ID | #1589802116 |
Added | Mon, 18/05/2020 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
The Brazilians in the municipality of the IAW, to the North of Rio de Janeiro, have reported seeing mysterious lighted objects in the sky on Wednesday. Multiple video objects exploded on Reddit and Twitter that sparked incredible speculation about a crashed UFO.
On Wednesday morning, they tweeted a trend, when a few people began to share videos of the glowing lights in the sky. Video show blue, red and yellow balls moving across the sky, and one video shows the lights arranged in a triangle.
When the event is beginning to gain momentum, the hashtag #MageUFO began to fill with posts and then suddenly disappeared. Visit r/UFOs Reddit, posts about Brazilian UFO also began to disappear. Users began to accuse Twitter and moderators in the censorship.
In his message the moderator said
"I see a lot of nonsense in this thread, so let me make it absolutely clear: the mods here are not censored, but if the message is stupid or offensive, it will be removed. If it is a hoax, we will also remove it."
Then users began to publish a link to Google Mapsshowing a satellite image of the IAW, offering a vast conspiracy and concealment from Google.
A Google spokesperson explained what's going on here:
"In this case, what people see on the pictures is a reflection, which temporarily overloads the sensor of the satellite". In fact, the sun is reflected from the surface of this building at a right angle and temporarily "blinded" the satellite. This is a fairly common phenomenon known as blooming Baroque".
While the Brazilian press is reporting that no one reported these objects to the local authorities, charges of loud explosions and gunfire, the Brazilian military, Atalaya territory, and military personnel, arrest anyone who tried to approach the proposed site of the crash, captured on Twitter.
Vice calls it "typical madness".
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Original news
Magé, just north of Rio de Janeiro, reported seeing mysterious illuminated objects in the sky Wednesday. Several videos of the objects exploded on Reddit and Twitter, sparking incredible speculation about a crashed UFO that has been picked up widely in the Brazilian press.
Magé began to trend on Twitter Wednesday morning when several people began sharing videos of glowing lights in the sky. The videos show blue, red and yellow orbs moving around the sky, and one video shows the lights arranged in a triangular formation.
While the videos themselves are curious, though hardly evidence of anything otherworldly, UFO enthusiasts began to fall down the conspiratorial rabbit hole rather quickly when posts about the event began disappearing on Twitter. As the event began to gather digital steam, the #MageUFO hashtag began to swell with posts, then, suddenly, vanished. Meanwhile, on the r/UFOs Reddit page, posts concerning the Brazilian UFOs also began to disappear. Crying foul, users began to accuse both Twitter and the moderators of the r/UFOs subreddit of censorship. Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Threads and comments about the UFOs were deleted from the r/UFOs subreddit; in a post, a moderator said that “I see a lot of stupidity in this thread, so let me just make it absolutely clear: mods here do not censor. If a post is stupid or offensive it will be removed. If it is a hoax, we'll remove it.” That moderator has been pilloried in the comments, with dozens of redditors suggesting that perhaps the subreddit for UFOs is where they should be allowed to talk about a UFO event that had thousands of eyewitnesses and dozens of videos posted. People wanting to discuss the event have moved on to r/aliens in the meantime.
To make matters worse, users began posting a Google Maps link showing a satellite image of part of Magé, suggesting a vast conspiracy and Google coverup. It looks like this, which is unfortunate for Google:
A white image glitch in the shape of, well, a flying saucer, seems to appear in a wooded area north of Rio de Janeiro. Google Maps satellite images are not updated instantly, of course, so this is an old image. A Google spokesperson explained to Motherboard what is going on here:
“In this case, what people are seeing in the imagery is a reflection that is temporarily overloading the satellite's sensor,” the spokesperson said. “Essentially, the sun reflected off the surface of that building at just the right angle to briefly blind the satellite. This is a pretty common phenomenon known as saturation or blooming.”
While the Brazilian press reports that no one reported these objects to local authorities, allegations of loud explosions and gunshots, the Brazilian military cordoning off the area, and army personnel arresting anyone trying to get close to the supposed crash site have taken over Twitter and the r/Aliens subreddit.
