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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1602841075
Added Fri, 16/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1976 13:50
Окенхольт- Клуид
United Kingdom

Around the same time as the previous incident, Gaynor Sutherland, the sister of the aforementioned witness, was Cycling along a secluded section of the same road at a different location when she saw a silver cigar-shaped object behind a nearby hedge in a field. 

The witness hid behind a hedge and could see a narrow rim at the base of the object and a dull red box at the top. There were three rectangular Windows along the object.

A few minutes later, a five-foot-five (165 cm) human figure appeared from behind the object. The creature was very thin, with an angular body, it walked clumsily, stiffly, and its face was long, thin, and very pale. He also had very large round white eyes with a pink dot in the middle. He only had a few strands of fine sandy hair. 

The creature was dressed in a silver one-piece suit and boots with thick black soles. He wore a silver helmet with a glass bubble on the front. He had a gun-like weapon that he pointed at the ground several times, each time emitting a wavy red ray of light that made holes in the ground the size of a Cup.

 At some point, the creature noticed the witness and briefly looked at her, she became cold and dizzy. The creature disappeared behind the object and was never seen again. Now another creature appeared, described as similar, but shorter, and possibly female. She was carrying what looked like a knife on her side and appeared angry when she noticed the witness. 

Then the creature went up the ramp to the object and disappeared. 

The red box on top of the object began to pulse, and the witness ran out of the area, noticing that the cigar-shaped ship was pointing skyward, and disappeared into a low hanging cloud. The witness noticed the smell of burning.

Original news

Date:   July   1976
Location:  Oakenholt Clwyd Wales
Time:  1350
Summary:  About the same time of the previous incident, Gaynor Sutherland, the sister of the above witness was riding her bicycle along a secluded stretch of the same road at a different location when she caught sight of a silvery cigar shaped object behind a nearby hedge on a field. The witness hid behind the hedge and was able to see a narrow rim along the base of the object and a dull red box on top. There were three rectangular windows along the side of the object. Minutes later a five-foot five inch human like figure appeared from behind the object. The being was very thin with an angular body, he walked clumsily in a stiff manner, and his face was long, thin, and very pale. He also had very large round eyes, white in color with a pink dot in the middle. He only had a few sandy wisps of thin hair. The being wore a silvery one-piece suit and boots with thick black soles. On his head he wore a silvery helmet with a glass bubble on the front. He carried a gun like instrument, which he pointed to the ground several times, each time emitting a wavy red beam of light, which made cup size holes in the ground. At one point the being noticed the witness and briefly stared at her, she felt cold and dizzy at that point. The being disappeared behind the object and was not seen again. Another being now appeared, described as similar but shorter and possible a female. This being carried a knife like object attached to her side and seemed angry when she noticed the witness. The being then walked up a ramp into the object and disappeared. The red box on the top of the object began to pulsate and the witness ran from the area noticing the cigar shaped craft angle skywards and vanish into a low hanging cloud. The witness noted a burning smell.
Source:   Jenny Randles and Paul Whetnall, FSR Vol. 25 # 3


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