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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1610553697
Added Wed, 13/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
29.12.1994 21:45
Ла-Кросс, WA
United States

At approximately 21: 45 on the night of Thursday, December 29, 1994, a mother (with six children) was driving north on Zaring Cut-Off Road in southeastern Washington State, just 5 miles north of the river Snake.

Several of her children suddenly started screaming and drew their mother's attention to three extremely bright lights over a newly harvested wheat field on the right (east) side of the road. At first, they thought the lights were the landing lights of a low-altitude airliner that may have made an emergency landing in a field and was flying directly toward them. Then one of the older children suggested that it was the headlights of a "semi" (18-wheel truck), but they almost immediately realized that this description also does not fit.

Suddenly, the family began to see objects attached to three light sources, and they were shocked by this vision! They saw three coal-black delta-shaped ships with articulated structures at the prow, from which blinding lights emanated. They seemed to be scanning the ground in front of them. 

The objects, apparently locked in a tight, unwavering formation, slowly crossed the road (and the car) at very low speed, slowly turned left (south) and moved south parallel to the road the family was on.

The mother submitted an excellent three-page report, along with a drawing of one of the crafts she allegedly witnessed that night. In addition, she presented a detailed drawing of the terrain and an approximate flight path of objects.

The mother reported that the objects were directly above their car, they made a barely perceptible humming sound ("...like an electric refrigerator..."), and they were close enough that "a person with a good throwing hand could reach them»

When I spoke to her on January 1, 1995 (our first call of the year), she still seemed upset by the experience. She said she was afraid to drive or even go outside after dark, which is not uncommon among people who have recently experienced a UFO encounter.

(Note: Vessels of very similar shape have been reported throughout the country)

Original news

At approximately 2145 hours on Thursday night, December 29, 1994, a mother (with her six children) was driving north on the Zaring Cut-Off Road in southeastern Washington State, just 5 miles north of the Snake River. Several of her children suddenly started shouting and called the mother’s attention to three extraordinarily bright lights above a recently harvested wheat field off to the right (east) side of the road. At first, they thought the lights were the landing lights of an airliner at low altitude, perhaps making a forced landing in the field, and flying directly toward them. Then one of the older children suggested the lights were the headlights on a “semi” (an 18-wheel truck), but they almost immediately realized that description didn’t fit, either.

Suddenly, the family began to see the objects that were attached to the three lights, and they were awed by the vision! They saw three coal-black, delta-shaped craft, with articulating structures on their noses, from which the blinding lights were radiating. They appeared to be scanning the ground ahead of them. The objects, apparently locked in tight, unwavering formation, slowly drifted across the road (and car) at very low speed, slowly turned left (south), and proceeded south parallel to the road the family was on.

The mother submitted an excellent 3-page report, together with a drawing of one of the crafts she reportedly witnessed that night. In addition, she submitted a detailed drawing of the area and the approximate flight path of the objects.

Drawing of La Crosse, Washington ship provided by the witness

The mother reported that the objects were right above their car, they gave off a barely perceptible humming sound (“…like an electric refrigerator…”), and they were close enough that a “person with a good throwing arm could have hit them with a rock.” When I talked with her on January 01, 1995, (Our first call of the year), she was still seemingly upset by the experience. She volunteered that she was frightened to either drive or even go outside, after dark, which is not uncommon among people who have had recent UFO experiences.

(Note: Ships of quite similar shape have been reported all over the country)


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Soyuz-U Payload: Kosmos 2305 (Yantar-4KS1M #6, Neman #6)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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