ID | #1611072932 |
Added | Tue, 19/01/2021 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | National UFO Reporting Center
Phenomena | |
Status | Research
Initial data
On September 11, 1999, on a fine Sunday afternoon, I was in the backyard when I saw a strange thing almost directly overhead ... It was about 7 o'clock in the evening. The weather was warm and partly cloudy, with thick clouds overhead, but it was a clear day and the sun was shining most of the time.
At the top of the clouds (I estimated the base of the cloud at 7,000 or so) was an almond-shaped area of brilliant shimmering silver cloud, as if there was a light source in it. It was shaped like a soccer ball with pointed ends. He didn't move, and I stared at him for a minute or two.
Looking around, I saw what looked like five parachutes stacked one above the other, like at a team event, where they "connect" and descend as a single unit. Only there were no paratroopers and hoods, and all the domes were dark red. Not highlighted, just like a dark red cloth. They were lower in the sky, less than half a mile away.
Around this time, I called out to my girlfriend who was inside, but she didn't answer, so I looked around and the whole scene changed.
Now, directly in front of me, no more than a hundred feet up, were two large round things that looked like a ball. I was stunned and simply did not take his eyes from them, trying not to blink. They were round, apparently made of orange and white material with a well-marked pattern.
They were arranged as follows: orange square, white square, orange square, alternating in the correct order. The two were identical. Then they start to pulse rapidly, moving towards each other and sideways at high speed, maybe 5 times per second. (These numbers are of course approximate, but I'm trying to say what I've seen.)
At this moment, dark lines appeared between the two round "balloons", as if he was trying to stretch ropes or ropes to each of the"balloons".
The next part is completely impossible in our reality, but here I was looking at the impossible, right in front of my eyes, in broad daylight. You guys who want to see this kind of thing better understand that it can really break your worldview, trust in scientific theory and laws in just a couple of minutes.
From the upper "balloon" grew (from its upper side) another rapidly inflating balloon. Now there were three of them, tied together, oriented vertically, they were not on the same straight line, but loosely organized vertically, all of them swaying a little as they (thankfully) drifted away from me.
Another balloon grew in the next few seconds, just 4 balloons in front of me, now in the shape of a capital "L". Turning around and shouting to my girlfriend to get out a video camera. I looked around and (got this) what looked like a yellow belt or a large ribbon was hanging down the entire length of the display and fluttering under the now SQUARE objects.
Yes, they were square now, and the orange-white was a huge checkerboard pattern of dull orange and slightly dull white square areas. The material now had a texture as if it was made of weathered vinyl. Like the old covering of lawn furniture. I doubted my own eyes, thinking I was having some sort of hallucination.
The friend FINALLY showed up, and by now it had all moved east-northeast for about a thousand yards. I pointed it out to her, she saw it (thank God!), so I asked her what she saw.
She said someone was flying a kite.
I look back and see that it's a three-level box kite with two slings going down about twice the length, and the ends of the slings are bent 90 degrees to the left.
My girlfriend noticed two silver beads high up in the sky, some distance apart. They all looked the same size, like a pinhead at arm's length. They were motionless, and each was in a kind of blurred field. After a while, I couldn't find these "beads" and it was all over.
I've seen things of a bizarre nature in the sky before, so I look at the sky when I'm outside. But if my own mother had told me that story, I would never have believed it. I would have thought she was "crazy" (like you think I'm crazy right now).
Ah, but I have a theory ... a HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION? It happened within a mile and a half of a very large U.S. Air Force base. A base known for its engineering structures. The technology I witnessed was not available to lay people; for example, floating beads and a shimmering almond-shaped cloud. I doubt the Air Force did it, but who knows what technology all those billions created. One of the factors harmful to the secret technology argument is: why? Why do this to an ordinary citizen when it can be verified by secret personnel? Perhaps they wanted to see if they could cause panic in people, and waited breathlessly by the phone to see who would call in the bizarre report. No one panicked, because it was a harmless sight and too bizarre for anyone with any common sense to even report it. That would sound crazy. Did they want to see if there was a panic, maybe? I'll never know.
Crazy aliens from outer space? Maybe it was aliens, UFO aliens ... but how pointless it is to commit these antics and then disappear. If it was an alien, they acted like children playing with their shape-shifting antics. I doubt the alien UFO theory. The whole display was annoyingly absurd.
The old trickster? The Bible says that Lucifer is " the Prince of the spirits of the air."
