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Land creatures. Mexico

ID #1570783021
Added Fri, 11/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Ларедо NLE

A. KAZAKOV. (On materials of the Italian weekly "Panorama").

American sailors were shocked: the piles of metal debris, lay the charred corpse of a small humanoid creature with four-fingered hands, a big failure of the mouth without teeth and tongue, round and round, I could see the translucent greenish spots of "blood"...

Creepy and intriguing picture appeared in front of the eyes of a group of U.S. military personnel July 7, 1948. It happened in a border region of Mexico, near the U.S. city of Laredo. Then, 33 years ago, was made about five hundred photographs of the mysterious "pilot". For a long time they were kept in the strictest confidence, and only recently in the press published two of them.

Supporters of the existence of so-called UFOs - unidentified flying objects - and lovers of sensations, as expected, announced found in Mexico being an alien from another planet that died during an unsuccessful landing.

The arguments in favor of the "alien theory" found in the appearance of the mysterious pilot. A careful study of the remains found, for example, that the skull of the creature was no ear, no nose holes and eye sockets are arranged so that the angle of view of the owner would have reached 180 degrees.

A lot of controversy between the "UFO proponents" and "skeptics" has caused the growth of the creature - slightly more than 86 inches.

"This is one of the four monkeys, which, after the war, American experts have launched into the sky to explore the effect of acceleration on the living organism", - declared "skeptics".

However, that argues that the employee of the Museum of aviation and Astronautics American Institute "Smithsonian" Grigori Kennedy:

"Indeed, in the period from June 1948 to June 1949 in a captured German missiles "V-2" was launched into the sky four monkeys, but growth none of them reached 65 centimeters. The missile launch was made from the American naval base "Hermes", which is located in the 1.600 kilometers from the crash site of the aircraft with a mysterious creature. German "V-2" overcame the distance in no more than 400 kilometers."

Puzzling is the following circumstance: American radar recorded the speed of the device shortly before its fall - nearly 4,000 miles per hour. According to the official data of the U.S. government, such speeds at that time did not reach neither American nor German rocket.

So what - "the stranger"? Needless to say, I would like to believe... But the majority of scholars, engaged in research photos of the mysterious "pilot", still not inclined to think so.

According to them, was found 33 years ago in Mexico, the creature is still a monkey of a large species, the body which was badly mutilated. Apparently, in 1948, the American military experts, despite the official claims, carried out tests of missiles made in the United States, and it was done over densely populated areas of not only America, but also abroad.

So it is possible that the solution of "the mystery of the stranger" is stored somewhere in the secret in the secret archives of the Navy Department of the United States.


M. FILONOV (For foreign periodicals).

Thirty-three years ago in Mexico crashed on a strange flying machine. However, this case caused great interest, and soon forgot about it. But last fall, was represented by two pictures, which depicted the alleged extraterrestrial visitor, who was killed in his aircraft on the Ground. So how did this happen?

July 7, 1948, in 14 hours 29 minutes, local time in Mexico, 45 miles South of Laredo, crashed on an unknown machine. He allegedly was spotted by radar over Washington in 13 hours 22 minutes and flew four thousand miles in one hour! Immediately on a scene there arrived representatives of the Mexican army and air force USA. However, the object was discovered by American aircraft in only 2 hours and 15 minutes 8 July. Twelve hours after the disaster the machine was still Smoking. The fire destroyed everything that could burn, - rubber, glass, plastic and wood. The outer shell of the "ship" from the explosion scattered in pieces around, and managed to find only a small fraction of them.

The Smoking remains discovered the body of an unknown creature. Its growth was 137 cm, and the head was too large relative to the body. His eyes burned, but their orbits were too large compared to a human being. Other features supposedly left no doubt that the body belongs to the alien. The army has made over five hundred photographs. After careful examination by specialists in the same day - July 8 - the body was loaded into the helicopter and sent, in all probability, at a military air base, "white Sands" in new Mexico. As part of the aircraft loaded onto trucks and taken to the city of Laredo.

