ID | #1570439808 |
Added | Mon, 07/10/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
Strange Ghost was filmed walking down a British street in the middle of the night. These horrendous pictures were taken in Milford haven (Wales), Tuesday, 17 September 2019, early in the morning.
Ann Alston has this video posted on the Internet. She claimed that this strange silhouette was seen before, but has never been cleared. Since then, she appealed to the public to determine the nature of this phenomenon and its origin.
The video, captured by cameras at the intersection. A few seconds after passing a police car on the corner, because the street lamp there is a strange silhouette.
You can clearly see his head, his shoulders and his chest. I think he took a few steps before suddenly disappearing.
These images have been popularized on YouTube Grimreefar to shed light on the origin of this phenomenon.
He said
"The camera is outside in the Vitrin E and installed on the building. Because of this, it can't be a reflection. This is a problem in the matrix? A Ghost? Time traveler? Interdimensional being?"
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Une étrange apparition fantomatique aurait été filmée en train de « marcher » dans une rue britannique en pleine nuit.
Ces images terrifiantes ont été capturées à Milford Haven, au Pays de Galles, le mardi 17 septembre 2019, aux premières heures du matin.
Ann Alston a publié cette vidéo sur Internet. Elle a affirmé que cette étrange silhouette avait déjà été vue auparavant, mais qu'elle n'avait jamais encore été filmée.
Depuis, elle a sollicité l'aide du grand public afin de déterminer la nature de cette apparition et son origine.
La vidéo, prise à l’aide d’une caméra de vidéosurveillance, commence par nous montrer un embranchement.
Quelques secondes après le passage d'une voiture de police au coin d'un virage, la silhouette étrange semble sortir de derrière un réverbère.
On peut clairement voir sa tête, ses épaules et son torse.
Il semble faire quelques pas avant de disparaître subitement.
Ces images ont été popularisées sur YouTube par The Grimreefar afin de faire toute la lumière sur les origines de cette apparition.
Il a déclaré : « La caméra est à l'extérieur d’une vitrine et est montée sur un bâtiment. De ce fait, il ne peut pas s’agir d’un reflet. »
« Est-ce un problème dans la matrice ? Un fantôme ? Un voyageur temporel ? Un être interdimensionnel ? »
Peu de temps auparavant, le fantôme d'un petit garçon avait été filmé alors qu’il errait autour d'une maison en pleine nuit.
A bizarre full-bodied apparition has apparently been captured "walking" down a British street in the dead of night.
The haunting footage was captured in Milford Haven, Wales, in the early hours of Tuesday.
Ann Alston uploaded the clip claiming the bizarre figure had been seen previously before but never captured on camera.
She has since reached out to the wider public for help in determining what the figure is and where it came from.The clip, captured on CCTV, began with the sight of a junction.
Seconds after a police car drove around a corner, the bizarre figure appeared to walk out from behind a street lamp.
The shape of a head, shoulders and a torso could all be worked out from the figure.It seemed to take a few steps before disappearing out of sight.
YouTube conspiracist Disclose Screen The Grimreefar uploaded the footage yesterday in a bid to get to the bottom of the origins of the figure.
In the clip, he said: "The camera is outside the window mounted to the building so a reflection is out of the question.
"Is it a glitch in the matrix? A ghost? A time traveller? An interdimensional being?"
Scores of people have since commented on the clip.
One person said: "Bizarre! I can't debunk this."
Defect overwriting

When manyred party rewrite on film video can produce the effect similar to double exposure. On nowyou recording superimposed particles neudenau old.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Photo editing began to be used almost immediately after the advent of photography techniques. They were divided into methods of photomontage without manipulation of the image after receiving the photo and retouching of the photo itself or its negative (plate, film, etc.)
Take pictures and video from the screen

Most often this method is used to hide the detail, allowing to identify a fake, because of the fear of lost a significant part of fine detail, distorted image, etc.
However, it may be a special case of the use of frames from films, broadcasts etc. for fraud.
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