ID | #1596382978 |
Added | Sun, 02/08/2020 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
Surf washed up on the beach Liverpool is a pretty scary creature that even scientists are not able to identify. Being called "the Anomaly of Ainsdale" and is currently being researched caring professionals and citizens.
The length of the monster is 4.5 meters. The witnesses were unable to see the head. Other oddities – is attached to another creature through the umbilical cord. Most likely, the creature was going to give birth. This applies more to guesswork, so you cannot claim 100%.
The appearance of the creature was such that if a whale swallowed a cow, which before his death enjoyed the Dolphin, said one of the tourists on the beach. Another visitor to the beach, shared about the unbearable stench, from which dizzy. Many could not get too close because of her. People appeared gag reflex every time the wind blew in their direction.
When the Network was loaded with pictures of creatures, people began to wonder, who are they. Assumptions were different: cow, thawed mammoth, etc. According to the biologist of the environmental office, to the beach really would throw a badly decomposed whale. Through the flesh comes through the spine, the body severely deformed. This could be three different interconnected parts of a whale. The discrepancy lies only in the fact that people saw on the body creating the hair.
Pictures of the finds were transferred to the Department of marine biology University of Liverpool. Perhaps scientists will understand the issue and provide us a proper explanation of the findings.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
A 15-feet long seabeast that's been compared to a washed-up mammoth and an alien has left locals mystified after turning up on a British beach.
The creature was spotted on the Merseyside beach in Liverpool on Wednesday and has been dubbed the Ainsdale Anomaly.
People have been unable to identify the animal which has no identifiable head but is furry, has flippers and is badly decomposed and covered in flies.
'It's very bizarre,' said one man. 'It's like a mishmash of different things in one.
'It's 15-feet long, it has flippers, it's furry and it seems to have another creature attached, possibly via an umbilical cord, so it could have been giving birth.
'It was almost like a whale that had eaten a horse that had eaten a dolphin.'
The man, who asked to remain anonymous, shared photos of the seabeast with the Ainsdale community Facebook page.
And while plenty of people had suggestions, nobody could identify it for sure.
One local woman, who filmed the strange creature, said: 'It's been called the Ainsdale Anomaly.
'My first assumption was it was a whale of some kind.
Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.
Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.
The main signs of this injury:
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