flashing lights on airplanes

Does anyone else know anything? I am a military officer and regularly deal with aircraft and know their lighting patterns and characteristics.

Original news

I was home on Christmas break. This was the night of the solstice where the moon was full and also at its closest point to the earth (apogee?). my friend and I decided to hike Thumb Butte at night since it would be the brightest night in 122 years or so.

On our way back down the trail I was looking down because we had to step over a ditch in the trail, while i was watching my step a bright red flash lit up the forest around us for miles. I quickly jerked my head up and got a reference, I could see the flash light the forest for at least 7-8 miles ahead of us for about 1 second. My friend saw the same thing. When we looked up (the only place the flash could have come from!) the only thing we saw was

A) the moon and

B) a small Cessna flying around (probably from the Prescott airport) There is no way the Cessna could have had something powerful enough to light up a 15 mile diameter area like that! I thought “that’s bizarre, where the heck did that come from?” and we got in my truck and drove to the Skull Valley lookout, about 4-5 miles south of thumb butte.

This event had reminded my friend of something that he and another buddy had seen on consecutive Friday nights a few months earlier. We waited about 10 minutes until we saw a single white light fading in and then out, for a period of 10 seconds or so. We couldn’t get a reference on how far away, but at least 10 miles or so. The light would fade out and then appear laterally from the first position and do the fade in/out thing there. Then, two lights appeared, stayed lit up and kind of “throbbing” but not fading out completely as before. After a few seconds the two lights moved towards each other, appeared to merge into one and then go straight up and fade out for good. My friend said that he had observed 3 lights all dancing around and then forming into one and zooming off. He reported one of the previous events to a UFO place online (I don’t know which one) and a Professor from AZ State came up from Phoenix, interviewed him and told him that things like this had been reported lately in the Prescott area.

We got our hands on some good Bureau of Land Management maps (a friend of ours worked there) and there is nothing along the bearing line from the Skull Valley overlook to the place we saw the lights for a good 70 miles or so. no towns, no radio towers, except several “Abandoned” US Army mines. The BLM friend said that he had been near those mines before and that there were brand new signs on the barbed wire fence saying “US Army property, no trespassing. Trespassers will be shot on sight.” No rust, no dings, no fading, had to have been placed there within the last few months. He also saw camouflaged men on dirt bikes with rifles shouldered. Now I am not one to give credit to most UFO stories but that night I definitely saw an Unidentified Flying Object(s) and have ruled out:

A) Stationary blinking towers: the lights moved over a good distance
B) Helicopters/planes: the light would be steady and fade in and out very much slower than the strobe/blinkers on aircraft

Anybody else know anything? I am a military officer and deal with aircraft/boats on a regular basis, and know their lighting patterns and characteristics for what it’s worth.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG), Kourou (France) Vehicle: Ariane-44L H10-3 Payload: Galaxy 11


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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