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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1599846440
Added Fri, 11/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.09.1971 22:00
United Kingdom

It was so long ago, but still very clear in my mind, but the date may be wrong, it may be 1972.

I lived in Lumley lane, Worthing, Sussex, England. I got married a year ago, and the cottage we lived in was the last house on the road leading North up the hill, next to the sheds and tractor sheds. That night, my first husband and I went to bed around 10 p.m.

After being in bed for about 10 minutes, I heard a buzzing sound, I thought it was our electric kettle, maybe I left it on.

I went down the stairs to the kitchen, no, it wasn't the kettle, it was turned off. Still hearing the hum, I searched for it where I'd pulled back the bedroom curtains to check the outside of the house.

It was clear as day, and I couldn't believe my eyes. An oval-shaped spaceship with flashing lights in the middle, they were white, and the ship was spinning. That's where the buzzing came from. It hung motionless over the hill in front of me.

I called my husband to come and see, because he was an unbeliever. We watched it for about 15 minutes, then it suddenly started moving, went right, then left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

About 5 seconds later, 2 military aircraft flew directly over the position where I saw and heard the spacecraft. I told a few people who were close to me about my experience, because people would think I was crazy or lying.

It happened, it stayed in my mind all these years, and the sound, it's an experience I'll never forget. Now I believe it wasn't aliens, but our future coming back for some unknown reason. Why don't they want to be caught? Because it will change the future.

Original news

Date:  September 24 1971
Location: Worthing, Sussex England
Time:  22:00
Summary: Its been such a long time ago, but its still very clear in my mind but the date may be wrong, it could be 1972. I lived on Lamleys Lane, Worthing, Sussex England. I had been married the year before, the cottage we lived in was the last house on the Lane going north up the hill, next to the barns and tractor sheds. That night my first husband and I retired about 10:00pm. After being in bed about 10 minutes I could hear a humming noise, I thought it was our electric kettle, maybe I left it on. I went down stairs into the kitchen, No it was not the kettle it was unplugged. Still hearing the hum I searched for it’s where abouts I pulled the bedroom curtains open to check outside the house. There it was as plain as day, I could not belive my eyes. A space ship oval in appearence with flashing lights around the middle they were white, and the craft was spinning. This is where the humming was coming from. It was stationary above the hill in front of me. I called my husband to come and look because he was a none believer. We watched it for about 15 minutes then all of a sudden it began to move, it went to the right, then to the left and was gone in a flash. About 5 seconds later 2 military aircraft flew right over the position where I had seen and heared the spacecraft. I have told a few people about my experience those that were close to me because people would think I was nuts or lying. This happened it has stayed in my mind all these years and the sound, it’s an experience you never forget. I believe now this was not aliens, its our future coming back for some unkown reason. Why did they not want to be caught? Because it would change the future.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Kosmos-2 Payload: Kosmos 440 (DS-P1-I #11)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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