A well-read Bible believer knows that Hell does not yet do business. Lucifer's demons flit through the atmosphere, doing their best to trick people into discrediting God and His Word. Over the centuries, people have seen fairies, leprechauns, elves, werewolves, and now aliens with bug-eyed eyes. Were they all the same energy or entities in different guises? Play by playing roles to deceive people, making them stumble in their faith in the Lord.
Historical observations of UFO occupiers in the 1950s and 60s indicate that witnesses interviewed these "occupiers". The stories they told these farmers and quirky townspeople were idiotic. They are said to have been from Venus or Mars and are asking for water and other simple, easily mined items. They took them inside and showed them flashing lights, knobs and buttons, but the people never returned any useful information or evidence.
The whole episode could have been a demonstration of mind control. Creating hallucinations in the human mind at will to confuse and intimidate poor spankers. Like me. No physical object could make maneuvers and the appearance / disappearance of these things. Turns of 90 degrees, instantaneous acceleration to huge speeds-all this indicates an immaterial object. That would explain a lot.
Out of a thousand UFO reports, maybe ten will describe similar or identical objects. It was as if they were all unique and instantly changeable. This would be easier if the object was a controlled hallucination, nothing would be impossible in this scenario. None of it was real.
The question is, why would I type all this (I'm not a typist) and tell this silly-sounding (I could invent a much more intriguing story about the disk) report if it wasn't true, and so strange that I still can't describe it.
I told the whole story to only one person, my late brother. He believed me. I am a 51-year veteran of the US Air Force, having worked for 12 years, I received the rank of E-5 with the line number for E-6 as a mechanic 32172p, weapons control system on McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantoms (Models C and D). I have an Air Force Meritorious Service Medal and many others honorably discharged in the mid- ' 80s. I work as a remote control installer for a small local company that specializes in electroplating and corrosion control.
So believe it or not. I do not swear to God in such things, because it is a sinful practice and there is no need for it.
Original news
Date: September 11 1999
Location: Midwest U. S.
Time: 19:00
Summary: Daytime changing Balloon-like phenomena TO THE EDITOR: DO NOT RELEASE MY CITY OR STATE, the GUYS will be able to find out my identity too easily! Leave off the particulars after the report, they would divulge my identity..
Report follows: On September 11th, 1999, a fine Sunday afternoon, I was in the backyard when I saw an odd thing almost directly overhead.. It was about 7 PM. The weather was warm and partly cloudy with some thick clouds overhead but a bright day with the sun shining most of the time. Up in the clouds (I’d estimate the cloud base at 7000 or so) was an almond shaped zone of brilliant shimmering silvery cloud, like it had a light source in it. It was shaped like a football, with pointed ends. It didn’t move and I stared at it for about a minute or two. Glancing around I saw what looked like five parachutes, stacked one above the other like a team event where they ‘hook-up’ and come down as a unit. Only there were no parachutists or shrouds, and all the canopies were deep red in color. Not illuminated, but just like dark red fabric. These were lower in the sky, off to the east less than a half-mile from me. About this time, I yelled for my girlfriend who was inside, but she didn’t answer, so I looked back and the entire scene had changed.
Now there were two large, round balloon-like things right in front of me, not a hundred feet up. I was stunned and just kept my eyes on them, trying not to blink. They were round, apparently made of orange and white material in a high visibility pattern. The were arranged like this- orange square, white square, orange square, alternating in a regular design. The two were identical. Then they start to pulsate rapidly, moving toward each other and away at a fast rate, maybe 5 times per second. (These figures are just estimates of course, but I’m trying to tell what I saw.) At this point, dark lines appeared between the two round ‘balloons’ like it was trying to run cords or ropes to each of the ‘balloons’. Here’s where I always get a chill because this next part is so entirely impossible in our reality, yet here I was staring at the impossible, right in front of my eyes, broad daylight. You folks who want to see this sort of thing, had better realize that it can really upset your world view, confidence in scientific theory and law, in just a minute or two of time. The top ‘balloon’ sprouted (from it’s top side) another rapidly inflating balloon. Now there were three, linked together oriented vertically, they weren’t in a straight line, but loosely organized vertically, all of them bobbing a bit as they drifted (thankfully) away from me. One more balloon sprouted in the next few seconds for a total of 4 in front of me, now in the shape of a capital letter ‘L’. After turning and yelling for my girlfriend to get the video tape camera, I looked back and (get this) what looked like a yellow sash or big ribbon was dangling down the length of the display and fluttering below the now SQUARE objects. Yes, they were now square and the orange and white was a huge checkerboard pattern of dull orange and slightly dingy white square areas. The material now showed a texture as though it were made of weathered vinyl. Like an old lawn furniture covering. I was doubting my own eyes, thinking I must be having some sort of hallucination.