O suposto aparecimento de um Objeto Voador Não Identificado (OVNI) em Magé, Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, fez o município ficar famoso em todo o país nesta quarta-feira (13). A prefeitura negou qualquer ocorrência relacionada ao assunto.
Desde a noite anterior, o assunto é um dos mais comentados nas redes sociais. No Twitter, pela manhã, Magé e Pau Grande estavam entre os termos mais falados.
Pau Grande é um distrito de Magé onde teria ocorrido a suposta aparição do OVNI.
Em um dos vídeos que circulam nas redes sociais, supostamente gravado neste distrito, é possível ver um clarão no solo, ao que os internautas como resultado da queda do objeto vindo do espaço.
Em outro vídeo dá para ver uma coisa redonda e azul. Em outros, pontos luminosos se movimentam rapidamente no céu.
A Polícia Militar disse que não recebeu nenhum chamado relacionado ao tema no município de Magé.
A prefeitura emitiu uma nota informando que desconhece a informação e que “não fomos oficialmente notificados por autoridades militares sobre o tema”.
Ainda segundo a Prefeitura de Magé, a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) afirmou que também não recebeu nenhum chamado.
Não basta a pandemia do coronavírus, há quem acredite que é possível que o planeta esteja recebendo visitas extraterrestres. Um vídeo que circula em redes sociais como o Twitter mostra um suposto OVNI, que teria caído na cidade de Magé, no Rio de Janeiro. O caso virou meme e chegou aos trending topics - mas não há registros oficiais das autoridades locais e da Aeronáutica sobre algum incidente assim. Nas imagens que circulam desde a madrugada de hoje no Twitter, de um vídeo filmado da Ilha do Governador, é possível ver luzes brilhando no céu, com diversas pessoas as acompanhando e reagindo ao que viam.
"Que é isso, cara. Estou na Ilha do Governador e tem no horizonte lá uma luz, que fica parada, está parada há mais de dez minutos. E no céu um montão de luzes, luzes piscam, diminuem, aumentam e ficam se deslocando... Como se viesse lá do outro lado. Tem um vermelho, agora", vai narrando uma pessoa. "Tô arrepiado", fala outra.
Circulam também imagens de outros ângulos, que não permitem grandes conclusões, e um áudio em que se fala na suposta queda.
"Eu vi uma grande placa do tamanho de um ônibus, de quina, dentro d'água", diz o áudio, que afirma que "o pessoal das Forças Armadas" foi visto no local. Procurada pelo UOL, a Aeronáutica informou que não tem registros de quedas de objetos voadores no local, tampouco de isolamento de áreas nesta região do estado do Rio. O Corpo de Bombeiros e a Polícia Militar de Magé também não registram ocorrências. Se há muito mais perguntas do que respostas sobre as imagens, isso não desanimou os criadores de memes, que foram de temas políticos à falha na abertura do Jornal Nacional para brincar com o OVNI de Magé.
The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.
A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.
Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.
Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.
Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.
Defects on satellite images

To receive color photographs should be done for two shots. One black and white, high resolution, and the second lower-resolution, but in color. Further the obtained color image is stretched and applied to the black-and-white as a texture. Such action is necessary because due to the different refraction of light rays of different spectrum when passing through the atmosphere from the color image of high resolution from space do not work. These features form the image are almost not noticeable on stationary objects, but clearly distinguishable when the shot fall fast moving objects such as planes or cars.
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Массовый психоз (Массовая истерия)

Mass psychosis is a mental epidemic, which is based on podrazhaet and suggestibility. He can also meet with names such as "mass hysteria", "collective obsessive behavior" or "collective hysteria".
In the pictures presented imprinted balloons (see news).
Satellite images are explained in the text.
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News: Balloons over San Paulo

Two days ago a man with the nickname SwitchKillEngagedd published on the report on the observation of a UFO over Sao Paulo. He took a few pictures on the Canon 450D. A little later he wrote that he found a video with a similar object filmed earlier, and it was decorated with balloons.
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