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UFO. United States

ID #1609964122
Added Wed, 06/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Хэмпстед, NC
United States

I do not remember the exact year, but I assume that before the birth of my son - 1993. My husband and I lived a couple of miles from the Atlantic Ocean (1 mile off the North Carolina Interstate). 

It was getting dark, and my husband came into our house and told me that I should go outside and "look at this." I was standing with my husband in the front yard (rural, but a lot of traffic on the highway 1 mile away) and looked at what was clearly some kind of car. I don't remember all the features of the shape, except that it was tubular / cylindrical, which was semi-transparent, and lights of different colors shone from it. 

It hovered above the trees near the dirt road in front of our double width for probably a minute. For some strange reason, I wasn't scared or alarmed - I felt like there was nothing I could do about it other than stay calm. After a while, he disappeared (I don't remember if he disappeared suddenly or disappeared - I think he disappeared suddenly). 

I didn't pay too much attention to the details because I thought we'd hear news of the incident. When TV and radio didn't mention it, I was very surprised. 

It was so close that I thought maybe it could be seen by the cars on the coastal highway or the houses located across every acre of our dirt road. 

For some reason, my 11-year-old son went to school talking about a UFO I'd seen (actually saw another one in 1992 - a very different experience) and directed me to the Internet.

The other UFO was not so dramatic. I was on my balcony (city of Charlotte, North Carolina) around 5: 00 am and smoking a cigarette. Something bright caught my attention to my left. 

When I turned my head, I saw a bright light in the sky in the shape of a quarter moon (apparently quite far away). It moved horizontally (as if jumping across the sky) for about 1/2 second, and then disappeared. 

I immediately thought:

"Well, I've seen two UFOs in my life." 

Who would have believed it? (There are no other witnesses to this.)

Original news

Don’t remember the exact year, but would estimate before my son was born – 1993. My husband and I lived a couple miles from the Atlantic ocean (1 mile from the NC intercoastal highway). It was getting dusk, and my husband come inside our home and told me that I had to go outside and “look at this”. I stood with my husband in our front yard (rural area but a lot of highway traffic 1 mile away) and looked up at what was obviously some kind of vehicle. I don’t remember all the specifics of the shape other than it was tubular/ cylinder shaped that was translucent with different color lights glowing from it. It hoovered over the trees near the dirt road in front of our double wide for probably a minute. For some strange reason I was not scared or alarmed – but a sense that there was nothing I could do about it but stay calm. After a while it was gone (I don’t remember if it left suddenly or disappeared – I think left suddenly). I didn’t pay too close attention to the details because I thought we’d be hearing news reports of the sighting. When the TV and radio didn’t mention it, I was very surprised. It was so close that I thought possibly cars on the coastal highway could have seen it or the homes that were spaced every acre apart on our dirt road. This is the first time I have every mentioned this to an agency. For some reason my 11 year old son went to school talking about the UFO I had seen (actually saw another one in 1992 – very different experience) and directed me to the internet. I saw your “post a report” and decided to do it.

The other UFO was not near as dramatic. I was on my balcony (urban city of Charlotte, NC) at about 5:00 am smoking a cigarette. Something bright caught my attention to my left. As I turned my head, I saw a bright light the shape of a quarter moon (apparently pretty far away) up in the sky. It moved horizontally (as if it were skipping across the sky) for about 1/2 second and then disappeared. I immediately thought, “well, I have now seen two UFO’s in my lifetime”. Who would ever believe this? (No other witnesses to this one.)


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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