Girlfriend FINALLY appeared and by now the whole thing had moved off to the east-northeast about a thousand yards. I pointed it out to her, she saw it, (thank goodness!) so I asked her what she saw. She said someone’s flying a box-kite. I look back out there and it looks like a three tiered box-kite with two lines draping down about twice its length, and the tips of the lines were bent 90 degrees to the left. My girlfriend noticed two silver beads high in the sky, some distance apart. Each looked the same size, like the head of a pin at arms length. They were motionless, and each was in a sort of blurry field. After a bit, I couldn’t find these ‘beads’, and it was over. Now I have seen things of a bizarre nature in the sky before, which is why I watch the sky when I’m outside. But if my own mother told me the above story, I would never believe her. I’d figure she was ‘nuts’. Like you are thinking I am nuts right now. Ah, but I have a theory…. A HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION? This occurred within one and a half miles of a very large Air Force base. A base known for its engineering facilities. The technology I witnessed was beyond any known to laymen; for instance, the hovering beads and the almond shaped shimmering cloud. I doubt the Air Force did this, but who knows what technology all those billions have wrought. One factor deleterious to the secret technology argument is, why? Why do this to a regular citizen when it could be tested by sworn-to-secrecy personnel? It is possible they wanted to see if they could create panic in people, and were waiting breathlessly by the phone to see who would call in the freaky report. No one panicked, because it was a harmless display, and too bizarre for anyone with any sense to even report.. They would sound insane. Did they want to see if panic ensued, maybe? I’ll never know.
CRAZY ALIENS FROM SPACE? It may have been extra-terrestrials, UFO aliens.. but how pointless, to perform these antics and then disappear. If it was alien, they acted like children playing around with their shape-shifting antics. I doubt the UFO alien theory. The whole display was irritatingly absurd.
THE OLD DECEIVER? The Bible says Lucifer is the “Prince of the spirits of the air”.
A well read Bible believer knows that Hell is not doing business YET. The demons of Lucifer flit about the atmosphere doing what they can to deceive men into discrediting God and His Word. Over the ages men have seen fairies, leprechauns, elves, werewolves, and now bug-eyed aliens. Maybe they were all the same energy or entities in differing guises. Play acting in roles to deceive men, causing them to stumble in their faith in the Lord. Historical ufo occupant sightings from the 1950’s and 60’s reported witnesses having conversations with these ‘occupants’. The stories they told these farmers and quaint townspeople were idiotic. Saying they were from Venus, or Mars and they ask for water and other mundane, easily obtained items. They took them inside and showed them their blinking lights and knobs and buttons, but the people never brought back any useful info or evidence. The entire episode might have been a demonstration of mind control. Creating hallucinations in the human mind at will, to baffle and awe the poor schleps. Like me. No physical object could do the maneuvers and appearance/disappearance of these things. The 90 degree turns, instant acceleration to tremendous speeds, all testify to a non-material object. This would explain much. Out of a thousand ufo reports, maybe ten will describe similar or identical objects. Like they were all unique and instantly changeable. This would be easier if the object were a controlled hallucination, nothing would be impossible in this scenario. None of it was real.
The question is, why would I type all this, (I’m no typist) and tell this stupid sounding (I could invent a much more intriguing disc story) report, unless it were true, and so strange I still have trouble describing it. I only ever told the whole story to one person, my late brother. He believed me. I am a 51 year old USAF veteran of 12 years service, I attained the rank of E-5 with a line number for E-6 as a 32172p, Weapons control system mechanic on McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantoms. (C and D models) I have the Air Force Achievement medal and many others, Honorably discharged in the middle 80’s. I work as a control panel builder for a small local company specializing in electroplating and corrosion control. So believe what you will, I don’t ‘swear-to-God’ about things as this is a sinful practice and is not necessary. I don’t mind you not believing, because I doubt I would believe this strange stuff were you reporting it to me..;) It happened September 11, 1999, from 6:55 to 7:05 pm.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
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