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The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1608042390
Added Tue, 15/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

On a hot and sticky July day in 1987, Jason Andrews celebrates his fourth birthday at the family cottage near Slade, Green in Kent, as the heavens open. When there is thunder around, there is a single flash of lightning. Suddenly, a stream of numbers starts pouring out of Jason's mouth: fantastic numbers, complex mathematical equations, even algebra-everything from a boy trying to count to ten.

after a few seconds, the windows and doors begin to shake violently, and the four-year-old announces to his mother, father, and older brother:

"They're waiting for me. I have to go."

Jason's father; Paul grabs his son and stops him from going out into the downpour, but the boy struggles violently, and when he does, the house shakes to its foundations - until finally he wakes up from his trance and the shaking stops. This is the first sign that Jason Andrews is an unusual little boy, and eight years later it was convincingly confirmed.

It wasn't until 1995, when he was almost 12 years old, that Jason told his surprised parents exactly what was happening to him - aliens were abducting him from his bed at night.

"It's always the light that comes first," he confided to Ann's mother. Suddenly there are a lot of little ones everywhere. They are fuzzy and fuzzy, moving very fast. I can't move or speak, but I'm awake and I can see, hear, and feel. I want to scream and run, but the sound doesn't come out and my body doesn't move."

"I hate them. I hate them, " the boy sobbed. "I have to go with them. They take me to the operating room like a hospital. It's all white and shiny. Sometimes it's a circular room with a metal floor. It's always cold. They're there. The big one touches me, but I don't feel it, like I've been put under anesthesia." 

Then he added sharply:

"but You don't believe me, You JUST think i'm making it up."

In fact, Ann believed him and went on to investigate the phenomena affecting her son's life in the book Kidnapped. This decent wife and mother has come to the conclusion that we may not be alone.

Original news

On A hot, sticky July afternoon in 1987 Jason Andrews is celebrating his fourth birthday at his family’s cottage near Slade, Green in Kent when the heavens open. As the thunder crashes all around, there is a single flash of lightning. Suddenly; a stream of numbers starts pouring out of Jason’s mouth: fantastic numbers, complex mathematical equations, even algebra – all from a boy who struggles to count to ten.

Seconds later the windows and doors begin to shake violently and the four-year-old announces to his mother, father and elder brother: ‘They’re waiting for me. I have to go.’

Jason’s father; Paul, grabs his son and stops him from walking out into the downpour, but the boy struggles violently, and as he does so the house shakes to its very foundations -until, finally, he seems to wake from a trance and the shaking stops. It is the first sign that Jason Andrews is no ordinary little boy and, in the eight years that follow, that is dramatically confirmed.

‘It wasn’t until 1995, when he was almost 12, that Jason told his astonished parents exactly what had been happening to him – aliens had been abducting him from his bed at night.

‘It’s always the light that comes first,’ he confessed to his mother; Ann. ‘Then I see the tall one rise up at the foot of the bed. ‘Suddenly there’s lots of little ones everywhere. They’re fuzzy and indistinct, and they move very fast. I can’t move or speak, but I’m awake and I can see and hear and feel. I want to scream and run, but the sound doesn’t come out and my body doesn’t move.

‘I hate them. I hate them,’ the boy sobbed. ‘I have to go with them. ‘They take me to an operating theatre, like at the hospital. It’s all white and shiny. Sometimes it’s a circular room with a metal floor. It’s always cold. ‘They’re there. The big one touches me but I don’t feel it, like as if I’ve had an anaesthetic.’ Then he added poignantly: ‘But you don’t believe me, you just think I’m making it all up.’

In fact, Ann did believe him, and went on to explore the phenomena affecting her son’s life in a book, Abducted. This decent, uncomplicated wife and mother came to the conclusion that we may not be alone.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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