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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. United States

ID #1610714477
Added Fri, 15/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Джуно, AK
United States

The witness (source) had an experience in which he received a message from 3 alien beings from the planet "Leah", which orbits Bellatrix in the Orion star system. It was as if his consciousness had been transferred aboard their starship.

During the experiment, the man passed by his room and claimed that the witness was not there. He refers to the aliens as "Orions", who were female, ranging in height from 6 feet to 6 feet 3 inches (1.8-1.9 m), olive complexion, large almond-shaped eyes, and 3 fingers instead of 4.

They told him many things, including their method of space travel. The Orions travel between dimensions in a "time loop journey". They use the energy produced by flawless crystals and pure iron rods, combined with the psychic energy that permeates the universe. With this method of travel, "time" actually bends back, creating a "loop", and the vehicle crosses it in a straight line, but arrives at a distance of several light-years in a matter of days or weeks.

The spaceship was a bio-molecular living entity by the name of Rania. It is similar in concept to the starship depicted on the science fiction show "Farscape". The aliens themselves can exist in our 3-dimensional worlds, as well as in the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions.

There is a 7th dimension, which he was told was the realm of the Creator, whom they call " the one who is." He was also told that small gray aliens with black eyes are deceptive and are in league with secret government agencies. High humanoid beings, such as the Orions and Pleiadians, represent the harmony of God.

The witness participated in other meetings.

Original news

Date: February 1999
Location:  Near Juneau, Alaska
Time: night
Summary: he witness (source) had an experience in which he received communication from 3 alien beings from the planet “Leahya” which orbits the Bellatrix in the Orion star system. It was as if his consciousness was taken aboard their starship. During the experience a man walked by his room and claims the witness was not there. He calls the aliens the “Orions” which were female, 6 ft to 6 ft 3 inches tall, of olive complexion, large almond shaped eyes, and 3 fingers instead of 4. They told him many things, including their method of space travel. The Orions travel inter-dimensionally in “time loop travel”. They use energy produced by flawless crystals and pure iron rods in conjunction with psychic energy that permeates the universe. In this mode of travel “time” is actually bent back upon itself creating a “loop” and the vehicle transects it in a straight line, but arrives light years away in a matter of days or weeks. The starship itself was a bio-molecular living entity named “Rania.” It is similar in concept to the starship portrayed on the sci-fi show “Farscape”. The aliens themselves can exist in our 3 dimensional worlds, as well as the 4th, 5th and 6th dimension. There is a 7th dimension, which he was told was the realm of the Creator, who they call “The One that is.” He was also told that the little gray aliens with black eyes are deceptive, and are in league with secret government agencies. The tall humanoid beings such as the Orions nd the Pleiadians are the ones who represent the harmony of God. The witness has been involved in other encounters.
Source:  Ravenwolf in I was abducted.com


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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