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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. France

ID #1600435233
Added Fri, 18/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The witness was at his country house in southwestern France. It was night after a rainy day when he heard a "splashing" sound outside. He went to the porch and saw nothing.

Disturbed by the noise, he moved further into the darkness and saw a few dozen meters away in a nearby field a glowing red sphere with a diameter of 3-4 meters. He suddenly "felt a presence" nearby and, turning around, saw 3 or 4 creatures in the semi-darkness that scared him. 

They were dressed in very dark all-in-one parachute suits, were small and terrible-looking, with bald hair and thick beards. 

During these few seconds of this confrontation, the little creatures stood motionless, looking at the witness while he felt "mesmerized" by their gaze. 

Completely terrified, the witness turned on his heel and ran to his home, where he grabbed and loaded his rifle. Returning to the same spot, he now saw small creatures moving rapidly towards the red sphere at the other end of the field. 

He put the gun to his shoulder, intending to shoot them, but suddenly found that he couldn't move and couldn't pull the trigger. 

The creatures entered the object, which then silently and at high speed took off. When the sphere disappeared, the witness regained his movements and returned to the house in great agitation. He didn't sleep for several nights.

Original news

Date: 1972 
Location: Southwestern region of France (exact location not given)
Time: night
Summary: The witness was staying in his country house in southwest France. Night had fallen after a day of rain, when he heard outside a kind of “splashing” sound. He went to his front steps and could see nothing; uneasy about the noise, he moved out further into the darkness and saw a few dozen meters away in an adjacent field, a luminous red sphere of 3 or 4 meters in diameter. He suddenly “felt a presence” nearby and turning, he saw in the semi darkness 3 or 4 beings that terrified him. They were dressed in very dark one-piece jump suits, were small in stature and of horrible countenance, with bald plates and full beards. In this few seconds of this confrontation, the little beings stood motionless, staring at the witness, while he felt “transfixed” by their gaze. Thoroughly frightened, the witness turned on his heel and rushed back to his house, where he seized and loaded his rifle. Returning to the same spot, he now saw the little beings moving quickly toward the red sphere at the other end of the field. He put his gun to his shoulder with the intention of firing at them but he suddenly found that he was unable to move and could not pull the trigger. The beings entered the object, which then took off silently and at great speed. When it had vanished the witness recovered his movement and went back indoors, greatly agitated. He found himself sleepless for several nights, and subsequently experienced various degrees of psycho physiological problems.
Source: Eric Zurcher & Alain Gamard


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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