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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1608565461
Added Mon, 21/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.1991 22:24
Puerto Rico

The family of five was driving slowly along a rural road when suddenly they had a problem with the car: they could not start the car again. Then they decided to stay in the car for the night.

A few moments later, they saw many military jeeps racing at high speed towards the nearest remote radar station.

Twenty minutes later, everyone saw a huge multicolored light hovering near the radar antenna. The light suddenly fell on their car, and now they could see that it was a huge disc-shaped ship.

The horrified witnesses saw a small humanoid jump onto the hood of the car, short and thin, with a large egg-shaped head, large bright red eyes with a dot in the center, and long arms with long, thin fingers. He also had gray-white skin, and was wearing a gray-white skin-tight suit.

Witnesses suddenly heard a telepathic message telling them to " calm down and not fight back."

Suddenly, all of them felt a sudden calm and lost all will to resist. Then two more similar creatures appeared, and one of them took the younger child, telling him that it was a special child and that he had a special task in the future.

The witnesses got out of the car and were hit by a beam of light from the floating disk; all of them were suddenly inside the object. They were all taken to a huge laboratory-like room and told to lie down on metal tables. Several examinations and tests were carried out on them.

At some point, a taller, human-like creature appeared and told the witnesses about the upcoming events and the upcoming changes in the world.

Before releasing them, the humanoids told the witnesses that one day they would return and take their youngest son.

Original news

Location. Near La Parguera Puerto Rico
Date: June 1991
Time: 2224
A family of five was driving slowly along a rural road when suddenly they experienced vehicle trouble; they were unable to re-start the vehicle. They then decided to stay in the car overnight. Moments later they saw numerous military jeeps heading at high speed to a nearby remote radar station. Twenty minutes later they all saw a huge multi-colored light hovering next to the radar aerial. The light suddenly descended over their vehicle and they could now see it was a huge disc-shaped craft. The frightened witnesses now saw a little humanoid jump on top of the hood of the car, it was short and thin with a large egg shaped head, with large bright red eyes that had a point of light in the center and had long arms with long thin fingers. It also had gray-white skin and wore a gray white skintight outfit. The witnesses suddenly heard a telepathic message telling them “to calm down and not to resist.” Suddenly they all felt a sudden calm and lost all will to resist. Two more similar beings then appeared and one of them took the youngest child, telling him that it was a special baby and that it had a special task in the future. The witnesses now got out of the car and were hit by a beam of light from the hovering disc; they all suddenly found themselves inside the object. They were all taken to a huge room resembling a laboratory and told to lie down on metallic tables. Several examinations and tests were performed on them. At one point a taller more human looking being appeared and told the witnesses of future events and coming world changes. Before releasing them, the humanoids told the witnesses that one day they were going to return and take their youngest son.
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 58


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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