ID | #1575384019 |
Added | Tue, 03/12/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
The man claimed that he had a picture of a Ghost in a cemetery in Tubruk (Liverpool, England). This disturbing picture was taken on the night of Halloween, a man named Tony when he walked in Tubruk. He shows us the silhouette, which seems to be hanging over the grave.
He was going to a party with his girlfriend and two children when he offered to go for a walk in the cemetery.
Tony said in an interview with Liverpool Echo:
"It wasn't even scary. Was only 20 hours and was passing. While a friend of Tony and one of the kids decided not to go back to the cemetery, Tony and six year old daughter went ahead. We began to hear the sounds, but kept going. When the bells began to ring, I jumped up and said "let's get out of here." I just took a few photos. And only later, when I returned home, I saw her."
Describing this terrible way, Tony said:
"It looked like a man with a bald head. His hands, his body and his two feet are visible. In the second picture you can see almost two brown boots, emerging from the shadows."
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Un homme affirme avoir photographié un fantôme dans un cimetière situé à Tuebrook, à Liverpool, en Angleterre.
Cette image troublante a été prise le soir d’Halloween par un homme prénommé Tony alors qu’il se promenait à Tuebrook. Elle nous montre une silhouette qui semble planer au-dessus d'une tombe.
Il partait à une fête avec sa petite amie et ses deux enfants quand il leur avait suggéré d’aller se promener dans le cimetière.
Tony a confié au journal Liverpool Echo : « Je voulais juste essayer de faire paniquer les enfants avec ma lampe torche. »
« Ce n'était même pas si effrayant là-bas, il n'était que 20 heures et il y avait des voitures qui passaient, je veux dire que j'avais plus peur que la fillette de six ans de ma compagne. »
Alors que la petite amie de Tony et l'un des enfants avaient décidé de ne pas rendre dans le cimetière, Tony et la fille de six ans ont pris les devant.
L’homme a déclaré : « Alors que nous nous promenions, nous avons commencé à entendre des bruits mais nous avons continué à marcher. »
« Mais ensuite, les cloches ont commencé à retentir et j'ai sursauté. J’ai alors dit ‘ sortons d'ici’. »
« Alors que je partais, j'ai juste pris quelques photos. Ce n'est que plus tard, quand je suis rentré chez moi, que je l'ai vue. »
Décrivant cette image effrayante, Tony a déclaré : « On dirait un homme avec une tête chauve.Ses deux mains, son corps et ses deux pieds sont visibles. »
« Sur la deuxième photo, vous pouvez voir presque deux bottes brunes sortant de l’ombre. »
« Je peux voir toute sa tête, même sa bouche semble être pourvue de quelques dents. »
Malgré qu’il soit terrifié, Tony aimerait retourner au cimetière.
Il a ajouté : « Pour être honnête, j'aimerais revenir et vérifier la tombe - tout cela était juste un peu bizarre lorsque les cloches ont commencé à sonner. »
Quand on lui a demandé s’il croyait aux fantômes, Tony a répondu : « Oui et non, j’aimerais y croire et je dirais que j’y crois un peu plus maintenant »
Cependant, ses amis n'étaient pas convaincus.
Tony a ajouté : « Quand je leur ai envoyé la photo, ils se sont mis à rire et ils l’ont dit : ‘ouais ouais, à quelle heure allons-nous au pub ?’ »
A bloke claims to have snapped a ghost terrorising a cemetery in a chilling picture.
In the unsettling image – taken on Halloween – a figure appears to hover over a tomb.It was captured by a man called Tony while he was out for a walk in Tuebrook, Liverpool.
He had been to a party with his girlfriend and her two kids, when he suggested they all walk through the cemetery.
Tony told the Liverpool Echo: "I just wanted to try and freak the kids out about with the torch."It wasn't even that spooky in there, it was only 8pm and there were cars going by, I mean I was more scared than her six-year-old."
While Tony's girlfriend and one of the children decided against walking through the graveyard, Tony and her six-year-old daughter went ahead.
The local ghost hunter said: "When we were walking around, we started to hear noises but we carried on walking."But then the bells started and I jumped and was like 'let's get out of here'.
"As I was walking out I just took some pictures, it was only later when I got home that I saw it."
Describing the chilling picture, Tony said: "It looks like a man with a bald head, he's got two hands, a body and two feet."On the second picture you can see almost like two brown boots sticking out of the shadows.
"For me I can see from the top of the head down, even the mouth looks like it has a couple of teeth."
Despite being terrified, Tony would like to return to the cemetery.
He added: "To be honest I'd like to go back and check the grave – it all just got a bit weird when the bells kicked off."
Asked whether he believes in ghosts, Tony responded: "Yes and no, you like to be believe and I'd say I believe a bit more now."
However, his pals were unconvinced.
Tony added: "When I sent them the picture, they just started laughing and were like 'yeah yeah, what time are we going down to the pub?'."
Pareidolic illusion

A variety of visual illusions (the so-called "sensory illusions additions"); is the formation of illusory images, as a basis which are the details of the real object. Thus, the vague and obscure the visual image is perceived as something distinct and defined — for example, figures of people and animals in the clouds, the image of a man on the moon, "a hidden message", audible when you reverse the audio recordings, the shadows formed by leaves or complexes of objects in certain lighting (sometimes at a certain angle).
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The description is difficult to understand what the picture looks like a Ghost.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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