Thus, for three decades, the images stored in secret until a war photographer who participated in the investigation, finally decided to reveal the secret adherents of versions of "aliens" from space. In August last year, the images were transferred to the special services, which have as their task the investigation of all such cases. The results of studies and analyses using a variety of devices and computer led to the following conclusions:

  1. The negatives really dated thirty years ago.
  2. Really we are talking about a badly burned creature.
  3. All the signs indicate that the images were produced in approximately twelve hours after death.
  4. The creature was the height 863 mm (instead of 137 centimeters).
  5. Its dimensions resemble the dimensions of a laboratory monkey.
  6. Careful inspection reveals the earth's geometric shape and items that are clearly made by human hands.
  7. The fingers of the creature has nails.
  8. The skull was badly damaged during the explosion, and the body was crushed.
  9. There are no traces of forgery film.

Experts came to the conclusion that it is a normal lab monkey (the rhesus or orangutan). But if this is true and the circumstances of the incident is described accurately, then new issues arise. Indeed, in 1948 the United States government carried out the dangerous consequences of experiments with missiles over the relatively densely populated areas. Specialists so angered the American military that they were accused of Podesavanje facts about the alien.

This, incidentally, confirms the rumors that between 1945 and 1948 occurred five or six such cases that killed other monkeys. But as the United States at that time did not have its own rockets, then the monkeys flew on the German used in the war.

In fact, in 1948, experiments were conducted missile launches with the monkeys. According to Dr. Gregory Kennedy from the American Museum of Aeronautics and Astronautics, June 1948 - June 1948 there were four attempts to launch the live monkeys in rockets. However, he claims that all the animals were the monkeys, the rhesus monkey, rising to a maximum of 650 mm.

Specialists from the observation of unidentified flying objects found the first monkey-rhesus launched in order to study the effects of weightlessness and great acceleration. They say that the animal was under anesthesia. Supporters version with the "alien" put forward counterarguments.

First, in monkeys, the rhesus monkey has a tail, and the picture is not visible any sign of him. On the other hand, experimental animals were placed in special containers in the picture, again, not significantly similar structures. In addition, the maximum theoretical "range" missiles "V-2" is four hundred kilometers, and the base where supposedly it is running, is from the scene of the incident at a distance of 1 600 km.

In General, the debate continues, although contrary to all common sense and scientific analysis indicate that unidentified "visitor" of our planet in essence imposes a test animal used by the American military on Board the rocket.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.

According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

According to the data (more and more), declassified at the moment, in 1948, it was launched one Primate named albert to V-2 V-2 (37 ). It happened 11 (or 18?) June 1948. The Primate died of suffocation. The launch was conducted at the site white Sands (new Mexico):

1948 June 11 - 10:22 GMT - Launch Site: White Sands. Launch Complex: LC33. Launch Vehicle: V-2. LV Configuration: V-2 37.

Blossom III Biological/Ionosphere/Aeronomy is mission Nation: USA. Agency: USA. Apogee: 63 km (39 mi). Launched 03:22 local time. Reached 62.4 km. Carried pressure, temperature, composition, ionosphere, sky brightness, solar radiation experiments for Air Research and Development Command. Also carried Albert, the first American primate in space, who died of suffocation.

Nevertheless, the capsule was made and the scene of operations shifted to New Mexico for the final preparations. Early in the morning of 18 June 1948, a nine-pound anaesthetized rhesus monkey was sealed inside the capsule, which in turn was placed in the nose of a V-2 rocket. Because the monkey's name was Albert the entire operation became known as the Albert (I) Project.

Unfortunately, the project was plagued with a whole series of operational failures. The apparatus for transmitting respiratory movements failed even before the time of launch. This probably made no real difference, though, because there are indications that Albert died as a result of breathing difficulties in the cramped capsule before his rocket left the ground. Even the parachute recovery system devised to lower the nose cone with its animal capsule back to earth failed to function properly, and Albert would have been killed upon impact even if he had not died previously. The recorder placed within the capsule was successfully recovered and it showed no evidence of physiological activity at any time during the flight--which could mean either that the animal was dead from the outset or that there had been a complete failure not only of the mechanism for recording respiration but also of the electrocardiographic apparatus that was also attached to the subject.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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